A/N: I just want to let everyone know ahead of time to not get their hopes up. The MC and his parents are going to Tokyo to disrupt the First Tokyo Grail War, so there won't be all that many events occurring there that follow the plot. They will only meet about half of the total characters from Fate/Prototype so don't get your hopes up.
Also, I was thinking about whether or not to get Brynhildr as the MC's Servant but decided that I didn't know enough about her to make write her character even close to accurately, so I won't. Sorry for all the Lancer fans out there.
It wasn't much longer than a week until my new assistant arrived. She was a tall, yet slender looking Homunculus with long white hair and red eyes. She appeared to look almost identical to Irisviel, however its eyes were hollow and it seemed as though it really didn't have any emotion.
Right after taking a look at her, I immediately brought her over to the workshop to begin modifications. Under normal circumstances, my father would be doing this with me, however, because I had already surpassed him with both Spirit Magecraft and Metamorphosis Magecraft, and he was busy preparing for the flight to Tokyo, I was alone for the procedure.
'First things first, lets learn all the dirty secrets of the Einzbern's Homunculus creation' I thought while activating my Mystic Eyes.
I quickly scanned her entire body before it began to bubble and melt into a slurry of biomass. I won't lie, I almost gagged at that, but thankfully the information flooding my brain suppressed my reflex.
After a few moments to calm myself down, I began to get to work. I used a number of magical materials that I had my parents acquire for me along with both Creation Magecraft and Metamorphesis Magecraft to craft a skeletal structure out of a unique magical bio-material I called Bio-Adimantium before overlaying it with Mithril. This way her bones would be next to impossible to break or destroy while the Mithril allowed her some degree of Magic Resistance. Then I converted what was left over of the Nervous System into Magical Circuits.
This has two effects. First, it allows her greater control of mana while dramatically increasing the amount of Magic Circuits her body has overall. This gave her over 300 Circuits of Grade A+++, the highest possible value for a living being. As a matter of fact, she probably has more access to mana than even a Magus from the Age of Gods, though I wouldn't say she is even close to the power of a Divine Phantasm. Maybe about half of Caster-Gilgamesh's overall mana supply, though without seeing it myself, I could be vastly overestimating her mana.
Next came the internal Organs. I had made sure to enhance all of her organs using both Metamorphosis Magecraft and Evolution Magecraft to have them at peak efficiency. I upgraded her lungs to the maximum possible level. She could now survive for several hours without oxygen and even filter out toxins and smoke with her lungs. He was also able to breath underwater, though due to the physical limitations of the human body, she wouldn't be able to do so for more than a day or two.
I transformed her heart into a Magic Core to supply her with magical energy on par with that of a Servant while still being alive as well as allowing her access to Mana Burst similar to the Pendragon Family.
I upgraded her liver so that she could drink an entire gallon of the most toxic poisons on earth and still not be affected. It filtered out drugs, both mundane and magical. I also upgraded her digestive system to provide the maximum amount of nutrition to be extracted from the food as well as broke down anything she couldn't digest and convert it into magical energy similar to a servant.
I wanted my servant to be extremely strong but also rather slender, so I didn't make her extremely muscular, however, the muscles I did give her I wrapped tightly and compacted, making them exceptionally dense and granting her strength on par with most Berzerker Class Servants. However, because I didn't want her breaking things when I asked her to do delicate tasks, I added a few magic circuits into her muscular system to make them effectively 'switch on and off'. When off, she would have only average strength.
Finally, when it came to the brain, this is where I did the least tinkering. I mostly only changed two things. First I increased the overall efficiency of the brain, allowing her to learn faster, have greater accuracy and calculation speeds as well as increased perception. At first I was going to dull her pain receptors to make her less likely to flinch, but then I decided against it so as to not make her come to ignore when she is in pain. I then moved onto my personal touch.
I changed the function of the dopamine receptors. In normal humans, a rush of dopamine, while feeling good, damages the receptors and causes them to dull, meaning its harder to experience the same pleasure again without a stimulus that is significantly stronger. In my assistant, I made sure to fortify these receptors, because I never wanted her to get used to certain stimuli and to seek that stimuli again and again. Of course, I had made sure to have her liver filter out all forms of drugs to keep her from forming any addictions, but I wanted her to become addicted to being loyal to me.
Finally, the last part of her body was something I spent the longest amount of time on. It took me almost 7 hours of tweaking before I finally came up with an appearance that I would like. Originally, I was going to go all out, giving her an exotic hair style and eye color, however, something inspired me to change my mind. It had always bothered me that my name was Anos.
While it was probably a coincidence, the only other Anos I had ever heard of was Anos Voldigoad, the reincarnated Demon King of a particular series about a magic highschool.
As a nod to that, I decided to grant my servant the same appearance and name as one of the girls there, or should I saw, two of the girls there.
