Today was Julian second birthday with his adoptive family. Now, while there was a bunch of things he had to say about them. Like being noisy and pretty eccentric. One thing he was sure about was that he couldn't possibly have hoped for better adoptive parents, and also that he loved them very much.

His new mom, who was freakishly named Kassidy, and his dad who was named Jacob, were famous linguists who had mastered more than a dozen languages.

After their tour of the world, they had decided to set down somewhere calm to start a family. They thus came to set down here, in kuoh town, as they had received a ludicrously good offer to teach english as temporary honorary english teacher at Kuoh highschool, being honorary one at least until they get their teaching licence.

Unfortunately, tragedy had struck just as things seemed to be on the right track. They had remarked that no matter how much they tried to have a child, Kassidy was never showing any signs of pregancy. Thus, after one year with no sign of baby in sight, they decided to get tested for any problems. It was then that they had learned that Jacob was impotent and couldn't conceive a child of his own.

But, the day after they had received the life changing news and were still bitterly digesting them. An incredibly well time miracle had happened, it could only be interpreted as such for the couple because that night a child was left at their doorstep.

At the time, they had never told anyone of even going to take the test, even less of the actual results of it. But a child was still dropped at their doorstep the day after.

Needless to say, the decision was an extremely quick one, even if they were not believers, for the couple, it just looked like an heaven-sent gift.

So, here was Julian, currently being teached by his mother how to speak freaking french.

"In french, I is 'je', you is 'tu', he is 'il' and she is 'elle', there are two different sort of you in french, there is the you from addressing personally one person that is 'tu', and the you when you are adressing a group of people not including yourself that is 'vous'..."

His mother was a tall woman with blond hair, beautiful ocean blue eyes and sharp facial features. She was currently monitoring if Julian really did understand what she was saying or not. Because, of course a normal 2 years old wouldn't understand anything from what she was saying. But Julian had proven multiple times that he was not ordinary.

She was thinking about these things when a suave and deep voice came from their kitchen. "Dear, could you help me prepare the lunch for the picnic we are having this afternoon with the neighbors? You know how I am with a knife."

Rolling her eyes, she yelled back. "I'm coming, you big dunce. I still can't understand how you can cut a plate cleanly in two while leaving the slice of bread on it untouched."

Julian, now left alone in the pathetic attempt of restraining his freedom that was his cradle. Recalled his past two years of experience in a world that was fondamentally different than his past one.

Firstly, the actual visuals of this world was weird. It was like a mix of a tint of reality with the visual of an anime world. This is not often said when reincarnators go into other worlds, but the visuals of reality and anime world are still vastly different from one another.

It's like trying to imagine your favorite anime character trouncing around in your home. There would be a sense of incongruity when imagining a fictional character walking around in the visual of the real world.

Now, it was where it all mixed up to work out harmoniously. The world was more colorfull than the real one, more vibrant in general. And everytings felt more prononced, the wind on his skin, the warmth of the sun, even his emotions felt more, how to say, real. Or maybe it was just him recovering from the comatose state he was in before his rebirth. Still, he was pretty sure the changes applied to a lot more than just the 'graphics' of his new world.

But the most important change of all was...

A wisp of red and black aura like substance appeared atop his right palm while a little, almost physical ball of white-yellow light appeared on his left.

Magic, it was pretty easy to manifest it for him. It felt like he had an extra pair of lung to breath in and out with, but from the pores of his body. When he breath out he could choose if he wanted to summon demonic, holy or destruction power. Or even all at the same time.

Julian thought that if there was something that was truly innate, then it was that. After all, no matter how much you wanted to breath in water like fishes or fly in the sky like birds, if you had not the right organs or the right constitution, you would never be able to do so.

Then, he could choose to meld his holy and demonic power to make something else entirely. It was an orange and pink, misty energy. But it was hard, extremely hard to condense it compared to its two other forms. As of now, he could only make the tiniest wisp flow arround him for about... 1 second. After that, his reserve of magical energy, he called it that because it was the addition of every type of magical fuel in his body, would be emptied.

