This woman here could soon become their madam.

Oliver didn't know when he slept but he woke up when he heard the noise around the house.

The first thing he noticed was his and Kyra's position. She was having her arms wrapped around his waist and her face wad resting on his left shoulder.

She had a pleasant smile as if she was dreaming something blissful.

Instantly, his face turned gentle and a doting smile reached his lips.

Subconsciously, he brushed the strands of her hair that were obstructing his view. He tucked them behind her ear and then, he fixed the blanket around her.

If there was an onlooker, he or she could have mistaken them as a loving couple.

Oliver's gestures were that caring and gentle.

"Sir?", a voice from the door disturbed Oliver's flow.

Hearing the familiar voice, Oliver turned his head towards the source of the voice and as predicted, it was his secretary/ personal assistant Roger.

Meanwhile, Roger was in sheer shock.

Well, no one can blame that poor guy at the door. How could he have predicted that his sir was having a female company, that to at this time?

Moreover, their upper body clothes were hanging near the window, making it obvious that inside the blanket, they had none but a thin cloth separating their upper bodies.

That was shocking enough for the poor secretary but God had no mercy on him.

His eyes would have popped out of the sockets if it was literally possible and it is because he didn't miss the scene where his boss was caring for the woman who had her face comfortably snuggled against his chest.

Roger's astonishment reached the next level when he realised that the woman in his boss's arms is none other than Kyra, the one who shouldn't have gotten this close to his sir.

"Got any extra pair of clothing for me?" Oliver asked the stupefied assistant in a hushed tone as he didn't have the heart to wake up Kyra with Lou's noises…

"I got two pairs, sir." Roger answered, managing to sound normal.

"Bring them fast." Oliver ordered.

Though they are wrapped in a blanket, it is not enough to cover them totally. The soon they get dressed warmly, the better...

Still baffled, Roger stumbled his way to the car and brought the bag which had two pairs of white shirts and grey pants.

"Wait outside. We will be there in ten minutes." Oliver said in a low voice and he only woke Kyra after they were left alone.

Kyra never had a peaceful sleep such as now, at least not from years. There were no nightmares, no unpleasant feelings. Simply put, she had the deep, pleasant sleep she didn't have for years

She didn't want to wake up as she felt very comfortable and cozy. In a habit, she snuggled against her 'pillow' and tightened her grip on her human sized 'teddy bear'.

"When did you become hot and toned, Mr. Hotty?" she asked, touching the hard chest of Oliver who is now looking at her with an amused surprise.

But he understood that she is referring to her soft toy, a Panda which she hugs to sleep. He doesn't know how he could tell that it is a Panda bear but strangely, he is sure that it's a panda soft toy.

"I guess Mr. Hotty you are talking about is not me." Oliver whispered in Kyra's ears, making her eyes fly open in shock and realization.

"Oliver", she gasped, taken off guard after registering what just happened.

Why is she embarrassing herself again and again in front of him, her idol?

He would be thinking that she is a perfect epitome of pervert now!!

"I… I…" Kyra tried to explain herself but no words came out of her mouth. She simply didn't know how to explain her previous words.

Oliver laughed looking at her. He had an urge to pinch her cheeks but resisted it in and stood up, cautious enough to make a blanket stay put around Kyra.

Kyra blushed even more.

First of all, it's his topples, toned and sexy body that made her blush.

Second, it was her realization how intimate their positions had been till now. They were cuddling each other till now!!

Oliver took a glance at now in trance Kyra and let out a chuckle. He used to frown in disgust if any woman stared at his body like this. But with Kyra, he felt like showing off more and impressing her like this.

He wore the newly brought shirt, taking his time while he gave a free show to Kyra.

Once he was finished, he squatted at her side of the couch and snapped his fingers in front of her face, bringing her back from her dreamland.

With a teasing smile, he handed her the other pair of dry clothes.

"Your top is still wet. Wear these clothes for the time being." he told her and then left the house closing the door on his way out.

By the time Kyra returned to normal, she was alone in the house.

Her whole face reddened in embarrassment.

"Ahhh!! You stupid Kyra! It is not like this is the first time you are seeing a handsome man shirtless!! Stop staring!" Kyra scolded herself as she changed her clothes.

Though they are oversized, Kyra managed to wear them. Getting dry clothes is a big deal for now.

After ten minutes, Kyra knocked from inside, signalling Oliver that he can come inside.

And, as soon as Oliver saw Kyra in his clothes, he felt happy and satisfied. It surprised him but he pushed that thought aside as he still has to change his pants.

As Kyra was in the room earlier, he didn't get to change. And, he wanted her to change first as he is worried about her more than him.

"Heater is turned on in the car. Warm yourself first. I will join you later.", he told her with a gentle smile.

Kyra nodded her head and Oliver subconsciously patted her hair.

Their interaction shocked everyone outside.

It was already a huge shock when they found out that their sir had female company.

It escalated to the next level witnessing their PDA. And, that woman is wearing their sir's clothes…

Some of their thoughts took a detour to what would have happened between their sir and the woman tonight.

Others wondered how their sir could care for a woman like this. They have never seen it before, excluding his sister, their young miss.

But, one thing was clear for all of them.

This woman here could soon become their madam.