It’s not appropriate to send a man to a woman’s house at this time.

Two days passed by however, Oliver never brought up Kyra's topic in front of Daniel. It made him nervous to even think about what Daniel might say.

What if he is not special to Kyra as much as she is to him??

It made him extremely restless.

Due to this, Oliver couldn't bring himself to contact Kyra in these two days. Though his thoughts were revolving around her, Daniel's words stopped him from contacting her. It is not like he is angry or sad but he is simply confused and uncertain.

On the other hand, Kyra didn't make a call however, she texted him a few times but as they could only pull up the short conversation, she understood that he is busy and didn't disturb him anymore.

Meanwhile, Daniel joined the hospital and it stirred up excitement and anticipation in female doctors and staff. Daniel is not like Oliver who speak and interact less with opposite sex. He is friendly and charming with girls.

But, Oliver is still the most famous and handsome doctor of the hospital. After all, he is devilishly charming and has a strong, manly aura. His coldness and stoic nature is the one that attracts the ladies more towards him.

Only if they would have seen his irresistible smile and magnetic, gentle eyes…

On the other hand, it's been five days since everyone has seen Kyra. So, the rumors started to spread that Oliver's fangirls had done something to her.

"Maybe she couldn't handle the pressure of working together with Mr. Miller. He is, after all, very particular and strict. He would have scared her out," said Teressa, smirking as she mocked Kyra.

"Yeah. Only you can handle the pressure. Ria graduated from a low tier medical school and worked in some rural area, so of course she couldn't handle this" Lilith, Teressa's best friend, badmouthed Kyra who is called Ria in the hospital.

If only they would have known that she graduated in one of the top three medical schools across the world and had worked as the attending physician in one of the top five hospitals in the world, they would have kept their mouths shut.

"Ria is just a country bumpkin and a typical nerd. She is not worthy to be compared with our queen who is from a rich family and has a father who is the director/ head of the department of gynecology.", the other follower of Teressa boosted.

"Not to mention that her mother is a shareholder and a board member of Miller's corporations. Her family is close to Mr. Miller's family and they have equal background. Ria can't compete with our Teressa in any way.", another person added.

Teressa has been sulking and was green with envy whenever she saw Oliver and Kyra talking and interacting. Their extraordinary coordination in the surgery room made her even more jealous and insecure. How could some commoner from some unknown medical school reach this level when she, the one with extraordinary background can't???

Only if she would have known that Kyra is from the Collins family, the most prestigious and powerful family which has very powerful connections and has a good relationship with Oliver, would she have died with envy.

Meanwhile, Ron and Claire, Kyra's new friends could only roll their eyes listening to Teressa and her lackey's blabbering. But, even they are worried that Kyra quitted…

"Don't spread rumors as we don't know what happened to Ria yet.", Ron said, not able to tolerate it.

"If that is the case, she would have answered your calls. She should be embarrassed that she turned off her phone," Teressa laughed mockingly as they sat in the meeting room waiting for Oliver.

Oliver entered the room and the room turned chilly all of a sudden. He looked like he was in a bad mood.

No one dared to speak anymore. Teresa, who was bluffing just a few seconds back, turned into a statue, scared of Oliver. Oliver is formidable and aloof by nature but given his bad mood, it has gone to another level.

"I will be needing someone to assist me in surgery tomorrow. Ron you will be scrubbing in for Craniectomy.", Oliver directly jumped to the point without any delay. Kyra should be doing it but she is on leave.

"Yes, sir. Could I ask what happened to Dr. Lopez?" Ron asked about Kyra, mustering all his courage.

Oliver stopped for a brief second. Kyra's beautiful smile and pleasant sleeping face appeared in his thoughts.

The time they spent on that rainy night, opening about each other flooded back into his mind. It was a heartwarming and empathetic time for him.

But is it the same for Kyra??

Daniel's words reverberated in his mind but his guts were telling him that Daniel is wrong this time.

At least, he hoped so.

He is in a bad mood and is frustrated because of this. He couldn't understand why Daniel's words are bothering and hurting him so much.

"She is on leave for this week,'' Oliver said. Not bothering to elaborate why.

The meeting finished in fifteen minutes. All Oliver did was distribute Kyra's work to others.

As soon as he exited the room, he saw his Godfather, The president, waiting for him.

"Oliver, do me a favor. Pick the twins for me will you? I have to attend a last minute meeting", he directly came to the point as he was in a hurry.

"Sure. Where are they now?", he asked.

"They are with Kyra. They are insisting to stay for night but Kyra has to rest so, convince them to come back.", his uncle answered and bid him goodbye before rushing back.

Meanwhile, Ron, Claire, Teresa and others, who were about to leave the room, have heard all the conversation.

"Kyra...Kyra...Kyra! Who is this woman?"Teressa grumbled.

"Don't know but she look so close to Dr. Miller and our president.", Lilith, her lackey said.

"Is This Kyra the one who was in the car with our sir during the accident?", another girl from Oliver's fan girl group asked.

"Yes," Lilith answered.

"Rumors are that she is also his date during the Charity event the previous week", she added.

"It's not appropriate to send a man to a woman's house at this time! What is our president doing!!", Teressa complained, jealous of whoever this Kyra is.

"Maybe our president is matchmaking our sir and this Kyra.", Claire said, adding fuel to Teressa's jealousy.

"Don't spread rumors without understanding the full picture!", Teressa scoffed.

"Hey, I know..I know. I heard that Kyra was Dr. Miller's first love name. Maybe they reconciled.", Ron said, all of a sudden,