Let's take a walk.

"I am surprised you bought three of the Passion's paintings," Kyra said as she and Oliver walked out of the venue.

"One is for my grandfather. He likes Passion's abstract paintings. The other one is for my best friend and the last one is for me", Oliver answered. He is not a fan of art but that particular painting pulled him towards it every time he looked at it.

His heart felt restless and unsettled seeing that painting but at the same time, he felt connected to it and though it pained his heart, he wanted to keep looking at it.

That painting's name was 'First Love'.

And according to Oliver, that name suited the painting very well. Just like how the first love hurt the heart whenever it was thought of, this painting has the same effect. But at the same time, he can't stop staring at the painting just like how no one could stop thinking of their first love.

"You like the last but third painting that was auctioned? 'First Love'?" Kyra asked.

"Yes. I feel the name suits the painting and it gives that melancholy feel." he voiced his opinion.

Kyra was indeed surprised that she couldn't help but look at him in surprise. When she painted that painting and named it 'First Love' everyone said that name didn't suit the art. Only she felt the name suited her painting and it seems like Oliver thinks just like her.

"Let's take a walk in the park near your new house?" Oliver asked after a few seconds.

Kyra nodded her head, remembering that he had something to ask her privately.

"I will tell my family that I will be late," Kyra said.

As she can't directly go and ask them now, she was about to message but she noticed her first brother waiting in the parking lot. He didn't come to the event as he preferred to spend that time with his twins. The other reason was, ever since his wife Heaven died, he lost interest in all these social stuff.

He couldn't come to the event so, to make it up to her, he came to pick her up.

"My first brother came. You want to meet him?" Kyra asked Oliver.

Oliver is like a brother to Heaven, her first brother's wife. She heard from the twins that Oliver and Heaven were pretty close since childhood.

But as she was in the military and he is a busy doctor, they didn't get to meet often in the past few years. Because of this Oliver met the family only a few times but he visited twins often.

"Yes. Let's go." Oliver said and they together approached Andrew.

Andrew was waiting with his back leaned on to his Ashton Martin. With his well built body, his charismatic yet serious face he of course attracted attention. But, Andrew simply didn't cared as he just came to pick up his sister.

"Brother." Kyar called him with a smile and then gave him a light hug.

"Sorry, I couldn't come to the event, Kyra. You know I-" Andrew was about to apologize but Kyra intervened.

"Don't be sorry brother. I understand and I am not disappointed. Take it slow, okay?" she told him, patting his back gently.

If there is someone who can understand how Andrew is feeling, it is her. She knows how it feels when the important person in their life dies. She lost her grandmother when she was sixteen and that void was there for years.

As it is the love of his life who died, Kyra could understand how heart broken and depressed her first brother is. It gets more difficult as he has twins to raise.

Andrew smiled at his understanding sister and then shifted his attention to Oliver.

"Long time, Oliver. Twins have missed you a lot." Andrew said, giving a handshake to Oliver.

"A long time, indeed, Mr. Collins. I missed those cuties as well. I will visit them as often as possible from now on," Oliver responded.

It often surprises Kyra how Oliver's personality takes one eighty degree turn when he is interacting with other people. He prefers to speak less and he is mostly serious and indifferent. But with her, he smiles often, he speaks freely and sometimes he compliments (flirts) with her as well. It is like, he is a different person when he is with her.

"They will be happy for sure. And, thanks for taking care of my sister. I heard what happened." Andrew thanked Oliver. It seems like his wife was right. But he didn't understand how his wife had accurately predicted that these both will meet in the future.

In her personal diary she wrote, 'Trust Oliver when it comes to Kyra. Please trust him and don't interfere no matter what,'

What Andrew never understood is why she wrote this just a few days before she died.

Is it that important?

"I am glad I was there for her." Oliver answered simply as he glanced at Kyra with a smile which Kyra returned with the same warmth.

Their brief interaction didn't miss Andrew's eyes. Whatever his wife said seems to be happening. She once told him that Kyra and Oliver will make a great pair. She said, they are meant for each other and they can make each other better versions of themselves.

Now, looking at his sister, whose face is glowing with happiness, he could tell Oliver is indeed special in her heart. Afterall, she never got close to a person to this extent in a short span especially after what happened to her seven years back.

And, it seems like she has subconsciously allowed Oliver into her personal life. If it's true, then she is taking a huge step in her life. It's good for her but at the same time it is risky as well. However, Andrew decided to trust his wife and give these both a chance.

"Mr. Collins, if you don't mind I would like to take Kyra to walk. I will drop her back in an hour," Oliver told Andrew.

Andrew thought for a few seconds and then nodded his head. "One hour. Bring her safe," he said.

For a second, Kyra was stunned. She didn't expect her first brother to agree so quickly. Of all the five brother's her first brother is the most protective one. Well, her second brother comes first but with a proper convincing, he caves in to her requests. But with her first brother, it is totally a different thing.

"Thank you, Mr. Collins. I will surely bring her back safe," Oliver said and he gestured to Kyra to follow him to his car.

"Tell others not to worry," Kyra told her first brother before following Oliver.