I troubled you a lot

The knock on the door broke the peaceful silence in the room.

Oliver and Kyra glanced at the door and Oliver gently freed Kyra from his warm embrace.

"It should be your brother," he said before walking to the door and opening it.

As soon as the door clicked open, Kyra's adopted mother, Catherine rushed into the room and took Kyra into a hug.

"Are you okay, dear??", she asked, her worry evident in her eyes.

Seeing that concern in Catherine's eyes, Kyra's emotional wall completely broke down. She hugged her mother tightly and started to sob.

How good it would have been if her adopted mother was her real mother?

She wouldn't have gone through these trauma's if her biological mother was at least ten percent as motherly and kind as her adopted mother. But she is truly unlucky when it comes to this aspect.

"It's fine, dear. It's fine. You did well. You did better than I expected, honey.", Catherine whispered the soothing words to Kyra as she gently rained kisses on Kyra's forehead. Even her eyes watered seeing Kyra in this vulnerable state.

However, as she said now, her trauma seems to have reduced by a bit. If it was Kyra from a few years back, she would have got serious breathing issues, her body would have burned up and she would have lost consciousness as well.

Walter, her second brother, prepared her medicines in the meantime and Oliver warmed up the water for her. Later they handed it over to her.

Kyra felt her heart warm up looking at these three extraordinary figures as they took care of her like a child. At these times, she feels like her past doesn't matter anymore but she was always proved wrong. Her past can't be erased from her life, right?

Those traumatic moments are imprinted in her mind and have a deep impact on her whole life.

"Kyra, if you want you can go home and rest. I will be waiting outside and if you decide to go home, just don't worry about anything else. I will handle everything", Oliver told her before he walked out of the room to give the family some privacy. Just by listening to their words, he could tell this isn't the first time Kyra experienced these things.

If she leaves in the middle of the event and bail on him, people might overthink the situation but what others think is not his concern at all. All he could feel now is deep concern and sorrow for Kyra.

"I as well recommend you to go back and rest tonight, dear." Kyra's mother said after Oliver left the room.

"No mom. I want to be here. Yes, my trauma got triggered but I am fine now, aren't I? Moreover, I don't want my life to be disrupted just because that woman showed up in my life again. When I came here, I was ready to face her but I didn't expect to meet her this soon." Kyra said, her tone firm and back to normal which surprised both her adopted mother and brother.

"Sis, don't be stubborn and please go and take some rest. You look tired and shaken up," Walter told her, taking her hand into his. Although she sounded normal now, as someone who has been there with her for six years, he could tell that her stubborn front was just a camouflage.

"I am really fine! And, I don't want to miss the first auction of my paintings. You guys know how much this means to me right? Moreover, you guys will be there with me and if I am not wrong, you guys would have thrown that woman and her daughter away" Kyra said, looking at both her mother and second brother with her stubborn eyes.

Her mother and brother sighed in unison and exchanged meaningful glances. They were worried about her but what she just told them was right too.

They could only agree with her.

"Don't go out of our sight, okay. We will be worried dead," her mother told her with a faint smile.

"I won't. I promise," Kyra answered and hugged her mother before giving a hug to her brother as well. Later, she left the room and just as he told her, Oliver was there, standing at the corner of the corridor, waiting for her.

When she saw him, her heart warmed up instantly. A full blown smile appeared on her lips as she approached him. She could never forget how he took care of her now and most importantly, she could never forget the sense of security she felt with him.

It felt very similar to how she felt with her savior, seven years back.

He is the reason why she was able to pass her traumatic stage in this short span of time. He made her feel calm and protected at the same time. The feeling she felt was indescribable.

"Let's go. Auction should be starting any time soon" Kyra said.

"Are you really fine? Don't force yourself to do this, okay?" Oliver said as he approached her.

"I am fine now and I really want to be there for the auction. I want to buy a few things and contribute my fair share to the charity," Kyra said with a smile.

Olive smiled at her and nodded his head before extending his elbow so she could hold it for support.

Kyra obliged and they leisurely walked towards the venue.

"I am sorry for earlier, Mr. Miller. I troubled you a lot." Kyra apologized. Her face was filled with embarrassment. She is a strong woman and the way she acted just now made her look so weak and clingy.

She showed her most vulnerable side to her boss/idol instead of showing her strong, confident side. It is not professional of her.

"There is nothing to be sorry, Ms. Lopez. Everyone has their fair share of vulnerabilities and I am glad I could be there for you at the time you needed the most," he told her in a gentle tone.

"I really owe you a lot, sir. I don't know how to show my gratitude to you," Kyra responded. "I can't thank you enough for what you did earlier." she added after a few seconds.

"Just have a walk with me after this event, Ms. Lopez, that's all I ask you. I have something to ask you." Oliver said.

"It's my pleasure, sir. I surely will," Kyra said and they entered the hall.