I gave my assistant the name of Aisha and transformed her hair to an off-white, almost grey color and gave her brass-colored light hazel eyes. I also gave her a pair of horns that serve as a sort of biological Mystic Code for Thought Communication with me or anyone else she wants.
(Appearance in harem chapter)
Finally her body was complete. Next was the artificial ego I was going to implant into her. Spirit Magecraft was not omnipotent. I could only set a series of basic character traits, such as her nature, sexual identity/orientation, and a few other things such as general knowledge. Her beliefs and morals were something I could set too, but that would grow and change alongside her as she experienced the world. Of course, there was ONE thing I was able to tweak.
I created her with a personality base of being calm minded, earnest, honest, and hard worker, and someone who wishes to please her master with every fiber of her being. Finally, I made her feel actual pleasure from following my orders, similar to how I believe the NPCs of Nazarick from Overlord feel about serving Ainz.
When it was over, I stepped back from the table and collapsed onto a nearby chair. I had been in the process of creating my 'perfect assitant' for nearly 18 hours straight, and the result was what lay on the table before me. A being that would be considered a top-tier servant in the FGO game, with stats all above Rank A+.
Of course, I still needed to implement a few more things. I needed to get my hands on a vat of dragon's Blood to bath her in to make her skin nearly impenetrable while still retaining its softness and I would have to create a Mystic Code for her primary weapon as well as teach her Magecraft. I also wanted to give her Mystic Eyes, however my wish to not have Shiki Tohno born kinda bit me in the butt here, because now I couldn't steal his eyes for her and there was no way in hell I was giving her mine.
After thinking about what improvements I could give for her, I gradually fell asleep.
When I woke up, I was in bed in my room. My clothes were changed into my pajamas and there was a note on the night-stand. I groggly got up and stretched while yawning loudly.
'I guess mother or father went and brought me to bed. I gotta remember that I'm only six right now. I can't be overworking myself. It could stunt my development.' I thought as I got up.
I went over to the bathroom and took a quick bath. I never really bathed in my previous world, preferring to shower instead, but ever since coming here, bathing had become my favored activity. It was much more relaxing and soaking my body was a good way to release all the stress from long lessons in Magecraft or experiments.
After finishing preparing for the day, I put on some of my more casual clothes and prepared to leave my room only to be interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Oh, come in. I'll be out in a moment." I said as I was putting on my coat.
I walked over to the nightstand and picked up the note to begin reading.
"Good evening master. Lord Arcana is calling for you." A beautiful voice sounded from behind me.
I immediately turned around and was stunned at the beauty standing in front of me for a moment.
"Aisha? Wow, seeing you filled with llfe and moving around while compared to laying unconscious on the table is really different. Your much more gorgeous than I thought. Good job me." I said, showing her, and myself, with a bit of praise.
"Thank you for your compliment, master." She replied with a short bow.
"Where did you get the clothing?" I asked, seeing her in a short flowing white dress with golden trimming to it.
"This was something that Lady Arcana had prepared for me." She replied.
"Well it looks good on you. Did mom also dress me too? I could have sworn I passed out on a chair in the workshop." i replied.
"Thank you master for the compliments, however, no. I was the one who changed your clothing last night. It appears I gave Lady Arcana a small heart attack when she walked in on me pulling off your pants while being naked myself." She replied.
'Eh!?!' I though, somehow picturing a 'when you enter a room at the wrong time' moment from the anime in my previous life.
"W-well I'm glad she didn't hurt you." I replied.
"She tried, saying something along the lines of 'Anos-kun's virginity belongs to me' or something, but my Magic Resistance was too high for her attacks to do anything to me." Aisha stated calmly while I was having another minor panic attack.
'When did mom become a son-con!' I yelled in my mind.
I sighed to myself while calming down. 'How is it that I've panicked more times in the last minute than I did at my own 'death' or at any other time since my rebirth. This lady is scary.' I thought
"A-anyways, how did father react?"
"Lord Arcana seemed to have been unwell when he saw me, as he had a nose bleed and said something along the lines of 'My son sure knows how to catch 'em. He takes after me', before being assaulted by Lady Arcana." Aisha said, stepping to the side and showing me a cartoonish hole in the wall behind her with an outline suspiciously sized close to that of my father.
I felt a sweatdrop form on my forehead. 'Yup, those are my parents alright. Serious when it comes to magecfta but goofballs otherwise.'
"Alright then. Lets ignore that for now. You said father was calling?" I asked.
"Indeed. Lord Arcana is in his office. He wished for me to call you when you awoke." Aisha replied as she gestured for me to lead the way.
"Well, I don't wanna keep dad waiting. We should be leaving for Tokyo soon, so this should be important." I replied as I walked out of my room and into the hallway. Aisha had turned out to be a marvelous success and all I had to do now was test out her combat ability against some powerful foes in the coming Tokyo Holy Grail War, but first, I had to meet with dad.