What is our date’s name?

"Hey Kyra would you be my date tomorrow." Matthew asked. 

Kyra, who was walking towards her door, stopped and looked at him. 

"You both continue, then. I will send the twins to bed" Chloe said and nudged Sofia to follow her. She didn't want to embarrass her cousin by staying here to see him get reject by Kyra.

"Yes, uh...do whatever you are doing now," Sofi told them and followed Chloe.  

Although Matthew and Kyra don't have any history, it was still awkward as everyone knows Matthew loves Kyra.

He got rejected so many times but he is still not ready to move on yet. 

Meanwhile, Kyra didn't know what to do now. She just found out that he and Oliver have a bad past, so it might hurt Matthew if she tells him she is going with his arch nemesis. 

"I don't have a female partner. My sister Sofia is going with your fifth brother Ian and my cousin Chloe with your second brother"

"Your third brother snatched away my secretary and your fourth brother was coming with his colleague and I don't have anyone to go to now", he explained to her. 

If he really wanted a partner, he would have found one just with a flick of his fingers. 

But, he only wants Kyra. Only her!!

"Actually, someone from work has already asked me, Matt. I didn't know you guys were coming here, otherwise, I wouldn't have said yes to anyone and would have waited for you all.", she told him, threading her words carefully so she wouldn't be giving false hopes to him. 

Yes, she felt bad for rejecting him over and over again but she simply never saw him in that way and she never had any romantic feelings for him. He was more like a brother and good friend to her. 

"Oh", Matthew pursed his lips. 

"Sorry, Matt. If you want I could ask someone-", she was about to continue but Matthew stopped her. 

"It's fine, Kyra. I will ask my business client," he told her and after giving her a smile, he left. 

Kyra sighed and walked into her room. By then, her best friend Sofia and Chloe are already in their Pj's, waiting for her. 

"Get changed, girl. We are having a girl's night!" they said in unison and throwed the matching PJ's to her. 

Kyra chuckled and said as they did and by the time she came back, many beer bottles, popcorn, and other snacks were already on the table. 

"Like always, let's start it with a horror movie. No sleep tonight!!" Sofia cheerfully shouted and the girl's night started with that. 


"I think your sister likes Oliver," Matthew told Kyra's second brother, Walter, who is his best friend. 

"She might be. All she talks about in our video call is about Oliver and her work with him. She was never this happy." Walter said as he leisurely leaned on the headboard of the bed. 

"You never told me, Walt!! You know I love her, don't you," Andrew sighed, getting on to the bed at the other side while he dried his wet hair with a towel. 

"I didn't want you to die with jealousy Matt. Moreover, I thought she was happy because she got to work with her idol. Afterall, we all feel happy if we are doing great at our work, right?." Walter said, trying to defend himself.

Truth to be told, he is aware that his sister Kyra would never fall for his best friend Matthew. 

He knew Kyra never saw Matthew as a romantic choice. So, the last thing he wants for his sister is to get into a half hearted relationship with Matthew just because he is close to the family.

Kyra is a person who always prioritizes the family, so there would be no surprise if she marries Matthew who was deemed as the perfect groom by the elders of the family. Walter doesn't want Kyra to be in that position. 

"Yes! You are right dude. Why am I overthinking?? It could be just like you said. She might not be attracted to him. Maybe she still admires him and that's why she treats him special!!" Matthew exclaimed, totally convinced that it could be the reason. 

But he is simply in denial to think of other possibilities. 

"Dunno bro. I saw many fangirls falling for their idols. Especially the ones who get to work with their idols closely. My sister could be a genius and an exceptional person but she is still a girl with a-" Walter was about to continue but Matthew threw a pillow at him. 

"Stop rubbing salt into my wound, man! It's not always true that a fan girl falls for her idol. Take you and my cousin Chloe as an example. She used to admire you so much, but now-" Matthew yelped all of a sudden when Walter threw a pillow at him. 

"Don't rub salt in my wound as a payback, Matt.Your cousin loves me but, uhmm, she is ju..just shy to accept it" Walter responded. 

"My cousin is shy??"Matthew laughed. "You are like a cat in front of her!", he added. 

They  glared at each other and then turned to the other sides and closed their eyes. Pulling as much blanket as possible towards them. 


The next morning.

Kyra slept early in the morning because of the girls' night and woke up only in the afternoon. By the time she woke up, her parents were not there. 

As a doctor herself, Kyra understands how crucial her parent's time is. They already left her the message that they would directly arrive at a charity event and will spend the whole tomorrow with her. 

"Ky, what is our date's name? Is it really a 'date' or just for the event? Do you have feelings for him or -", Sofia the drama queen was about to flood Kyra with questions but Kyra interjected her. 

"You are going with my fifth brother, right? Is it a 'date'," Kyra asked. 

"Of course," Sofia answered. Which made Kyra's fourth brother narrow his eyes. For how long will this 'would be girlfriend' of his play around the bush?

"How come I heard differently? Yesterday night you-" Kyra was about to speak but Sofia closed Kyra's mouth with her palm. 

"You devil!! Fine! I won't tease you! Ahh… you are becoming very heartless", Sofia huffed. 

"Am I heartless, darling? Then I will stop loving you", Kyra imitated Sofia's dramatic tone. 

"No.. no. Who said you are heartless! Don't stop loving this beauty!"Sofia exclaimed and both she and Kyra started laughing.

Kyra's fourth brother Ryan joined their laughter. He absolutely loves seeing the two most important women of his life play like this. 

Not only him but everyone chuckled at the dramatic yet sweet conversation. 

"But, who is your date really?? You are dodging the question everytime we ask. Is he a special one in your heart, Ky? You won't hide things unless those really matters to you.", Chloe, the Sherlock Holmes of their group asked. 

This piqued up the curiosity of everyone but Kyra just smiled before answering. "Why so curious? It's not like I am really dating that person. You will find out during the event anyway," 

She would have easily answered them that it's Oliver as everyone here surprisingly knows him. But the questions that might follow afterwards were the things that made her decide to delay the revelation. She just doesn't know how to answer those questions. 

Does Oliver really have a special place in her heart? She herself doesn't know the answer as she is uncertain about what those feelings really are.