God of Weed, blessed art I by thou

Without much to say the problem in the city has calmed down enough so that no civil war is in the danger of happening, but the price is not something the Jade Sect could accept.

The price was that their authority was undermined as see by a few of their cultivators praising the Fox Goddess of the Sun. And with more and more worshiping of the Fox they found themselves at an impasse, should they let it continue that'll be the same as accepting defeat, but should they retaliate then ruins all that await for them along with a tattered reputation.

In conclusion, they are fucked and are stuck between immortalized humiliation and acceptance or fuck themselves over and endure immortalized humiliation.

To do or to not, I'm very surprised it lead to this moment.

"You put them in quiet the position, didn't you love?" Xi Yen says, enveloping my arm with her breast while combing my tail, something that I've come to enjoy.

Inhaling, I puff out and focus on her crimson locks of hair

Seeing me play with them she giggles. "You really do love my hair don't you?" taking a handful of them I put them to my nose to immortalized her addicting scent.

"It's because their beautiful, constantly reminding me of our nights" flirting aside I really do love her, I know she's accepted it and became my second wife but I won't stop saying it, I lover her so much that it's unfair I can't share this moment with Wu Yang.

"Thinking about your first wife?" I nod to which she sighs. "It almost makes me burn with jealousy at how much love you can give…but oh well, I fell for you and thus it's a shame that my sister wife and I can't enjoy your body together"

A threesome huh? How I would love that.

"Please, I'll probably have more lovers down the line…"

"But you'll love them equally" I nod. "Well, don't forget to give us some love okay? Be it in heart or in body" and like that she contently stays by my side.

That being said, to deal with a harem is to make them like each other, since as girls they already like me then it's possible they can extent that relationship to other girls as well.

Weaving my demonic energy I create energy sigils that give an ominous glow, so ominous that a primordial instinct within me writhes and squirms to be let free, roaring in anguish for the chance.

Refilling my pipe I puff out and start changing the sigils as the very ground starts reflecting the demonic sigils that I'm making.

After making a few adjustments the world gladly destroys them, returning and purifying the energy for itself, an act that I'm quite pleased with as I figured out a way to give demonic energy to the world.

Taking out the Marijuana I gently lay it to the ground and watch as the world saturates them with so much Qi that I can feel my mouth drool at the thought of having them.

Minutes pass and the world stops giving, gently I bring my arms to them and hold them up before crushing them and putting them into my pipe that seemed to have been upgraded by the world while I was looking away.

"Demonic inversion" standing up I dust off the dirt from my clothes and fur before settling my gaze to where the Jade Sect is located.

Stretching till my bones let out a satisfying pop, I let Xi Yen comb my fur as I start giving the land my Qi.

"What are the surrounding sects that I can absorb?"

"The surrounding sects to absorb?" She looks at me to which I nod.

"I still got a mission to spread about the greatness of the fluff and of the Fox Goddess of the Sun" maybe when I conquer this continent I should rename it to the land of the rising sun?

"Well if you insist" standing up, she reaches deep within her cleavage and pulls out a map of the surrounding area showing things from cities, sects, ancient landmarks and even to the local weather.

Just how? Oh right, cultivation bullshit.

My fox ears twitch in annoyance before I bring up my pipe and take a hit, calming my nerves and mind. Puffing out I watch in mild interest as I just grew a new tail and felt myself breaking through into the True Spirit King realm.

"Ha-ahahahahahahahahah" I start laughing like mad while occasionally stoping to take a hit before continuing.

"Hm? Did you just break through from smoking?" My wife asked, baffled that such thing was possible.

"Praise Snoopdog! Giver of Weed and patron God of the Highkage! Ahahahahahahahahah"


"Four tails hmm?" Combing my four tails I watch as my own students start kicking ass and taking names whilst Xi Yen students let out sadistic laughs as they beat the others with the occasional masochistic moan once they get hit.

"I'm still shocked that you managed to breakthrough from just smoking a pot of herbs" and my ears twitch in annoyance once again at her dismissive attitude.

"Want some?" She shook her head, making me click my tongue before looking back at our students fighting the other disciples of something, all I know is that it's an important test. A test that will decide their future.

But to me it's not important, what's important is that this Sect is already falling for the fluff.

"Still, madam Mu seems mad" Turing to where her gaze is I see a women who seems mature and graceful at a glance, old as her hair are now graying but nonetheless she still beautiful.

"Mhmm…" at my silence Xi Yen stares back at me before her eyes widen.

"Don't tell you'll still go after women that old?" All I do is nod. "…give my that pipe, I feel like I'm gonna start yanking my hair in frustration!" She steals it but I just observe the women from afar.

Why? I mean look at her, sure she's starting to show signs of aging but that doesn't take away the fact that she still is beautiful.

Retracting my gaze I look at the students before taking back my pipe to smoke it.

It seems that my strike zone has increased without me even noticing.

"Ahhhh, not like I can do anything about my preferences"