Chapter 6- Crystal Clear

Looking at the crystal-clear glowing water, Shinju was suddenly reminded that she had not drunk nor eaten anything since transmigrating into her new body! Suddenly she was parched and she could not wait to get a taste! Hurrying over to the edge of the water, she scooped up a handful and careful sniffed it for any impurities or poisons. Finding none, she hurriedly drunk the water. As the water first touched her taste buds it was the best thing she ever drank, subtly sweet and delicious. Vigorously she started scooping up mouthfuls of the water. Now that her thirst was gone, she took off her clothes to take a quick bath in the water to wash away the thin coat of dirt on her body.

As she slowly walked into the water, she sighed with relief as the water was not too cold. Then she sunk to the bottom of the pool. After five minutes at the bottom of the pool, she finally came up for air and started to scrub her body with sand she had found at the bottom of the pool. After a minute of scrubbing, she started to notice that a black substance started to leak out of her pores. She paused, stunned, as she watched her pale skin slowly start to blacken with the impurities. After a minute of the impurities leaking out, it slowly slowed to a stop. Quickly scrubbing the black tar like substance from her body, she jumped out of the water and started to look over her body for any problems. "That black stuff must have been the poisons leaking out of this body!" she thought in stunned realization. Checking her pulse, she could no longer feel any sort of impurity within her body.

Quickly, she rushed back to the side of the water and looked at her reflection. Only to be stunned at the goddess like beauty looking back at her. Slowly she rose her hand to touch her face and watched as the reflection of the girl did the same. She had long hair that looked black but was really the color of fresh blood, a very dark red. With high cheekbones, long eyelashes, and a button nose, she would have looked like a fairy if it wasn't for the beauty mark that she possessed just beneath her left eye and her curved dark red brows. But what really stunned her was the color of her phoenix shaped eyes. They were a gorgeous mix of dark violet with a light red towards the pupils.

Looking back to the memories she had from the previous Shinju, she found out that Shinju got most of her looks from her mother that supposedly died in childbirth. Her mother was from a foreign country and her features differed greatly from the noble class of the Empire. The only thing that Shinju inherited from her "Father's" side of the family was her dark red hair and fair complexion. But, because of the neglection that she had to deal with almost since birth, her fair skin was always hidden under a layer of dirt, and she was forced to wear a veil every time she stepped outside of her home. The only ones aware of the way she looked were the Queen Dowager, Rei her maidservant, and her scumbag of a father the Emperor. But even then, according to the Old Shinju's memory, her eyes had always just been a plain black. Which was the same color as her mother's.

The only explanation she could think of was that they had changed once she started to occupy the body. But if that was true then Rei would have noticed last night as she brought her water. So that means her eye color should have been the same plain black last night, which means that they only changed color once she submerged into the water. The water must have either changed her eye color or revealed her true eye color. "No matter" thought Shinju, "I should just figure out how to conceal that my eye color has changed before I have to go back to the Palace." With that decided, she decided to start training casting magic first instead of her physical training.