Chapter 8- Holy Water

How did she come to this conclusion? Well out of all the substances found in the world, only holy water could get rid of the poison that she found in the old Shinju's body instantaneously. Even with her skills, it would have taken her multiple sessions and herbs to completely get rid of the poison. The previous Shinju had, unknown to her, been fed a slow acting poison for years. That is the reason that her body had been physically weak and sickly since she was a child. The Queen Dowager had always thought that it had to be because she was born early and had clearly told Shinju that is the reason. Even though she was the forgotten princess, the Queen Dowager had made sure that she had at least the necessities to live; including food and water.

So almost immediately after she transmigrated, as she was absorbing her memories, Nemesis checked the body and came to the conclusion that it had been poisoned with a slow acting poison over the span of years. The poison is almost undetectable, and it basically blocks some oxygen from going to the brain. Symptoms of being poisoned by this is slowly the victim will start to lose their mind and go crazy. This also explained why the old Shinju was slow witted and very childish. She must have been given the poison as a child and her mindset did not grow with her into adulthood but instead stayed in a childish mindset.

Of course, the poison did not affect Nemesis in anyway once she transmigrated but, it could have started to affect her later in life. That is why she resolved to get stronger to go and get the herbs needed to cure the poison in her body. This was her plan before she stumbled onto the pool of holy water and completely cured her body of the poison.

Holy water in this world is seen as the cure for anything. Holy water could heal all wounds, get rid of curses, and even bring someone back from the brink of death. It is no wonder that holy water is very rare to have, and it is known as a national treasure in the very few countries that have it. Even in the countries that have holy water, they have no more than a flask full in each country. Never has there been a pool full of holy water found like Shinju found in the cave. After all, to make holy water you need a God or a Goddess to personally bless it, and rarely do the Gods interfere with humans.