Who would have thought that their relationship will advance at this rate??

"Take us to my research institutes first.", Oliver ordered as soon as he got into the car.

Kyra looked at him with a questioning gaze.

She didn't forget that they have a surgery to perform. It is already early in the morning now and they would be able to reach only if they drive fast without any detours.

"Though we both are fine now, we can't ignore the fact that we were in an accident. Most importantly, you.", Oliver said to Kyra, reading her thoughts.

"But, I am fine. Aren't I?" Kyra complained. She badly wanted to attend that surgery. If not as a surgeon, at least as an onlooker.

"Kyra, you fainted last night, remember? That means you had a head injury during the accident. It's for your own safety I am telling you to have a check up.", Oliver said to her in a gentle tone, concern evident in his eyes.

After a few seconds, Kyra gave up. "Fine. But you should too. Though you didn't faint, you were in an accident too." Kyra told Oliver.

Hearing her words, Oliver smiled warmly at her. He could see the concern in her eyes and that warmed his heart.

Now, he understood what it feels like to have a woman in his life. The genuine one who really cares for him…

"For you, I will", he answered in a flow. It made the driver and Roger almost cough blood.

This PDA is still new to them!!!

Even Kyra was taken off guard but she smiled instead. Though this is totally new to her, it felt so good to hear that the sudden sense of immense bliss flooded into her heart.

Oliver took a glance at Kyra, not sure how she would react. After all, she is afraid of fast paced relationships and his word's made it sound like he is wooing her.

But seeing her smile, his lips curved up into a full blown smile as well.

The pink bubble around them was too obvious that the certain singles in the front couldn't take the sweetness.

They could only share a glance and sigh. For Roger, it was more than a shock.

More than this sudden surprise, he is more worried about what would happen once Oliver's grandfather finds out about this.

Thinking about it, Roger shivered. It is a tough road ahead. Not only for Oliver but for him as well.

Before taking a vacation, Oliver's grandfather, Chairman Miller asked him to keep an eye on Oliver and Kyra.

And, he did. But who would have thought that their relationship will advance at this rate??

Besides that, he was not able to keep an eye on Kyra as her family is here. If they find out someone is spying into their precious princess's life, it would lead to the worst consequences.

Roger felt his head go haywire looking at Oliver and Kyra who were having a loving smile plastered to their faces.

Though they are sitting on either side of the car, their hands which are resting on the car seat are brushing each other's. But neither of them made an effort to retreat.

Roger felt like crying in helplessness.

A day before yesterday, that was before the charity event, Oliver and Kyra were still in last name bases. Something which was happening from the time Kyra joined the hospital.

During the charity event, they paired up. Though they looked a little close, it was something natural and professional for co workers.

So, he didn't feel like their relationship was progressing out of the ordinary. However, he reported it to Oliver's grandfather.

The old man told him to be extra watchful.

However, who would have thought that Kyra's and Oliver's proximity would take a steep turn just with a single walk in the park. So, Roger didn't predict it as well.

The next day, which was yesterday, they became casual and friendly towards each other.

But, Kyra was still calling him Mr. Miller and sometimes by mistake she was about to call him Oliver but stopped herself.

He thought that it was not something too alarming to disturb the old man. Oliver and Kyra were not at work so, it was natural for them to talk a little casually.

After all they are the Godmother and Godfather of the twins. Simply put, family friends.

Besides that, they were having a weekend trip and it would be awkward to call each other Dr. Miller or Dr. Lopez.

But, just on this single night, in a few hours, they have become too close that they are openly caring for each other and are calling each other with their names so comfortably.

It was as if their relationship escalated to a next level.

Roger didn't know how that old man would take this information.

He knows how much that old man hates Kyra. The last thing he would agree to, is this relationship, which is looking like it would progress anytime soon.

He sighed and could only pray to the almighty that the old man wouldn't explode because of this news.
