Open hearted conversation

"You don't like physical contact, so I didn't want to force you to share the blanket and do something that is not comfortable to you.", Oliver honestly answered.

Kyra felt touched by his consideration. It made her wonder again how he knows this much about her.

It also made her nervous as this trait of hers is not appreciated for surgeons like her. What would he think about her??

"People have their preferences, Kyra. I have seen how you have put all these things aside when it comes to your work. You will make a good surgeon." Oliver said, as if he could read her like an open book.

Kyra smiled gratefully. Listening to this from her idol means a lot to her.

"I have many flaws. I am working on them", she said, suddenly feeling to express her heart out, which she doesn't do often.

"No one is perfect. You are already one step ahead, working on them openly. I think you are doing a great job." Oliver told her.

"I had many flaws as well. For instance, I was afraid of blood when I started pursuing medicine. I had a hard time but eventually I overcame that fear.", he told her.

He doesn't talk about it much but it started after his parents died in a car accident. Seeing them surrounded by a pool of blood made him fear it.

It took time but he overcame it. The result is what matters.

"You must have had a hard time." Kyra said, looking at the rain from the window. She had a hard time as well when she joined Oxford.

She couldn't concentrate on her studies and she was scared of the new people so much that she had a hard time interacting with them.

She got bullied for being meek and asocial.

She didn't have any friends or any relatives to rely on. It was very hard on her and she even thought of giving up but again, her savior helped her.

He referred to her adopted mother and she took her under her wing and started giving her therapy. It was her turning point but even during then, she had many hardships.

"I did. While pursuing medicine, I was not the top student. I had to manage my family business, look after my little sister and I had my plates full. Besides this, I was afraid of blood and trauma and emergency ward patients.", he told her with a smile.

"But you overcame everything and now, you are one of the top five neurosurgeons." Kyra said, proud of him.

"And, you will as well. Work hard." he encouraged her.

Kyra nodded her head enthusiastically.

Oliver smiled back and patted her head. He strongly believed that Kyra would become a great surgeon.

Kyra blushed a little as his gesture is sweet and touching.

"You blush a lot Kyra. I didn't expect you to be a person who blushes a lot" he laughed. He resisted his urge to pinch her red cheeks though they looked so cute.

Kyra hid her face with her palm and shook her head in embarrassment. "Should you really mention that?" she asked.

Oliver laughed. He felt his heart lighten and refresh looking at Kyra who looked kind of cute now.

"I was just curious." Oliver told her.

"I didn't know that I would be able to blush this much. It could be that you are my idol. I am acting like this.", she told him.

Oliver didn't say anything and let out a small yawn. It is midnight and he is warm enough now because of the blanket that he started feeling cozy enough to relax and sleep. Kyra's body was warm and it was emitting heat that was enough to heat his cold body.

Even Kyra blinked her sleepy eyes. Under the circumstances like this, she wouldn't be able to sleep at all but as she is with Oliver, she felt secure enough to let her guards down.

"Kyra, can I ask you something?" Oliver asked, all of a sudden, stirring her curiosity.

"Sure. Ask out.", she answered.

"The tattoo on your shoulder. Was it famous?" he asked her. It is still bothering him how his first love and Kyra had the same tattoo's.

Kyra was taken off guard for a second as this is something totally out of the context she was expecting.

"It was.", Kyra answered.

"You remember my friend Sofia right?" she asked.

Oliver hummed in response.

"She is a famous model and six years back, when she got it for herself, many of her fans got it as a token of support. I got this tattoo two years back because Sofia didn't let me go till I got it. My other best friend Chloe got it too for the sake of Sofia" Kyra explained.

Oliver nodded his head. He saw the same tattoo on his first love's shoulder too but it was around five years back. 'It seems like a coincidence' he thought and didn't think any further.

They chatted for a little while, not anything particular but interesting enough to converse with.

They realized that they have many similar things to continue the conversation and if not because they are exhausted, they would have continued talking.

While talking, Kyra dozed off, her head resting on Oliver's shoulders.

It made Oliver smile. He didn't know why but he felt so happy looking at her now. It made him want to pamper her, dote on her like a princess.

But, he knows that he can't cross the boundaries even though Kyra is comfortable with him. She trusts him and that is the reason she is herself in front of him. He didn't want to spoil that.

However, he realized one thing. He is falling for her.

And, he didn't resist it and surprisingly, he is fine with it.

Oliver fixed the blanket around them so that she wouldn't be cold. After that he stared at her face. He couldn't get enough of it as she looked so peaceful and carefree while she was asleep.

"What did you do to me?" he whispered to her, caressing her cheek.

When Kyra felt his touch, she snuggled against him subconsciously and a stunning smile appeared on her face.