Chapter 3- Regaining What Was Lost

A minute later the door to the chambers burst open and a frantic maid ran into the room. "Young Miss, Young Miss, are you okay?!" yelled Rei as she frantically ran into the room. "I heard someone laughing in here and I came as fast as I could!" Shinju was sitting up in the bed when Rei burst into the room. As she glanced at the maid a stray thought crossed her mind and she immediately got into character. "I'm okay Rei, I just was so happy that my fever has broken! Isn't it great Rei?! My fever has broken!" She replied with bright eyes and a slightly childish smile on her face. "That is great Miss! Since everything is fine in here this servant will go grab you some water to moisten your throat. I'm sure you must be thirsty. This servant will be right back Miss!" She said as she started to walk out of the room. She yelled back into the room before she finally left, "Stay right in here Young Miss!"

"Like I have anywhere else to go..." thought Nemesis, now known as Jun Shinju. Most people in this situation would be freaking out and unable to accept their new reality and identity so quickly. But not Jun Shinju, who was known as the fearless leader of the Black Widow Squad and number one assassin in her old world. She had over 50 different identities that allowed her to assassinate without detection and she could seamlessly pull off switching between them at will. If she was an actress, she would be a Film Empress and would have won an Oscar many times over. Plus, the old Jun Shinju had died of her sickness and Nemesis just so happened to take over her soulless body. Therefore, her taking over the empty body did not weigh on her conscious at all. While this would be completely different that her temporarily changing identities on her home world, she could still imitate old Jun Shinju in passing so good that no one would dare think that the old Jun Shinju had already passed on into the afterlife. And the reason that she could accept her waking up in a completely different reality is that she simply had nothing else left for her in her old world. No family, no friends, and she did not even have a lover that she had to mourn leaving behind. She had already completed her purpose for living in her old world when she extracted vengeance on the Nakatomi Clan and now she was grateful for the new start. Even if she had to deal with a few pests in order to live her new life to the fullest.

With Rei gone to get her some water, which would take her at least twenty minutes to bring, Shinju decided to meditate and absorb the memories found in her new body. She sat down on the bed and started to let the memories start to flow. While she started to review the memories, something strange started to happen. Little light particles started to enter her body and she absorbed them too. These were known as Aura Particles and they were the building blocks of magical power. The only known way to absorb the particles was meditation. In fact, everyone can absorb Aura but, they can absorb them at different rates. Those that can absorb them fast are known as once in a lifetime geniuses and the ones that absorb slowly are known as trash. The old Shinju was known as the latter due to the test she had taken as a toddler. But, contrary to the test results, the Shinju meditating was absorbing them at a rate that couldn't be seen with the naked eye. In fact, the golden particles were going in so fast that she appeared to have a golden halo surrounding her body. Finally, fifteen minutes later she had completely absorbed the memories and opened her eyes only to be stunned by the fading golden light on her body. "Well, that changes a lot of my plans." Thought a shocked Shinju as she slipped back underneath the covers. Just in time because a minute later Rei entered the room with a warm cup of water for her to moisten her throat.

"Miss, I have brought you some hot water. Would you like me to help you sit up to drink it?" said Rei. "No that is alright. Please just hand me the water." said Shinju as she slowly sat up as if her body was still weak from her sickness. As she grabbed the cup and brought it to her mouth to drink, she took a discreet sniff of the drink and just so happened to smell a crisp and minty scent from the water. She pretended to take a sip and then slowly lowered the cup. With a fake and exaggerated smile on her lips she spoke, "Rei, thanks so much for the water but I would just like to rest now." "Okay, Miss," replied Rei, "I will leave you to get some more rest and will see you tomorrow morning." With that last remark she exited the room. Shinju then got up from the bed with the water, went to the window, and poured it out. "Change of plans indeed..." She thought as she laid down in the bed and went into a light sleep.