This was what Julian thought was the orange ring of light that he had seen above the equator during the day his mother left him in the care of his adoptive family. The perfect fusion between holy, and demonic energy. It contained the property of both, and even more that he wasn't aware off right now. It was a unique type of energy that, per see, shouldn't exist. So, he decided to called it, Trinity energy. Because of being made of holy and demonic power, as well as impossibility.

The innate energy control that he had wanted to be able to hide his magical signature in his third wish was just that. A level of energy control that was just enough to be able to hide his magical presence to the outside world right from his birth. Something that was pleasing to him because he was made aware only too late that he could have been given a perfect energy manipulation right from the start, and that would have been no fun.

After that was another pretty big change, he had wings. He could make appear and disapear a black demonic wing on his right side as well as a white angelic one on his left at will. It was weird, like weirder than having otherworldly supernatural power. It felt like he had a new, additional and retractable arm with a two-fingered hand on it corresponding to his two wings.

Also, he had been left in awe the first time he had managed to manifest them as well as do magic. Like it was one thing to see it through a screen, and it was another when he could fucking touch, smell, and see his magic and his wings in person. The feathers of his angelic one were just so, well, heavenly soft and light. Furthermore, his demonic one was not made from coarse, but rather soft and warm leather. He also got a chudder the first time he touched it, something he was not willing to dwell on when he was still two years old.

All in all, he was feeling incredibly good right now and for the future. This feeling of reality from something that he tought was only in dreams and fairy tails just made him want to feel an see more of the magical world he was currently in.

He was brought out of his thoughts by his mother voice. "Juju, come here, It's almost the time we set to meet with the neighbors at the parc."

"Coming, mama" Yes, he was a mama boy, but he just didn't care.

Taking with him the blanket Freyja left with him two years ago that was resting in his cradle. He took off to the corridor after his room to afterward go down the stairs at the end of it.

Now, why was he taking his blanket with him like an actual baby while he was, in fact, mentally in the twenties? Because he actually didn't give a fuck and it got him some cuteness points.

Julian had come to realize this fact about himself during what were supposed to be his humiliating two years as a baby. His skin was THICK, like, ankwardness, shyness and humilation weren't even in his vocabulary. Something that he think came from being pratically a slave for the gouvernment shitting out weapons for afterward becoming basically a tyrant for the entire earth. Like yeah, who would have thought that Kim Jong-hun had thick skin not only in a physical manner, but psychologically too?

But this particular trait of his may also be a result from his trauma of meeting fake people while he was just trying to make friends in his past life. In place of going, I don't like talking to people because they are assholes. He was more like, fuck society, I can't care anymore about it.

It was while thinking that his skin might be thicker than Donald Trump, something that should be impossible, that he arrived in the kitchen and before his mother who promptly took him in her arms.

"Now, when we will reach the park and arrive at the agreed point. I would like for you to meet Issei. The son of of the Hyoudou couple, while me and your dad will be busy setting up the lunch with them. He is the same age as you and it will be good for you to make friends your age. It's even possible that you'll go to the same school, so take the opportunity to get to know each other." She paused before taking a stricter tone than the soft one she had earlier.

"Other children aren't as bright or as quickwitted as you Julian, but I don't want to hear you denigrate them because of it. They'll catch up to you, enventually. Do you understand me?"

Never having intended to denigrate children because of them being inferior to his reincarnator IQ. He just nodded solemnly. "Yes, mama, I'd rather not lower myself to the same level as these inferior beings."

His mother just stared at him angrily but amusingly at the same time, while his father just choked on his own laughter in the background.

His laughter dying, his father straightened himself to his full 6,2 foot height and added with an approuving voice . "That's the way, my son. As the enlightened individuals that we are, we shouldn't dirty ourselves in practicing the same barbaric discrimination those plebeians would use to foolishly elevate themselves, but only in their own mind. We should lead by exemple and show them the way to become like us, beings of perfection." he added with a voice full of self-righteousness, nodding at himself.

"Papa, you know that you were included in the inferior beings right?" Julian just couldn't stop himself from retorking.

At this, his father choke even more on his coffee that he was taking a sip off after his lenghty speech. It was his mother turn to burst into laughter now.

It was then that with his father who had a depressed face, and his mother that had a big smile on it. Julian was taken by his mother to meet the Hyoudou family.