Matchmaking Oliver and Kyra.

After a long bath, Kyra quickly dressed up in a hoodie and track pants. She prefers a camisole and shorts but Andrew and his cousin brother are there as well.

She knows that Matthew loves her and is attracted to her, so she is cautious not to do anything that would make him get more attached to her. Moreover, she knows his cousin brother, Daniel only a little.

By the time she came down, the whole living room was brimming with liveliness and festivity. Her parents, first brother Andrew, third brother William, fifth brother Ian are busy in the kitchen, probably cooking.

Her second brothers Walter, Matthew, Chloe are decorating the house and outdoors with candles, lights and other stuff to make it a proper housewarming. Like always the trio are busy with their banters.

Her fourth brother Ryan was glued to his 'would be' girlfriend, annoying her while she arranged the dining table outdoors. Matthew's cousin Daniel was the only one standing far, talking on the phone seriously. He is a gynecologist, one of the famous personalities just like Oliver.

Everyone is busy, trying their best to make this event a beautiful memory to Kyra. A smile made its way to her lips as she looked around, seeing her family all happy and laughing now and then. This is the family she badly wanted and she considers herself lucky for meeting them.

Before Kyra could join any of the three groups, she got a phone call from the security outside to inform her that some guests were waiting for her. After Kyra gave her approval, the security allowed them to pass and within a few minutes, she heard the car parking on the driveway.

And, before she could open the door, the door got unlocked by itself and the two cute, five year old kids sprinted towards her.

"Aunt Ky!" Their cheerful screams made everyone in the home stop whatever they are currently doing and look at them. The kids are her first brother Andrew children.

"We missed you," they pouted, hugging her as she squatted down to receive their hug.

"Me too, cupcakes" she told as she hugged them back. They kissed her cheeks and Kyra kissed them on their forehead.

While the trio was immersed in their loving moments, three more people entered the house.

It was obviously the twins' maternal grandparents, the president of the hospital and his wife who is the vice president. The other person was someone Kyra knows too well: Her idol Oliver.

When Kyra saw Oliver, she froze.

"Aunt Ky...Aunt Ky, meet our favorite uncle Oli. We were telling you about our other best friend, remember? It's him" the twins said, pulling her hand as they walked towards Oliver.

Kyra's cheeks reddened a little as she remembered about her conversation with Chloe. She is really confused about how she feels about Oliver now.

Meanwhile, Oliver felt his ears redden too. Seeing her laughing so freely with the kids made him stare at her. Her happiness directly impacted his own mood. It made him feel happy as well.

"I didn't expect I would meet you here," Oliver said in a faint voice.

"Me too" Kyra whispered back and all of a sudden she felt shy.

"The kids forced me to come," Oliver added, not knowing what else to say. It was awkward for him but it also felt good to see her.

"And... there is no need to send your address tomorrow," he added with a chuckle, remembering that he had to pick her up tomorrow for the event.

"Yes." Kyra laughed too.

Subconsciously their eyes met and before they could know it, their gazes were locked on each other. They are of course having a moment.


"Sis, they know each other!" the five years boy whispered to his twin sister.

"It looks like you are right, bro. At least this will reduce our work," his twin sister chuckled back.

"Yes!" the boy giggled. They are trying to matchmake their favorite aunt and uncle.

Their mother once told them that she would love to see them both become a couple. She told them Kyra and Oliver share a deeper bond than anyone could ever imagine.

While Kyra, Oliver and kids are having this moment, the hospital's president and his wife are busy with their greetings.


At the same time in an outdoor dining place…

"It's Oliver!! He came with uncle Albert, Aunt Linda and the twins," Sofia told her brother Matthew,

"What is he doing here?!", Matthew asked, totally agitated. He and Oliver are like an arch nemesis to each other. They never get along!!

"He is the favorite uncle of the twins from their maternal side. Seems like kids insisted him to come," Sofia answered. As the twins lost their mother a year ago, everyone is cautious towards them and no one would ever say no to whatever they ask.

"Really! Fine then! Just call me after that idiot goes away. Till then I am sitting here!", Matthew said, as he sat down on the recliner.

"Do whatever you want. He is busy anyway, talking to Kyra. They are laughing and chuckling a lot.", Sofia said, intentionally pissing her brother off.

"What the hell did you say now?" Mathew asked, jerking back to his feet. He loves Kyra so much and he is already failing as Kyra has her savior in her heart. The last thing he wants right now is another man competing over him.

"Sofi, isn't he the 'pervert' Kyra was telling us a few days ago?" Kyra's fourth brother Ryan asked as he jogged to them.

"What!!!" Andrew shouted but like always, his little sister ignored him. As of Ryan, he would prefer to talk to Sofia than answer his questions.

"Didn't Kyra tell you not to call him a pervert? She is the one who has been staring at him like a pervert. How many of these situations have happened till date?" Sofia asked, not at all noticing the terror in her brother's eyes.

"Ten perhaps! Man, I lost count," Ryan answered to his 'would be girlfriend'.

"To make it simple, we can tell it happens every time they meet", he added.

"I just saw them! They are staring into each other's eyes now. They are certainly having a moment," Chloe excitedly said.

All Chloe wants for her friend is to enjoy her life rather than waiting for some mysterious savior whose name, face and even the age are not known.

Matthew walked to the door and peeked at the twins, Oliver and Kyra. When he saw Kyra laughing happily, he felt his heart squeeze. Why is it not him?

Why is it Oliver?? Why is it always him?

First, he ruined the only date he had with Kyra a few years back.

Later, they shared a romantic moment during the twin's third birthday in London. And, he is totally clueless of how extent these both went later on.

Now, they met again???

And, like the above two incidents, he could see the spark in between them!