Studying in the hyperbolic time chamber!!!!

Goku: (In his normal clothes not battle suit.)


Biology 7th class

Using the dragon balls on Namek while I went there I wished to see my family and everyone it said that I just have to launch a strong kiai.

Then I did so and said I don't have any more wishes and it went away and I bought back the things from my world while coming back thank god they didn't throw it away.

Aerobic respiration

1: In this process, food materials are broken down in the presence of oxygen.

2:It's end products are CO2 and H2O.

3:It takes longer time to release energy.

4:It produces a large amount of energy.

5: Glucose (with the help of oxygen)=carbon dioxide and water and energy.

Anaerobic respiration:

1: In this process food materials are broken down in the absence of oxygen...….. to see more use the link:

Info: (please watch. This is a real link and this is a YouTube video from my channel.

Goku: What!!!!! I am in the dragon ball universe how can I use this YouTube link well maybe there could be..... man I don't know.

alright now mathematics,

Chapter 8 Comparing Quantities

Its related topics are equivalent ratios, percentage another way of comparing quantities, the meaning of percentage, converting fractional numbers to a percentage, converting decimals to a percentage, converting percentages to fractions or decimals. Other interesting topics are fun with estimation, interpreting percentages, converting percentages to how many, ratios to percents, increase or decrease as per cent, profit or loss as a percentage, charge given on borrowed money or simple interest..... (I am reading from printout of internet notes and ncert books.)

now social science,

The Idea of a Supreme God

Prior to the emergence of large kingdoms, different groups of people worshipped their own gods and goddesses. With the growth of towns, trade and empires people were brought together and new ideas began to develop.

The idea that every living thing passes through countless cycles of birth and rebirth performing good and bad deeds was widely accepted. Also, the idea that not all human beings are equal in birth as well gained ground.

Many learned texts focussed on the belief that social privileges come from birth in a "noble" family or a "high" caste. Uneasy with these ideas, many people turned to the teachings of Buddha or the Jainas, which stressed on the possibility to overcome social differences and break the cycle of rebirth via personal effort.

Some were also attracted to the idea of a Supreme God, who could deliver humans from such bondage if approached with devotion or bhakti, an idea advocated in the Bhagavad Gita.

It grew more popular in the early centuries of the common era. Supreme deities to be worshipped using elaborate rituals include Shiva, Vishnu and Durga. Also, the gods and goddesses worshipped in various areas came to be identified with Shiva, Vishnu or Durga.

Local myths and legends became a part of the puranic stories. Methods of worship recommended in the Puranas were introduced into the local cults. Puranas also laid down the possibility for devotees to receive the grace of God regardless of their caste status. The idea of bhakti became highly popular and even Buddhists and Jainas adopted these beliefs.


Finally all over.

Alright that is it for today in the next chapter we'll see Goku come out of the hyperbolic timer after training for a year and his power level will be kept a secret until the cell games begin. Which will begin at the 9th chapter or the next chapter.