Grade 10

When I was in grade 10 and I was getting fed up with people fed the fuck up and I was still fucked the fuck away for me. I made another girl who is just as pissed off with the world as I was Leritcia. She was an Irish girl where I was a mixed bag of tricks. She instructed me on how to prank people without getting in shit and she knew how to defuck up a situation without Having to get in the shed or having the drama. She mentioned that she was a master prankster and then if I had anything I want and she was going to give it to me and I told her that I fucking wanted to yakuza family. She made sure that I was going to get there come hell or Highwater because I watched kill Bill and I really identified with Oren Ishii A year Asian girl who also had PTSD and was angry with the world as well. I watched cable bill so many fucking times it wasn't even a fucking funny it was one of my favourite fucking movies I watched it religiously like someone would read the Bible religiously. It was my favourite fucking movie and it was the only movie I would watch. I then started getting interested in languages first of us are learning about clean Japanese like normal Japanese but then it got potty mouthed Pretty soon and I was cursing in Japanese as well as speaking a normal Japanese as well. Both from movies and language sites and yakuza Japanese Site where are you going to learn yakuza Japanese…..In other words swearwords. I knew how to say temmee, kono yaro, Atria which mean shit head.

When I look back on it I'm not too proud of learning about these different yakuza phrases, but I had to learn them because people riding my ass hole literally fucking me in the ass and bugging the shit out of me. And test got a hold of the yakuza Japanese as well and we started a cold language in Japanese so none of the other dingbats can I have a fucking find out what we actually learned about in school or in life or what we're gonna do to them prank wise. If the high school situation was going to the partners getting fucked up and more fucked up as it went one along. Things started to get out of hand I failed the literacy test something that I had to give her taekwondo up other than because of my PTSD and my torture injuries but also I found out I failed a math exam to that was required by the fucker government. So I was not too happy. Do I have given up on fucking tae kwon do and have to fucking do these exams and forget watch fuck shit balls sucking crap. It was just a bunch a crap. Despite my fucking swearing in foul language I have been very literate most of my life and can write and read. The thing was that they fucked me up with these exams were trick questions that no one else knew not even me with a fucking IQ of 190 fucking six. It was really getting to the point where I was when I pulling out my eyebrows and I did I look like a real fuck up at the end of high school with no fucking eyebrows are fucking eye lashes because I was plucking them out one by one as the day went on and I was getting more and more pissed off and example of this fuck up and be when a kid did this and this is something I fucking hate...…World War II or holocaust jokes that is the worst Taste in jokes I have ever fucking heard and I thought that there was one kid that kept talking about the holocaust as if it was a fucking joke and I blew up at him and I yelled Adam so loud that he probably was propelled across the Classroom and then was screaming what's wrong with you what's wrong with you like I gave a shit what was wrong with him. The fact that these drugs came up or the fact that we were going to fucking war museum in Ottawa what you did not really fucking help very much matters for me as I am a fucking gypsy and they Asian as well as Caucasian and Jewish and Arab and I did not like these racist jokes at all and I had to hear them all fucking day that day and I was getting fed up. It was getting fucked up how do I know that I was Asian gypsy and Jewish and Arab as well as Caucasian my big mouth father told me before the DNA test came along. So like the Peacock I was proud yet aggressive and I was proud of being aggressive towards people that were trashing my heritage. It didn't even start there there's also people saying Pakey and all that retarded shit backyard and someone from Pakistan derogatory word for someone from Pakistan I should more or less say and I was going to slug them in the fucking face and tell him to shut the fuck up before they got fucked up even more. It was a smelly ass for mass with racial slurs either towards me or a girl name Radha De.

There is one girl name Maria who is a real fucking racist against me and Radha de. She kept saying Pacquiao a time and I kept telling her to shut the fuck up before I was gonna fuck her up and then she was going to survive before I was going to shovel shit where is shit should've been shovelled in the first place. I told her many times that that word was not gonna fly with me and she still kept saying paki paki paki paki paki and I was like fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. To the point where the teacher yelled at me. I've all the people who should've been yelled out it should've been Maria.

Yes I have met a lot of psychopaths in grade 10 To out a fucking FBI agent and that's no motherfucking joke is that I was getting fed up with these psychopaths and having the scheme pranks again Sam knowing that they didn't even give a flying fuck about human life. But the Pakistani And era bashing continued on the grade 11 poor me and Radha.