Chapter 7- Magic!

"How does one even start to use magic?" Shinju thought to herself. "Well let's start by meditating to absorb Aura. That way I can observe the way that they travel into my body. Hopefully this is how I will find my magical core." According to the magical teacher the old Shinju had before she tested as trash, the first step to performing magic is to feel the Aura particles entering your magical core. From then, one can pull out the magic contained in the core to perform spells. To meditate, Shinju sat beside the flowing water and then sat with her legs crossed. "Haaa…" In and out, "Haaa…" In and out. She started to breathe evenly and softly. After about thirty seconds she started to see gold little flakes flying all around her prone body. Surprisingly, the golden flakes were already entering her body. According to the magical instructor, one must concentrate and force the Aura particles to enter the body slowly. But, for her, the Aura particles were flying into her body with no resistance at all. In fact, they were flying into her body with no effort on her part. If anyone was able to see the effortless way she collected Aura their intestines would turn green with envy. Shinju did not let anything distract her from her goal and quickly located her magical core right above her belly button.

Grabbing ahold of some of the Aura particles located in her core, she quickly willed them to change the appearance of her eyes to black. Her eyes heated up for a second then started to cool down. She hurriedly got up and went to the pool to see if the spell worked. When she looked at her reflection, she saw two black eyes looking back at her. A few seconds later they faded back to her real eye color of violet and red. Looking back at her core she realized that she had stopped pulling any Aura particles to power her spell.

She sat down once more to figure out how to continuously supply Aura to her spell, even without her concentrating on it all the time. She suddenly thought of curses! In this world, there were two basic types of magic, spells and curses. Of course, there were many sublevels to these categories of magic but, these were the general types. Spells are magic that manipulates your surroundings and it is the type of magic that is easily reversible. Spells can be cast and reversed by the castor easily and quickly. The drawback of spells is that the castor must constantly supply Aura to the spell or it will easily disappear. For example, if the castor throws a flame ball, but stops supplying Aura to the spell then the fire ball will simply extinguish. This was the problem that Shinju had with the spell that changed the appearance of her eyes.

Curses on the other hand are almost always permanent and can not be reversed. But that is not the only reason that curses are used way less than spells. Curses will draw on the castors Aura from their core to power the curse automatically. And curses are usually non-reversible so for their whole life the castor will have Aura particles taken periodically to power the curse. The only way to get rid of a curse, is that the castor must put holy water to the affected area. But, if Shinju used a curse to make her eyes black, theoretically she should also be able to get rid of the curse with the water in the cave. After all, she had come to the conclusion that in was a pool full of holy water.