Chapter 2- In the Beginning (Part Two)

On a dark and stormy night, "Haa..Haa...Haa...Pwoo" was the only noise heard in a room filled with antique furniture. In the middle of the room was a canopy bed that held the lone resting body of a petite female. In only a long silk undergarment, the female laying on the bed appears to be fairy-like, with pale soft skin and long silky hair that frames her head like a halo. At first glance, the woman looked to be in a fitful sleep but, upon closer observation she is pale as a ghost with pale lips and beads of sweat rolling down her face. With this level of fever, it is a miracle that the woman even has enough energy to even remain in the world of the living. Yet she continues to fight the fever and the only sounds in the room was the soft panting sounds of her struggling to breathe.

The identity of the woman isn't as simple as it seems. One of the princesses of the Jun Dynasty, and a woman known for her surface beauty and short wittiness, her name is Jun Shinju otherwise known as the rumored useless princess. As the daughter of the current Emperor and his late Empress, she should be highly favored in the Jun Empire but, it was not to be. She is known as the trash princess with no talent and no possibility of inheriting the throne, she was seen as a useless princess that was abandoned by her father the day he found out she possessed no talents for magic on her first birthday. If it wasn't for her treasured place in her grandmother's, the Empress Dowager's, heart she would have been disowned from the royal line long ago. Even under the Empress Dowager's protection, she was severely neglected in the palace. With only one servant named Rei, she had indeed had a hard life at nineteen years of age.

Three days ago, the princess had suddenly come down with a fever and had been bedridden for three days. The Empress Dowager had been gone for nearly a week to do her annual retreat to the temple, which on average lasts for a month. This leaves Shinju alone in the palace with only Rei to take care of her during her days of sickness. For three days and three nights, Shinju has been feverish and has not had any diagnosis from the imperial doctors because they were all busy tending to the imperial consort as she went into labor. Of course, the Emperor ordered all of the imperial doctors to care for his beloved consort over his trash daughter, from this decision you could clearly see who the Emperor truly holds in his heart.

Suddenly, the panting sound that filled Shinju's chambers ceased and silence dominated the entire room. Outside, lightening flashed and for a split second it lit up her entire chambers, revealing that the lone figure on the bed was no longer breathing. But, after one minute her chest started to rise and fall once more. Her breathing eventually evened out and she was no longer panting. It seemed that her fever just suddenly magically broke. The next second, as lightning struck again, she opened her eyes and they flashed with a cold light. Nemesis' first thought was, "I'm alive" and in the next second chilling laughter echoed throughout the room.