Grade 9

Things are looking up at grade 9 but not very much. Still things were pretty fucked up. I ended up punching another fucking cared and was nearly threaten With fucking expulsion because it. Once again I was going through a PMS attack and a kid was calling me a degrading name or derogatory name or their BF Nick or other some other fucked up shit. I did not appreciate it and I swung my face today Adam and he fell on the floor he was able to get back up where the other brat didn't get up and he still continue to tease me saying don't fucking look at me don't fucking look at me and stuff like that is if he was afraid of me. And I had to push them around a couple of times and I knew from when I was in grade day that I read law box actual law books what was actually south of France and what was actually a salt and what I found was that when these people were getting in my fucking face and my space and causing me physical harm so it was self-defence and I said it I was in my right to do what I had to do to swing my first out that kid that was just the first month in fucking grade 9. Other moms were not too good I've been told that I was not a good martial artist by the bullies and other horseshit. It was a real smelly ass farm mess one kid said oh why don't You use your anger for drama class. Do you want to know when I fucking get a chase the bitch out of the fucking cafeteria and she was never allowed back in because she knew I was around and the teachers knew I was eating lunch there she had to eat with a fucking grade 7 and 8. Her name was Kate learn she was a real bitch Kate was nothing more than a shit disturber as well and a communist I found that she had the Marxists hammer and sickle on her hand actually embedded in her fucking skin as in a tattoo. Boy she's going to regret that one day and she regretted bothering the shit out of me because she coordinate with the grade 9 and high school students not that I gave a fuck. She was a real winner telling me to use not martial arts but actual performing arts instead of that for my anger. I wanted to kill her that one time. I was showing signs that the teacher that was felt energy off me and Said that I could detonate a bomb off with a temper like that. I told that bitch was causing me problems.

Well anyways I didn't really give a shit about this little thot. I called one girl a Republican and another woman a teacher a Democrat I even went as far as to get angry I don't like politics but as I said I was getting to the point where I was naming names because people were putting me down and I knew law very well and I knew I had do use against these people. That was my weapon. I did not bring a gun to school or any fucked up shit like that I'm not stupid or retarded like that but I want as far as to use the legal system and my knowledge of it to my advantage until I was able to The taekwondo championships and I just let my anger run amok after the The tournament and but I had to keep it hush Hush and be passive aggressive towards some people when this happened I felt a power empowerment and I was able to feed off that without getting in fucking shit up to my fucking eyeballs. Don't get me wrong I'm a very nice girl if you get to know me well and you'll get to know me through this fucking book but I was a real bitch in high school. People were saying stupid stuff or they had excellent expletives that were retarded like holy to damn what the hell is that.

I fucking hated every single one of these people and I wanted to pull pranks on him but I knew if I pull the fucking prank that I'd be fucked up for life. And that my martial arts career was gonna be fucked up forever as well as an award and even fucking exist. And that's the only thing that I had between me and Guantánamo Bay. No fucking drugs there because of that pussy licker Back in Grey de the great Mr. McGarry what a flame or he wise he did not die soon enough from a heart attack I'll tell you that much and I'll tell you how he reentry and fuck up my life all over again just by being around me. This was in grade 11 another chapter for another time. What his evil hatred was still not far from my mind or fears. I kept thinking if I do something wrong and fuck up that he was going to come and snatch me from My fucking bedroom and take me to Guantánamo Bay and turned me into the first Omar Khadr. If this is something for fucking Halloween I'm going to tell you that much so I had no choice but to be passive aggressive fucked peoples life up without them knowing and even as much as going around saying I'm hot shit. I couldn't stand people I had no patience for them I was angry until I actually started at grade 12 again listening to the Insane Clown Posse that anger was not the right option. Most of my time was dealt with exams and other shit that I did not fucking like very much And having to watch fucked up documentaries and fucked up movies it really didn't matter to anyone I didn't even think it mattered to the white people in the school so who the hell fucking cared about these documentaries and movies at the school made us watch the only good one that was actually any fucking God was broke down Palace with Kate Beckinsale. Other than that everything was a pile of washed shit.

Then I discovered that I was and I'm not fucking kidding with you I'm not fucking crazy but I actually believe in past lives in reincarnation and I start to discover my past lives and ability that I have lost at age 6 but haven't forgotten to use when I was in grade 9 when I realize that I remember in the battle of Sekigahara And other famous samurai battles in japan. I was actually three times samurai reincarnated.

There's topic of fucking reincarnation I'm sorry if I said that F word or F bomb but is actually going to be a theme of mine and my memoir as you'll find out. I can name off now the Differennt past lives that I had.

As I went to Thruway high school that fucked up smelly ass farm mess, I was able to see who I really was spiritually passport wise. I learned that I had an extensive spiritual passport not just in a pan or the Han dynasty. But all the while I ended up having to deal with this one bitch named Casey who keeps cropping up in my life and fucking up my days whenever she comes in my life or decide to come in my life and fuck it up as if they remind me I'm still fucking here you can't kill me. Well guess what Casey I am the secret bitch too.

My Devil May care attitude continued all the way up to grade 11 but let's start with grade 10 First.