How can he be so handsome even when he is bossing around like this?

After a half an hour of silent journey, they finally arrived at Oliver's research facility.

It is a huge compound with sea on one side and greenery on the other three sides. Overall, it has a serene environment in which scientists can work in ease.

As soon as Oliver and Kyra went through security checking, Oliver handed her the lab coat and mask.

"Everyone here is treated the same irrespective of their position here, including me." Oliver told Kyra as they walked beside each other.

"This reduces a lot of complexity." Kyra commented. Her father's research facilities, despite being the best, have an unnecessary ranking system.

The junior researchers and scientists have to go through a hard path both emotionally and mentally.

Oliver smiled and straightened the crooked collar of Kyra's lab coat.

"Which department of the facility do you want to see first?" he asked her, ignoring all the shocked expressions around him.

Although Kyra knows that he cares for her, she didn't expect him to do it so openly. The gentleness in his voice is hard to ignore and his eyes are looking at her dotingly.

How did she feel?

She of course felt touched and it is somehow exciting and scary at same time.

Scary? Whenever he starts being very good at her, it reminds her of her past. Her mother and her family were very caring that they betrayed her in the end and hurt her very badly that she still has not recovered from that blow.

She is not ready to take another one especially when her life started to fall into place.

She became a doctor after a lot of effort.

She is now fulfilling her childhood dream to become a famous painter.

She has started business with her friends and she is now earning that power and wealth for which she got betrayed by her own blood.

It would be very good if she can find love as well, but she is afraid of going back to square one. This time she wouldn't be able to raise like a phoenix.

"Kyra." Oliver called her as he shook her shoulder gently.

It is only when Kyra comes back from her thoughts.

"Are you fine? Are you not feeling well? Should we-" he is about to ask if she has to rest for a bit, Kyra interjected.

"I am fine. I was a little occupied with the thoughts", she told with a tight smile which made Oliver more worried.

"You sure?" he asked, taking her hand into his.

Kyra got startled a bit when she felt his touch but didn't retrieve her hand immediately. She could see the sincerity in his eyes and his worry was genuine.

"Yes.", Kyra said and then retrieved her hand.

"Are any clinical trials going on recently?" Kyra asked.

"Yes. There is one trail that might interest you." he said and turned to look at the people who were waiting for him.

All of them are still in shock looking at how their sir is actively pursuing a woman and have even brought her here.

This is a restricted research facility with only access to selected people. A few researches and trails here are collaborated with the government and are classified.

"We will take it from here. You all can go back to your work. I will come some other time to look", he said.

Reluctantly everyone nodded their heads and dispersed.

"Which floor?." Kyra asked as the elevator opened.

"Third floor. It's restricted." Oliver said as he joined her in the elevator after giving his retinal scan to access that floor.

This left more people in shock as they themselves have never gone to that floor. Only a handful have been there and they were all famous and experienced figures in medical fields.

Who is this woman exactly?

Meanwhile, Kyra herself is taken aback.

Restricted floor?

He is taking her there? He shouldn't be trusting her this much.

She knows what restricted access implies. It either has to be classified research or something too personal to risk exposure.

"Oliver." Kyra called.

"Hmm?" Oliver looked at her, gesturing to her to continue.

"This is a restricted floor and I am an outsider. I don't think people here would appreciate it. They might think you are throwing your weight around." Kyra said.

She didn't miss the looks on the other scientist's here. They were clearly in disapproval of Oliver's actions.

Oliver smiled and patted her head. The same gentleness in his eyes, taking away Kyra's breath for a brief moment.

"This is my research facility and I can throw my weight around, sometimes." he told her with a wink, which made her heart beat even more erratic.

How can he be so handsome even when he is bossing around like this?

"This…", Kyra didn't know what to say, making Oliver laugh.

"Don't worry, Kyra. What I am showing you now is not some classified work. It's my personal project" he explained.