Chapter 1- In the Beginning(Part One)

"Haaa…Haaa…Haaa…Pwoo" was all that was heard in the middle of the forest as a blur was seen running through the trees. The animals scattered out of the path of the black blur; as if they were running from a great life-threatening natural disaster. Which was the correct decision, as hundreds of blurs were seen going the same direction a few seconds later.

Finally the first blur came to a stop inside of a large clearing one minute later. It was a girl clad in all black, with black heels, carrying a red flash drive in her right hand and a black remote in her left. After a couple of seconds, the other blurs stopped in the middle of the clearing to reveal a man in a golden robe with about one hundred assassins behind him awaiting his signal.

"Why don't you just drop the flash drive and come with me? You know that you can't win here Nemesis! Even if you spread that information, This Emperor's Family has complete control over the government. You will have struggled and died in vain!" The man, Asahi, told the woman in black. "If you come with me now, I can promise you all the riches you desire and a place by my side as the consort of the Nakatomi Clan."

The woman who stood in the middle of the clearing was clearly exhausted and as the end of her rope, but she still stood straight. When she spoke she emitted the presence on Mount Tai, "You know I can't do that Nakatomi. Your corruption has went on too long. Even if I die right now it would not be in vain if it meant the extermination of your entire clan! My life's motto is "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" after all!"

"Fine! Then don't blame me for being ruthless!" With that said he gave the signal to start the attack.

"~After all who said that the information was being sent to the government!~" thought Nemesis. Before any of the assassins could move, she pressed the button on the remote in her left hand. Her last thought was "~Finally I got vengeance for you my friends. It really wasn't in vain if it means that the Black Widow Squad, the only family I knew, could Rest In Peace knowing that I killed their betrayers ! See you on the other side my friends!" A second later a huge explosion rocked the forest. The military arrived minutes later to what used to be the forest only to see a crater where the forest used to be. There was nothing but wasteland for miles and miles. And they never found the cause for the explosion because they had bigger problems. Right at that moment the United Nations received a message that contained files of all of the corruption running rampant in Country Z; headed by the Nakatomi Clan. Overnight Country Z faced the inquisition of the entire United Nations and eventually ,due to civil unrest, faced an entire revolution, starting with the destruction of the entire Nakatomi Clan.