So, our first meeting is special to you as well?

"What is it that you want to talk to me about, Mr. Miller?", Kyra asked as they strolled in the park.

"We met before, Ms. Collins. Do you remember?" he asked as he turned to look at her straight in her eyes. As they already removed the masks, her beautiful face glowed under the moonlight, making her more appealing to look at.

Kyra stopped in her tracks as well and this time, she didn't avert her eyes but looked at him.

"Twins birthday party?", she asked. Even she felt they met before when they were dancing earlier.

She danced with some stranger on twin's birthday party and it was a very special dance to her. The level of attraction she felt towards that stranger was indescribable. It was not a mere physical attraction she was talking about but something beyond that.

She was pulled towards him like a magnet in every way possible. She was infatuated by his aura, his exquisiteness, his unrivalled charm back then that she herself went and asked him for a dance.

However, that party was masquerade themed as well so she didn't get to look at his face during their dance. But, today, when she was dancing with Oliver, the sudden realization dawned on her and it was when she was finally able to point out why Oliver felt familiar to her.

It was him two years back. No wonder she felt the same level of attraction when she met Olver here.

However, as he is her boss, she has been suppressing her feelings. If only she would have let them flow unhindered, she might have recognized him long back itself.

"Exactly! So, you remember." Oliver asked, pleased that she remembered him. So, it was not special to him alone but to her as well.

After his break up he lost his interest in women and everytime someone approached him, he right away turned them down. But Kyra was different.

When she approached him for a dance, he didn't feel like denying. It was not because she was beautiful but it was something beyond that, that it made him agree. Simply put, he didn't know why but he agreed.

And, he still couldn't put his finger on why he agreed right away without any further thoughts. Nevertheless, his decision to dance with her never regretted him. It was the other way around.

While dancing they spoke and it was the best conversation he had with anyone so far. That few minutes alone left a deep impression on her. It is not about the amount of speaking they did but how the few words alone left a deep impression.

Even after being in love with his first love for years, he never felt this kind of emotions with her.

Oliver felt extremely comfortable talking to Kyra. She was able to open his heart in just a few minutes and the level of trust he felt towards her was as if he knew her for years. It might sound lame and illogical but honestly, it was how he felt. They didn't talk much but these feelings alone were enough to make their encounter special.

As it was just a dance, they had to part and before doing that they decided to meet in the bar after the party was finished.

"Why didn't you meet me in the bar, then?" Oliver asked. It is evident from his voice that he waited for her and left in disappointment.

"I came! You weren't there. Instead of you, a man who was with you during the party came to me and said that you left to meet your lover!" Kyra said, anger obvious in her voice. She is an emotionally sensitive person and she always avoided getting close to people, especially the people she just met.

But when she met Oliver back then, he became an exception.

She wanted to get close to him. It confused her back then but still she decided to take the risk and what happened upsetted her and left her heavy hearted. He already had a lover and he still danced with her. She shouldn't be feeling that way as it was just a dance and it was her who asked him. He might have casually agreed to dance with her however, she still didn't understand why she felt heart broken.

"Lover? I was single back then!! Honestly, I lost interest in women long before that." Oliver exclaimed. 'It was you who reignited that interest' he left this untold as it is not the time nor situation to bring up.

"And, who was that friend who told you that? Can you recognize him?" Oliver asked. He waited for Kyra that day.

What can he do? His mind was saying not to get hurt by women again but his heart was adamant to meet her, get to know her more.

He wanted to talk to her more. He somehow felt like their hearts got connected just with that single dance. So, he wanted to get to know her more and understand why he felt towards her this way.

Most importantly, he wanted to know if that feeling was mutual. Till today, that question bothered him and now he got his answer.

"I can't recognize him as he was still wearing a mask. He told me that you asked me not to wait for you and it was a mistake." Kyra said, her voice choked a bit. It still hurts whenever she thinks about that. Knowing that the special feeling she felt was not mutual made her sad.

"It was not a mistake, Kyra. I waited for you almost an hour and when I inquired around, they said you left long back. I think someone tricked us or it could be a miscommunication." Oliver said.

"So, the dance was special to you as well?" she asked, happiness evident in her eyes.

"Yes.", Oliver answered with a smile.

"For you?", he asked as they sat down on the bench.

"It is." she answered with a smile.

For a few seconds neither of them spoke but that silence was sweet.