I am going to the research center! Not to some date!!

Meanwhile at the hospital…

"I saw you yesterday night at Kyra's house." Daniel said to his best friend as they sat down for a coffee.

"I am staying just beside her house and you didn't even come to say hello to your best friend", Daniel complained.

Asking directly about the details would look like interrogation. So, he could only make it look less suspicious like this.

"I went to fetch the twins. Moreover, it is your fault that you didn't have a housewarming party.", Oliver told him.

"Okay...okay. it's my bad. But bro, why do I feel like I will get a sister in law soon?" Daniel teased, well, pretended to tease as he sipped his coffee.

"Isn't she already your future sister in law?" Oliver asked.

As soon as Daniel heard that, he started coughing vigorously.

"I mean, your sister, Chloe (Kyra's best friend) will soon marry Walter (Kyra's second brother), right?" Oliver asked.

Only after hearing Oliver's explanation, Daniel's cough subsided. He almost thought Oliver knew something about the past…

Seems like that is not the case.

"Yes, it's true that she got betrothed to Walter but they will marry only if both of them fall in love with each other.", Daniel said. He just doesn't want Oliver to ask why he was so startled earlier so he tried to sound indifferent.

"It's somehow cute that both the girls from your family, Sophia and Chloe are going to marry into the Collins family.", Oliver said.

Daniel is his best friend, the one with whom he could be very comfortable with. So, Oliver never minded to filter his words or talk only what's necessary.

But little did he know that this would cause so much pain and trouble for him.

"Yeah, I feel the same too. Actually our families decided to marry their daughters into each other's family." Daniel told him.

"My cousin, Matthew (Walter's best friend) loves Kyra so much, you know. Even our families are totally fine with that and if everything goes smoothly, they might get married by the end of this year" Daniel told Oliver, observing Oliver's expressions carefully.

When Oliver heard that, he furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes turned a little dark.

Daniel's smile almost resurfaced but it quickly subsided when Oliver returned back to his normal state and gave a smile.

"Yes, I can see that Matthew is trying his best to woo Kyra." Oliver said. There was a tinge of jealousy but Daniel was in no state to realise that.

He thought Oliver would be bothered and get restless because of this. He thought he could add fuel to these emotions in him and make him break apart from Kyra even before they could get together.

After all, Oliver's first love experience was a disaster and he is expected to be paranoid when it comes to this manner.

But he didn't expect Oliver to stay calm and collected like this. It is as if he is confident that he could win Kyra no matter how many hurdles are involved.

"I got paged, Daniel. Meet you tomorrow.", Oliver said, standing up.

"Hey, how about dinner at my place? I will compensate for not giving a housewarming party," Daniel said.

He is adamant to sow the seeds of disruption between them.

"Next time, Dan. I have prior commitments," Oliver replied. The smile on his lips is enough to tell that this 'prior commitment' is with Kyra.

Daniel watched Oliver leave and once he was out of sight, Daniel fished out his mobile and texted someone before going back to his work.


"You look beautiful, aunt!!" Addison said, clapping her hands cutely.

"Yes, aunt Ky. You look so beautiful", Aiden followed his twin sister.

"Thank you pumpkins," Kyra said, kissing their cheeks.

"You look as if you are going on a date. Are you really going to meet him for work related matters or, is it just an excuse?" Sofia asked after having a full glimpse of Kyra.

Donned in a black jumpsuit, Kyra made her blonde hair in a messy bun, showcasing her flawless and sexy nape.

She had a light, almost no makeup but her cherry lips, arched eyebrows and her golden hazel eyes were enough to make her look attractive and mysterious.

Though she kept it simple, the extra effort she has invested in grooming herself this time has not only increased her exterior beauty but also inner beauty.

She is so graceful and charismatic that she could attract the attention of just anyone.

"Hey, I got ready like I always do. Nothing special." Kyra said, applying hand cream to her hands.

"Wow, someone is applying hand cream so that she could hold hands with a certain 'someone'.", Sofia teased.

The twins giggled and Sofia joined them but facing Kyra's glare, they stopped for a second and then started laughing loudly. Kyra's expression right now is priceless that they couldn't control themselves.

Kyra pouted and then concentrated on getting ready.

"Vanilla flavored perfume. To tempt someone, Ky?" Sofia asked again, chuckling.

Kyra ignored her.

"Chocolate flavored lip gloss. Want someone to taste it?", Sofia added.

"Shut up, Sofi. Kids are here!!" Kyra chided her best friend looking at how kids are making innocent, confused faces.

But she could tell that they were pretending. These little fellows here are no ordinary kids. However, as their aunt it's her responsibility to protect their innocence.

"So, if twins are not here, you don't mind me teasing?" Sofia asked, smirking at Kyra.

Kyra rolled her eyes and walked out of the room after taking her bag.

Sofia of course followed her not wanting to miss any chance to tease her best friend. After all this is the first time Kyra is getting ready for a man.

"I suggest high heels. If you trip, Oliver will be there to catch you." Sofia spoke again.

"You better not say anything more, Sofi." Kyra warned as she took the flats out to wear.

"Why not? Wouldn't it be so romantic and cinematic?" Sofia asked.

Kyra couldn't help but imagine it. A small smile made up her lips however, before she could control it, Sofia had already seen it.

"See.. you are looking forward to it. Wear heels now," she said, winking mischievously.

"I am going to the research center! Not to some date!!" Kyra told Sofia, feigning her anger.

"Exactly!! But you get ready as if you are going on a date. You see, that's you who was having ulterior motive" Sofia said, her voice filled with victory.

"I am gonna make a public announcement that the supermodel Sofia is intentionally living in the same house with the Superstar Ryan." Kyra said, her tone calm but a little scary.

"Let's see what would happen then." Kyra added, winking at Sofia before leaving the house.

"Hmph! She always outruns me. Wait till you get into a relationship with Oliver." Sofia muttered as she pouted.