‘Why do you trust me this much?”

"This…", Kyra stopped in her tracks as she took some time to observe the surroundings.

This floor looked like every other floor but there were very few people working in this unit. She could recognize most of them as they are famous in the neurological field and have done many useful researches and have helped in developing advanced and sophisticated methods.

She could also see the traces of hardwork and effort everyone has put in. The advanced equipment, the filled white boards, bunches of research copies are the evidence of how important this project is for Oliver.

"I either spend most of my time in the hospital or here." Oliver said as he walked her deep into the floor.

They stopped at the observation room and through those one way glasses, Kyra could see a paralyzed person sitting on a wheelchair. But he has some microchips being implanted on his nape and other parts of the body.

There were doctors and scientists overseeing the whole process with hawk-like focus.

Meanwhile, Oliver looked at Kyra who was looking around with curiosity.

"My sis..sister.", his voice quivered which got Kyra's full attention. This is the first time she sensed the vulnerability and helplessness in his voice. And, from his eyes she could tell that he is sad and troubled.

"She is paralyzed down her waist for the last eight years. She had a weak nervous system from childhood but, I… I never thought she would get paralysis.", he told Kyra. Usually he doesn't talk much about this but, with Kyra it is different.

It indeed feels good to talk to someone rather than storing them deep in their heart.

Kyra could only purse her lips and pat his shoulder in comfort. She knows that no words could make him feel better.

"I noticed that there is a nice sea view. Why don't we have a cup of coffee sitting there?" she asked after a few moments. The more they stay here, the more painful memories will be flooding into his mind. So, Kyra could only make this excuse.

And, Oliver has of course understood what she is trying to do. He could only smile and nod his head.


After making their own coffee, Oliver passed one cup to Kyra and they stood at the railing, looking at the sea. As it was evening, the sunset is an additional decoration to the beauty of nature.

"One of the reasons you became a doctor is your sister, isn't it?"Kyra asked.

"It is not one of the reasons. It was the only reason but fortunately it turned out that I am good at it.", Oliver said with a smile.

"Your sister is lucky.", Kyra said.

"She is the only close family I have excluding my grandfather.", he told her.

This is the first time their conversation has touched the personal stuff. Thinking of it, their lives were not as different as she thought. Both have been through rough paths and it is still going on. It is just that they are the silent ones, not showing it outside.

"I know her. Eleanora Miller, the vice president of Miller Corporations. Although you are the face of the Miller corps, she is the actual brain.", Kyra said, sipping her coffee.

"I see that you have done your research, Ms. Collins.", Oliver said with a smirk. But he is pleased to hear the praises of his sister from Kyra. Who wouldn't be happy to hear compliments about their little sister, especially if those come from the special woman of his heart?

"Of course, I did.", Kyra said.

"So you are confirming that you did a background check on me, Ms. Collins?" Oliver asked in his playful tone as he leaned towards her and whispered in her ear.

Because of their close proximity, Kyra held her breath. His mauscline fragrance wafted her nose, making her more infatuated.

"I… you.. are overthinking!", Kyra said, her breath already short because of Oliver's teasing.

"Then?", he asked, now looking into her eyes. His deep blue eyes danced with playfulness.

"I did that for business related things, okay? Not because I was curious about you.", Kyra answered but her voice stuttered a little.

"If you are curious about me, you can directly ask me. I will tell everything, Kyra.", he told her, this time there was seriousness in his voice.

Kyra was taken aback as she could see that he is serious now.

He would tell everything to her?


Does he trust her this much??

"Oliver, can I ask you something?", Kyra asked, her voice mirroring seriousness in his voice.

"Anything Kyra.", Oliver said, placing his coffee mug aside. He could sense that their conversation is taking a serious turn, something important to progress.

'Why do you trust me this much?", she asked. As she has trust issues, she really can't stop feeling restless whenever he acts so carefree with her and trusts her tremendously. He has brought here to his research facility, showed his personal project and even opened about his vulnerabilities.

Isn't he afraid that she would take advantage of him using this information? After all, they have known each other roughly for a month.

Oliver looked into her eyes. His deep blue eyes to her golden hazel eyes…

"Can't you tell?" he asked as he placed his hand gently on the side of her head, caressing the strands that had escaped her messy bun.