Your Kyra was sad that you didn't come.

Oliver left as soon as he finished meeting with the fellows. By that time it was already past seven and after thirty minutes of driving, he reached Kyra's place, The crescent Gardens.

It is the elite community surrounded by greenery and the best mountain view. It is a little far from the busy city and the pollution, a perfect place for nature lovers like Kyra.

He has seen how much she has enjoyed nature when they were hiking. Even her garden and the garden house is filled with plants and paintings of nature.

He couldn't help but appreciate how vibrant and cozy her house looks, unlike his which is of neutral and dark colors.

As soon as Oliver arrived at the entrance of Crescent Garden, the security staff made a call to Kyra's house and like the last time, it was Sofia who answered.

When she found out that it was Oliver, she gave a green flag for him to enter.

One thing Oliver couldn't understand is why Kyra's security was the first priority of the Collins family. He has heard that ever since Kyra moved to this place, the security around this community has increased two folds.

He knows that they are overprotective of her as she is the only girl in the family but at the same time he could tell that there is something fishy with Kyra's stay in the city.

"Mr. Miller, what a surprise!" Sofia said as soon as she opened the door for him.

This time Oliver could notice the sarcasm instead of warmth in her voice.

"Sorry for coming unannounced, Ms. Rich6", he told her as he entered the house.

"That's not an issue, Mr. Miller. My Kyra says that you are always welcome to her house." Sofia said, but just like before she was sarcastic.

"Did I offend you anyhow, Ms. Richard?" Oliver asked. He is already in a bad mood and Sofia's behaviour isn't helping at all.

"Oh, not me, Mr. Miller. My Kyra was sad that you couldn't keep your word.", Sofia told him.

He promised Kyra two days back that he would visit her the next day. But he didn't.

Kyra was a little disappointed but she understood that he was busy. However, Sofia couldn't see her friend looking disappointed like that. This time she saw how much Oliver meant to Kyra but this friend of hers is as slow as snail when it comes to realizing her feelings.

As her friend, Kyra is bad with this, as a best friend, Sofia could only take this matter into her hand.

Meanwhile, Oliver pursed his lips. Yes, he remembers telling Kyra that he would visit her whenever possible.

"I was very busy," he lied.

Though he wanted to visit Kyra and find out how she is doing, something stopped him from doing so. It was the fear of unwantedness.

Just like Kyra has fear of betrayal and abandonment, he has fear of this. His first love left him because she no longer felt he was special to her.

What if Kyra feels the same?? Till now, he believed that he is special to her as much as he is to her. But after what Daniel told him, that belief crumbled into ashes, leaving this fear and restlessness.

He could only try not to hurt himself by getting close to her if that was the case.

He knows that he is being unreasonable but logic was always thrown out of the window when it comes to fears and traumas.

Coming to think of this, he and Kyra are not different. He was hurt and so was she. Although his was not as painful and traumatic as hers, it is still related to heart and emotions. So, that was enough to leave the scar on his heart.

"Yes, she knows. That's why she didn't bother you much. If you came for Kyra, she is in the garden house. Even the twins are with her, if they are the reason you are here. I think you know the way, Mr. Miller. I will be going then.", Sofia said and walked away.

Oliver looked at her with slight amusement.

But he understood that Sofia is protective of Kyra. So, he didn't get offended by her attitude.

It surprised him why everyone around Kyra is so overprotective of her. Was she hurt to the extent that no one around her wanted any distress and anguish to touch her ever again??

If it is the case, then Sofia's behavior towards him could only be justified if he has made Kyra sad and disappointed.

Is she sad because he has not come to meet her??

If Kyra is really in a bad mood because of a small matter like this, he should be special to her, right??

With all these thoughts, he walked to the garden house that is at the other side of the villa. He saw her sitting on the patio, wearing a camisole and shorts. She is also wearing a long winter shrug to cover her arms.

Her eyes are lying on her nose bridge and she is so focussed in reading something on her iPad that she didn't even notice him. She is holding a pen in her hand, underlining a few things once in a while.

She looked so serious and cute at the same time that a smile curved up on his lips.

But, he didn't see the twins anywhere. They are alone in this garden and the weather was so good. Lanterns which were hung around the patio are glowing in golden, warm light.

The ambience was so good that he felt refreshed. Seeing Kyra washed away his lethargy just like how it has always been.