What brother in law?? Don’t overthink!!

The next morning Kyra woke up with excitement she never had before.

It was because while she and Oliver were texting last night, he promised to take her to his research facility to show her around.

Though she went last time, it was right after their accident and she was in a hurry to look around. Now, she couldn't control her excitement...

"Why do you look so happy today?"Ryan, her fourth brother, asked from the kitchen as he saw Kyra descend from the steps.

"Can't I be happy for no reason?" Kyra asked as she sat on the chair, facing the kitchen island.

"Of course not. I would be more than happy if you do so.", her brother replied, tousling her hair affectionately.

"Hey, don't mess my hair!!" Kyra complained, slapping his hand away. But the smile on her lips is enough to tell how much she appreciates her brother's affection for her.

"Don't worry sis. You look beautiful and I am sure my future brother-in -law Oliver will love your messy hair look," he added, teasing her with a wink.

"What brother in law?? Don't overthink!! We… we are not like that", Kyra feigned her anger. But her blushing cheeks gave away.

Ryan laughed looking at his sister's fake anger. She looks cute when she is angry and it also makes him sad because he didn't get to see her grow up.

She would have been cuter and lovely as a kid if her childhood was not a disaster.

"They are not like that yet. But soon they will be!" Sofia, who just came downstairs, joined the teasing.

"Did something juicy happen?? Did I miss it?!" Ryan asked, totally excited to gossip.

Kyra could only sigh. These both are such natural actors that they often exaggerate everything…

"Yeah, I totally forgot to tell you!!", Sofia exclaimed in total excitement as she sprinted to sit behind Ryan.

As soon as she sat, she leaned her face so near to his that it was just a few inches away.

"They were sitting this close and their lips were so near as if they were about to kiss," she told him, not at all realizing that she is actually giving a demo of the scene.

"I.. I can feel i..it", Ryan's voice stuttered as he was taken off guard. Her sweet smell and her flawless beauty made him go into a trance.

How can she do this to him even after knowing that he has feelings for her??

She is really cruel!!

"What a precise demonstration, Sofi!" Kyra teased, chuckling.

Sofia's plan backfired and what could be the better time to tease her if not this? So, Kyra didn't let go of the precious chance she got.

"I know that you would do anything to kiss my brother. But get a room, will you?" Kyra said, making fun of her friend.

"Huh?" Sofia made a confusing face but when she realised what she just did, her cheeks blushed to the color of ripe tomatoes.

When Ryan saw her like that, he got tempted to tease her more.

"I wouldn't mind even if you complete the kiss, you know." he said with a devilish smirk.

"I will give you guys some privacy. I wouldn't mind getting a niece or nephew after nine months", Kyra teased.

Although she knows that she is exaggerating too much, she is just imitating Sofia.

" You thugs!!" Sofia muttered as she clumsily retreated.

"I will get my chance, Ky. Just wait!" Sofia retorted, hiding her blushing cheeks.

"I will be waiting. But I think I will get more chances than you." Kyra winked.

"Let's see!!" Sofia said with a lopsided smirk.

By what she saw yesterday, she could tell that Kyra and Oliver have mutual feelings. And, she can confidently say that they would be dating each other in no time.

"Stop betting on each other's love. Where are the twins?" Ryan asked.

"I told them that I would give them swimming classes. They are getting ready.", Kyra said.

"Can you do that? You should be resting, right?" Ryan asked, concerned.

"I am fine, bro. It's just a fun session with my babies." Kyra replied.

"She will make a great mother, won't she, Ryan?" Sofia asked, trying to make fun of Kyra.

"Of course she will!" Ryan boosted. He can't control himself when it comes to praising his sister.

"See Kyra, we all have great expectations from you. Go and make babies with your idol/crush/soon to be boyfriend and husband", Sofia added with a smirk.

"Why are you rubbing your fantasies on me, Sofi? My brother is here and there is a room upstairs with a romantic view. Why don't you start first?" Kyra said, not wanting to lose to her bestie Sofia.

"House romance wouldn't be fun. However, hospital romance is thrilling. It's more convenient for you." Sofia retorted with a smirk.

"You are indirectly asking me to go back to work so you and my brother can have some quality time?" Kyra asked, raising her left eyebrow.

Meanwhile, Ryan sat there, looking at his sister and his crush, Sofia bickering like kids.

"I miss Chloe now. Only she can control you guys…", he said, totally helpless.

But Kyra and Sofia are so involved in their banter that they treated Ryan as thin air.

"I pity me and Oliver." Ryan muttered before getting busy making breakfast.

Only if he would have known that this bickering would turn into so much fun after Oliver joins, he would have helped the twins to matchmake his sister and Oliver.