She and Oliver are so similar.

After having dinner, Oliver left.

He never imagined that Kyra was the daughter of Charles Collins and Catherine Collins. They are legends in the medical field.

Now, he understood why she kept her real identity hidden. If others find out that Kyra is the daughter of the famous Collins family, there would be no end of bootlicking and currying up the favors with her.

Even the attending physicians, head of departments would try to get into her good side and that would make things easy for Kyra.

But she didn't want that. It seems like she likes to take the honest road though it could be tough on her.

"So, she is my fan as well!" Oliver thought as he chuckled. He remembers meeting Kyra's father four years back at some conference.

At that time he was not as popular as now and was still on the way to his fame.

Not many people knew him back then and he certainly didn't expect the great Dr. Collins to personally invite him for dinner at his home.

That was a tempting offer for Oliver as Dr. Collins was his idol but he had to decline the invitation as he was having a bad day.

He just broke up with his girlfriend and vowed to never come back to London ever again.

It was only later he had found out that Dr. Collins' precious daughter was his fan and treats him like an idol.

He felt guilty for rejecting the dinner invitation but he knew he couldn't do anything to compensate for it as he would not be going back there.

It certainly is a fate that he got to meet that girl after so many years.

"And, she is very serious about her work," Oliver told himself.

If she wanted, she would have gotten a position in her parent's hospital itself.

No one would dare to say anything to her and she would have led a happy life however, she decided to go to a place where she would be treated equally with others.

It is obvious that she is adamant to create her own identity without the tag of her family's background helping her.

Not only that, but even in this hospital she is closely related to the president.

She would have used his name to get a special treatment but she never brought that topic not even with him.

Even when the spoiled rich princesses in her office are showing off in front of her, she would only smile and do her work.

It made Oliver very impressed.

Her type of people are very rare and he is glad he got such a sincere, good fellow.

He was attracted to her from the first time he saw her and what he felt was not in his control. Now, he is glad he didn't make the wrong decision of not taking her as his fellow because of his personal reasons.

Kyra is destined to excel in her career and he is glad he didn't disrupt it.


Meanwhile, back at Kyra's house

The twins stayed behind but their maternal grandparents took off after dinner. They had to take charge of tomorrow's event.

After almost an hour of chit chat and catching up, Kyra's adopted parents went to bed as well.

Kyra and others are now sitting in the lounge. The fire pit was lit and everyone was sitting around it.

The twins were glued to their favorite aunties Kyra, Sofia and Chloe, already asleep leaning on them.

Like always, Sofia and Kyra's fourth brother Ryan are busy bantering while her second brother Walter was trying to talk Chloe out of something but his stubborn secretary was adamant to follow her own plan.

Kyra was looking at these two duo's with a smile. She could tell that her best friends would soon become her sister in law's. No one could be more happy than her.

"Your work was going smoothly, right?" Matthew abruptly asked Kyra.

Ever since he saw the interaction between Oliver and Kyra his heart is restless.

He is worried that Kyra is falling for Oliver. Although he has seen her laugh many times, he never thought she would become this close to a person in such a short time and even flirt with them.

Yes, he noticed how Kyra was tucking her hair beneath her ear and he had seen how her gaze was constantly fixated on Oliver.

These are obvious signs that she is falling for him or at least, about to fall for him. Moreover, she admires him and there is a high possibility her admiration could turn into crush and then love. Who knows?!

"Yes." Kyra answered, her eyes fixated on the sleeping faces of the twins.

They reminded so much of their mother that Kyra couldn't help but reminisce her good memories with Heaven, twin's mother.

Heaven was also the one who was helping her in locating her savior. The point here is, they are close to each other like sisters and share everything.

Heaven said she was close to tracking her savior but unfortunately she died.

"So, Oliver is your boss?" Matthew asked, massaging his neck.

"Yep," Kyra answered.

Matthew felt suffocated noticing how short her answers are.

She was not like this before she arrived here! It's all Oliver's fault!!

"I like Oliver. He is a good person", her second brother Walter abruptly said and that of course got her attention and that made Matthew's mood more sour.

So, she can afford to divert her attention when it comes to Oliver but not him? What's so special about him, again??

"You know him, bro?" Kyra asked, looking at Walter, her second brother.

"Of course I know him sis! We were college mates for one year. Me, Matthew and Oliver," Walter said.

"Oliver was in business school?" Kyra asked.

"Yes, he was. His grandfather insisted that he had no choice. He did part of his resident program in our parent's hospital and at the same time, he was pursuing his business management as well.", Walter answered.

"I know him too. He was my gym mate and he is good at tennis. I asked him to be my partner at some competitions but he already had a busy life", her fifth brother Ian said all of a sudden.

"He stayed in London?" Kyra asked.

"For one year according to my knowledge." her third brother, William said.

"You know him too!" Kyra asked, now surprised.

"Yes. We met each other by chance through a mutual friend" William answered.

So, they knew Oliver before they even met her.

"You guys never told me. I was his fan!"Kyra pouted.

"We found out that Oliver is your idol four years back. You wanted to work with him but he swore not to come to London ever again. We didn't want to disappoint you with something that is not possible." her first brother Andrew explained.

"Why didn't he want to come there?" Kyra asked.

"He broke up with his girlfriend and wanted to move on. She lives in London, so he didn't want to cross paths." This time her second brother answered her.

Kyra was taken aback by sudden revelation.

Strangely, she felt a pain in her chest and she knew it made her sad. But she is unaware of why it made her sad.

Was it because Oliver had a girlfriend or was it because she knows how it feels to break a relationship with someone dearest to heart.

"But he moved on pretty fast. He just focussed more on his career and I don't think he took that relationship seriously." this time, Matthew said.

He didn't like how her brothers were praising Oliver. That man is a big ego monster!

"No Matt. Oliver had it hard. He even met with an accident because of that mental stress and was very affected by the breakup. His grandfather was terrified when he saw Oliver in that condition."

"So, he sent Oliver to take therapy for three months somewhere in Australia. After coming back, he was a changed person but I know it took him a few years to totally move on. He takes relationships pretty seriously, all right!" This time it was Matthew's cousin Daniel who spoke.

He stayed calm till now but that doesn't mean he will stay quiet while someone throws dirt on his best friend Oliver's reputation.

"Really? I never even thought he had it this hard. He is totally a new person now", Kyra told Daniel.

"He is just like you, Kyra. A new leaf" Daniel said.

"Yeah, we seem to have more in common" Kyra whispered which was only audible to her.