Eleven most important people are attending the event.

"SURPRISE!!!", the cheerful, exciting screams made Kyra tear up more. 

All her adopted family is here!

All her brothers, her busy adopted parents, her bestest friends Sofia and Chloe, her second brother friend Matthew and his brother Daniel who stayed quiet, which didn't surprise KYRA that much. He is a quiet person and everyone knows that. 

"You guys!" Kyra muffled her sib as her face filled with her happy tears. 

"Oh Sweety, why are you crying? Did something happen?" her adopted father, Charles asked, startled. 

Even though he is aware that they are happy tears, he couldn't help but worry. There were times when Kyra would abruptly start crying but it was in the past when her emotions were unstable and she was in depression. Now, she is totally fine but they couldn't stop worrying especially when she is in this city where her cruel family lives. 

"I am fine. Just surprised." Kyra managed to control her emotions after seeing her father's deep concern for her. 

"I didn't expect" she told him as she gave him and his adopted mother a hug. They caressed her hair lovingly, with a huge smile on their face. 

"How could we not come to your first housewarming ceremony?" her mother Catherine asked, kissing her forehead. 

"You guys are very busy nowadays. I didn't want to disturb you," Kyra apologized for not inviting them. 

"You never disturb us, Ky," her first brother Andrew said, giving her a hug. 

"How are you?" Kyra asked, touching his forehead where the bandage was covering his recent scar. What worried her more is his lethargic eyes. 

His wife, Heaven died a year ago and he is still mourning for her in his own way, which was to keep himself busy with missions and training. He and his wife were both in the military. She was a doctor there but died in a bombing. 

"I am living," he said with a sad smile and it squeezed her heart seeing him like this. He reminded her of herself. 

"Twins?" she asked with a sad smile. The twins are just four years old now and they are currently having a vacation in their maternal grandparents house. 

"Uncle said he will bring them here in an hour." he answered her. Their grandfather is none other than the hospital's president/ Oliver's Godfather. 

Kyra nodded her head. 

"Baby sis, you have six other brother's and two other friends to welcome," her second brother, Walter said. 

"Hey, how can you add me to her brother's squad. I am not a brother to her!!", Andrew who is Walter's best friend, complained almost immediately with a threatening glare.

"You just said I am your best bro! If you are a bro to me, you are a brother to her as well!" Walter rebuked with a mocking smile. 

'I will call you brother in law from now', Andrew thought inside. 

"Guys, stop your petty fight and let Kyra finish with her welcomes! She just came back after a hectic day at the hospital and here you are, acting insensitive" Sofia, who is Andrew's sister, shouted at them. 

"And, here they are, stating that they love her the most of all. So petty for the CEO's like them," Chloe, Kyra's best friend/ Walter's personal secretary added, giving both the big guys a deadly glare. 

Walter zipped his mouth obediently and Andrew could only sigh. 

Kyra chuckled looking at the trio. Her best friend, Chloe could control these both, the CEO's of two billion dollar companies with the flick of her finger. While her brother Walter loves Chloe, Andrew was her cousin whom he loves so much. 

"You rejected his love, again?"Kyra asked Chloe as everyone walked inside after Kyra finished with her hugs and hi's. 

"I did. Your second brother is a big playboy, Ky. I just saw him and that spoiled princess Reena kissing" Chloe said. 

"You know Reena. She would have tricked him into it. She has been trying to seduce him from months" Kyra said. 

"Of course, I know. I am his secretary after all and I know he went there for a meeting with Reena's brother," Chloe answered. 

"Then?" Kyra asked. Her brother Walter called her yesterday night and bawled like a little boy complaining that Chloe rejected him again. Well, he didn't bawl but Kyra loves to compare it with bawling. 

"He loves me but doesn't know how to pursue me properly. He is a coward," Chloe chukled. 

"You will wait for him but?" Kyra asked as she and Chloe climbed upstairs to Kyra's room. 

Sofia stayed behind so she and Kyra's fourth brother, Ryan could continue their banter on why she wouldn't dance with him in tomorrow's charity event. 

Yes, all of them are coming and that was the reason the theme was changed to masquerade theme. Seeing these eleven important figures at the same place would totally change the cause of the charity event as the people would be busy currying their favours with them instead of donating to the charity. 

"Why would you wait for him if you don't find perfect for you?" Kyra asked, confused. 

"Silly! No one is perfect and expecting a relationship to be perfect is the most naive thing.", Chloe answered with a small flick on Kyra's forehead. 

"I find your brother cute, attractive and I admire him. Although he has many female fans buzzing around him, I am always the special one to him. Besides all these, my heart flutters like crazy when we have some moments and my EQ and IQ drops to zero with him around, teasing me which he does very often. I know he is the one so, yes, I will wait for him till he becomes a better person. Now...Now, go and take a bath. You smell like antiseptic" Chloe said, pushing Kyra into the washroom. 

"Hey, I can't smell anything at all!" Kyra complained from inside. 

"It's because you practically live in the hospital, dear. Your nose can't tell the difference" Chloe responded. 

Kyra chuckled, her face glowing like the thousand lights after meeting her family and friends. 

Sliding into the warm water in the bathtub, Kyra closed her eyes in content but what Chloe told her about how she felt for her brother, made her freeze. 

She didn't think but what Chloe told matches with how she herself feels for Oliver. 

Is that mean, Oliver is special to her in her heart??