Oliver flirted with her.

Kyra kept it simple as she is attending the event as a doctor.

However, as she is also the date of the director/the famous Oliver Miller, she has put just the right amount of grandeur needed.

Oliver already told her not to take it too stressful and just be herself during the event. When she asked how her appearance should be as his date, it was a simple answer.

'Keep it simple and classy, which you already are. So, be yourself'

Remembering his words, Kyra felt her cheeks reddening.

She never knew he was such a sweet talker. That was when she also realized that she doesn't know him as much as she predicted she knew.

"You are blushing." Chloe noticed while she helped Kyra with her hair.

"I am not!" Kyra denied, cupping her cheeks.

"Kyra Alexandra Collins, I have been your best friend for six years. Don't try to hide your emotions from me and, your secrets are always safe with me.", Chloe told her.

"If you don't tell me the reason I will tell Sofia that you had another crush other than your savior." Chloe blackmailed.

Kyra narrowed her eyes but finally gave up and told Chloe about what Oliver told her before.

"Silly! How could you take that only as a compliment?? He is clearly flirting with you as well!", Chloe said, shaking her head in helplessness.

Her friend is a genius but she clearly lacks experience when it comes to men.

It is because she never dared to date given how bad her past was. She is afraid to make a new relationship just because she finds some man attractive!

"Hey, Oliver is not like that. He spoke those words in an extremely professional tone!" Kyra exclaimed.

"My innocent, naive friend, you are beyond saving. Is there a rule a man shouldn't flirt using a professional tone? Those types of men are foxes in sheep's clothing. They might act indifferent and it will take a while for us, the girls, to realize their true nature. Once those wolves find their woman, they will be insatiable" Chloe said.

"Seems like you have already experienced this. Tell me, is it my Second brother, Walter?" Kyra asked, teasing Chloe.

Chloe blushed and that made Kyra laugh. But her mind is busy with what Chloe told her now.

However, as it is already time she didn't dwell on that topic much and left the house using the other door. The last thing she wants is her brother's safety lectures.

As she is in this city, they could be more restless than before and even insist on following her to the venue. It would be uncomfortable for Oliver.

By the time Kyra reached the back gate, Oliver was already there.

She messaged him to wait at the back entrance rather than the front one as Sofia and her fourth brother Ryan could be waiting to see her date.

Poor things don't know that there is a small gate in the garden.

Meanwhile, Oliver who was waiting felt the gate open and when he saw Kyra, the same usual thing happened. He froze…

She looked so beautiful and elegant that he couldn't take his eyes off her. This time he didn't avert his eyes but took his time admiring her.

She is wearing a black taffeta retro style, knee length dress as the theme of the event is retro masquerade theme.

She paired it with a diamond necklace set which enhanced the beauty of her long, slim neck. The pairing ring, a bracelet glowed under the warm sunset, bringing more beauty to hand.

She was wearing a black high heels and was holding a black clutch.

She kept it simple but she looked so elegant and alluring. However, Oliver could tell that she is carrying things that could be worth millions.

Her heels, her clutch has diamonds studded in it and the necklace she is wearing was sold in auction for hundreds of millions a few months back. Her dress was also a limited version of a luxurious brand.

Although he is not sure as he doesn't focus on fashion trends, he is aware that Kyra's brothers buy the expensive things for their sister wherever they go.

They spend millions and millions in auctions, luxurious high end shops.

Even her parents bring her one or other things wherever they go.

While Oliver was looking at her, Kyra had her quick peek as well. He is wearing a black, three piece suit and somehow his outfit matched her outfit. He looked dashing and handsome like usual.

This time, it was Kyra who exited her trance first. She coughed a little, while chuckling and it was only when Oliver came out of his daze.

To cover his embarrassment, he pretended as if nothing happened and opened the door for her.

Kyra quickly entered the car and sat down in the passenger seat. As he is pretending as if nothing happened, Kyra did the same.

Oliver didn't waste any time and ignited the engine. But he couldn't stop but glance at her once.

"You look so beautiful, Miss Lopez," he said.

"Or, should I call you, Miss Collins?" he added.

Kyra smiled to cover her guilt. She was lying about her identity to her mentor/boss/idol. It is something she shouldn't do but she had no option.

"Whatever makes you comfortable sir. I didn't mean to hide my identity but-"

"You wanted to create your own identity rather than depending on your family's fame", before Kyra could finish her sentence, Oliver finished it for her.

Kyra nodded her head. Although it was one of the reasons, the main reason was something else.

"I appreciate your effort. So, I will respect Miss Lopez," he said, using her fake name to show his respect.

"I will not let down your respect sir. Thank you", Kyra answered.

"Here, your mask" Oliver said as he reached out for the box at the back seat before opening it for her.

They are a couple themed black masks and they perfectly matched their clothes. Overall, their outfits looked like couple outfits now.