Her savior is impossible to find..

After performing the surgery that afternoon, Kyra returned to the office.

The news about Oliver taking her as his student and fellow has already spread throughout the department.

There are three female neurologists, one neurosurgeon, a dozen of nurses, a few residents, her fellow colleagues Teresa and Lilith from her department, some other female staff from administration department, HR department and all the other department like cardiology, radiology, pediatrics, gynecology who are his fans,

She was getting hate filled glares, envious looks from almost every woman in the hospital staff.

"This was way more intense than I expected. I pity the girl who would become his girlfriend and wife later," she said with a long sigh not knowing that she is pitying herself.

She felt this hate was worth what she is doing. Oliver is a great teacher, a great surgeon and a good person. He was considerate, patient and understanding.

Although Kyra herself is a good surgeon she is still far from reaching Oliver's level. That was because she is not as experienced as him and has not done as many surgeries as he did.

Being a neurosurgeon is not only about being knowledgeable and dextrous. Having experience matters a lot.

"Tired?" Ron, who just came back from doing his rounds, asked, handing her coffee. They became a little friendly in these few days.

"Thanks and no. Although I had two complicated surgeries on and on, I was able to handle it," Kyra answered. Working with Oliver made her immune to all these trivial things.

"A true surgeon," Ron chuckled and sat down across from her, at his desk.

"And..uhmm...Kyra, can I ask you something?" he asked.

"Sure", Kyra, who was packing her bag, answered without looking at him.

"Could you be my date for this weekend?" Ron asked, moving his fingers nervously around his hair.

"Oh," Kyra didn't know what to answer. She thought Claire and Ron would go together as they are close to each other.

"Claire is bringing her boyfriend as her date," he told her, as if he could tell what was going on in Kyra's mind.

"Uhmm… sorry, Ron. I was already asked by someone else and I said yes. If you would have asked a little earlier, I would have accepted." Kyra apologized.

She didn't want Ron to feel rejected as she knows how painful it will be no matter how small or big the matter is. That is why she answered him in a detailed manner/

"No issues. I understand," Ron said with a smile but it is obvious that he is disappointed. However, Kyra's explanation made him feel better.


"Could we stop at Regal TechPark?" Kyra asked Sawyer who was driving her this time. The actual driver was busy with shifting of her new house. All her cars, bikes and other

important stuff have been shipped and have arrived. Her people are busy shifting them.

"Sure, miss." Sawyer answered.

Kyra is opening a branch of her business here and has rented out five floors in the Real Tech Park which is the tech hub in this city.

Her employees have sent her the places and she selected this one as it is close to her new apartment. She is visiting it to sign the rental agreement and soon, the preparation will start.

"Your parents and brother's are worried, miss," Sawyer told her.

"Why?" Kyra asked, confused. She talks to them at least one time a day. And, she is also following her healthy lifestyle.

Morning jog or gym. Meditation. Healthy food. Her anxiety medicines.... She is doing everything properly so as not to worry her family.

"They are worried you would settle here," Sawyer said with a chuckle. When it comes to their dearest daughter, Collins is sometimes overanxious.

Kyra laughed.

"Why will I? God! They are overthinking again," she said in the middle of her laughter.

"They indeed are, miss. But it's not surprising they are thinking it this way.", Sawyer voiced out his thoughts.

"Why is it not surprising?"Kyra asked.

"You are starting a branch of your company here, miss. And, you are also planning to take back your grandmother's company as well." Sawyer said.

"That doesn't mean I will be shifting here! Every company will have its sub branches overseas right? I will just merge my company and my grandmother's. I will manage them from home" Kyra explained.

"That's not their prime concern, miss. What will you do if you find your saviour and he says he loves you ? What if the secret he wanted to tell you later makes you stay here?" Sawyer asked. As he is also like a brother here, he knows everything about her.

When Kyra heard his questions, she frowned. She tried to come up with an answer but truth to be told, she never thought this far. Her savior is impossible to find..

He technically doesn't exist in this world. There is no single trace of him…

She had hired the best team however, even though they couldn't find him.

"I didn't even find him and here you guys are already overthinking it," Kyra sighed. Although she sounded normal, her heart was in turmoil.

What if he tells her that he loves her and that was the reason he saved her? What should she do?