Madness? Or is it boredom?

The bustling city of Jade City has never been more busy till today. The citizens are happy, cultivators are happy, small time gangs are happy as they all came under the banner of the Fox Goddess.

Yes, the religion that suddenly sprouted out of nowhere a year ago is the source of their happiness, but how can that be? The answer to that question is the herbs they give out.

To the citizens it's a relaxation herb as if blessed by the heavens, one smoke and they feel refreshed as if they can conquer the world.

Cultivators worship the herb as a sacred plant for its ability to attune them to the world and increase ones own cultivation talent while also cleansing one of impurities.

The Gangs receive the herbs and are tasked with eliminating the 'competition' in the dark parts of the city.

But if it was only the herbs then they'll worship the herbs and not the Fox Goddess of the Sun. So what can the secret be to such a successful religion that charmed both cultivators and mortals alike? It's simple, the herbs that their patron Saint dubs as Weed allows one to truly come to understand the true value of the fluff and of Tamamo-no-Mae.

To them, it was an eye opener, and at first they were shock, shock later turned into regret as tears came out for living in such ignorance, ignorance that such a beautiful thing was always there and they never took heed of such beauty.

With a thoughtful hum Xi Yen stared at the bustling city that was slowly being turned into Elysia drug empire, or at least a partial one considering its missing cocaine, and all sorts of other things that Elysia mentioned.

"Lady Xi" staring at one of Elysia concubines in a servant outfit, she couldn't help but let her lips quirk upwards at how outrages it is for someone of the Peak Spirit Warrior to be reduced to a mere maid servant.

"Yes, I know, get the bath ready" the servant leaves with a respectful bow, how could she not when her beloveds wife is in front of her.

Once the bath is ready she takes off her clothes and enters the bath, first dipping her feet to test the water before entering the nicely warmed bath.

"Ahhh~" her moan sounded sexual to her ears, something she hears when Elysia is with her.

As her mind wonders to Elysia, her face, her delectable body, her expressions, Xi Yen can't help but slowly starts rubbing her thighs together as her loins start heating up with want and need.

"Already~?" Feeling her body start heating up, she takes a moment to breathe in before getting up and quickly drying herself. "Mhmm~" ordering one of the concubines to bring her some clothes she starts getting ready for today.


Mhmm? "Tanuki, Big D" the brown pikachu and Cock looked up to me. "It's time" they looked at each other before nodding.

What do I mean that it's time? Well, it's been around a year since I left right? I'm going back to my hometown? Home? Place of power? What can it be called…? Home?

Yea, anyway I'm going home and no one is stopping me.

"Elysia dear" a sweet, seductive voice rechaces my ear, one that makes me drop what I'm doing and focus on the voice.

Turning around I see Xi Yen coming into my room, dressed in a way that emphasizes her cleavage, hair neatly done along with makeup making her overall more seductive and attractive to look at.

Just the way her eyes glaze over me is already making my nipples hard.

"Mhmm? My, dressed to impress now are we?" Strutting closer I take a moment to curse my height before tip toeing to kiss her on the lips, enjoying the taste as our tongues dance it out.

Feeling her hands on my hips, I start swaying my tails in a seductive manner while using my hands to feel out her body. "As much as I would love to continue this, you wouldn't bother dressing like this without asking me" whispering I lick her earlobe and nibble on it. "That is of course, you want me to play as the seductive and demonic Fox that ruined you as a noble lady" giving her ass a tight squeeze, she moans into my ear as she starts getting more and more aroused, with her hot breath tickling my neck.

"L-let's talk before you ruin me, please?" Ignoring her I lick her neck and give it a few small pecks before playing with her earrings for a bit. Taking a look at her red lips that I've tasted multiple times I kiss her, deeply this time with our tongues engaging in battle.

Moans come out from both our mouths as we struggle, coming close to clawing but we cut the intense kiss short as we decided to sit down on the bed, with my nose I can smell the sweet fragrance of perfume from her making me wonder whether she actually wanted to talk to me or ruin her.

Hmm, knowing her it's probably both.

"Where's your pipe?" At that I look at how far my boobs developed over the few years of reincarnation and stuck my fingers deep within my cleavage before taking out a pipe with a smug smile.

It took me years but I finally did it, I can pull of that shit off and look smug while doing it.

"Right…" leaning in close till I sat on her lap, I lean in with our nose touching each other.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Her cheeks flush and breath quickens as I continue to make seductive advances that furthers her arousal, something she knows as she throws me a knowing look that I merely feign ignorance and continue doing what I'm doing.

"I've been meaning to wonder, what is your goal?" Oh, now that catches my attention.

Seeing my look she continues. "From what I heard you fought for survival at a young age, earned the villagers trust and become worshiped as a Goddess of Fertility that blesses that land and its people, yet you grew bored and decided to travel and met a few members of the Jade Sect before you made a religion that could content and put them in a bind in a mere few months" keep stroking my ego and I might cum from how hard it's getting stroked. "Next you conquered them, bedded many beauty's such as myself and trained a few disciples while taking full control of the city" rubbing my cheeks with her delicate fingers she continues.

"If I didn't know any better I'll think you were a Fox Demon who plans to conquer the entirety of humanity" here that lads, I'm a Demon King level threat.

"Mhmm, that's a dumb plan considering how much humanity varies in opinions that governing you lot would be boring and exhausting" she ignore me as she puts a finger into my lips, one that I lick and suck.

"True, but that's what I'm worried about, as your wife I want to know more about you, what you plan to do next incase you might anger a few hidden sleeping dragons" huh, I'll be dammed, she really thinks I have some sort of grand scheme? Wait no, she cares about me…loves me.

Did I mention how intoxicating this feeling is? No? I'll say it once again, love is intoxicating, so much so that it's maddening that such feeling could ever exist.

Putting my pipe down I start wondering how im going to do this before giving up and winging it like how I've always done. "A plan? I don't have any plan other than ones that are made on the spur of the moment, hmm? If I have to say it's cause im bored"

She stares at me, half accepting half exasperated at me. "Boredom? Even if you anger people far more stronger than you, even if the whole world shall be thrown into chaos, you'll do it?"

"Yup, because it's entertainment that I seek" I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the true nature of the nine tailed species.

Bored beyond reason, seeking entertainment be it through carnal desires, love, destruction, killing and such that it makes one wonder how such beings can exist.

Really, I feel like this race was suited for me.

"Mhmm, is that all?" Without much thought she quickly pushes me down on the bed.

"It's all, now then, how should I punish you?" Oh, rough sex is it?

"I don't know" moving I shake my ass towards her and send her an inviting look. "How will you punish me, mistress?" Did that do the trick.

Seeing a whip materialize from the surrounding Qi I nod to myself.

It did do the trick.