"I love you, please marry me!" The young girl said to me.
"I humbly decline," I replied without skipping a beat.
"Ehhh!?! Why not?"
(POV Anos Arcana 3 hours prior)
"Wow. Akihabara is a really neat place!" my mother said as we walked through the streets of the Chiyoda ward of Tokyo.
We've been in Tokyo for three days now and already we've visited this place seven times. If I thought my mother's otaku tendencies were bad before, I was sorely mistaken. We had visited several dozen shops and manga cafes here in the city already and my mother had bought over a hundred different manga and several figurines of magical girls from various different series. She kept reassuring us that these were all gifts for Illya, however, I can tell you that that definitely isn't the case.
"Ooh! Look at that place! According to the travel guide, it's a famous cosplay materials shop!" My mother squealed as she ran to the building across the street.
"*sigh* Son. If you ever get married, make sure it's to a woman who doesn't spend all your money on weird hobbies." My father said to me, trying to give me some sage advice.
"Says the guy who had to be dragged out of the Maid Cafe yesterday my mother while trying to tip the maids with tens of thousands of yen with a lecherous smile," I replied.
"Guh!" I walked away from my father after dealing him critical damage as I followed my mother into the shop while Aisha followed me.
The both of us were carrying several large plastic bags filled with all sorts of random merchandise my mother had taken a liking to. Between the dozens of manga and the sailor venus and sailor moon figurines that she obtained, we were both probably carrying around 50 pounds of merch on each shoulder.
Once out of sight of the average person, I opened a dimensional storage space and dropped all of our stuff in there before looking for my mother.
"Ah! Anos-kun! Over here!" She called me over. "I think this will look good on Aisha-chan, don't you agree?" She said, handing me an idol uniform.
"Well that's a given, Aisha-chan looks good in everything," I replied with a nod, ignoring Aisha who was blushing a bit.
I had made her personality into a half-kuudere where she mostly remained calm and didn't show off her emotion, however, I also made her into a blush-bomb as I tried to give her a personality similar to Tsukasa Tsukuyomi from 'Tonikaku Kawaii'. Naturally, Aisha was an otaku too, however, she preferred video games and movies to manga and anime as there really weren't all that many 'good' anime out yet. I mean Ranma had already finished and Dragonball Z was still airing the Cell Saga but those shows really weren't her 'thing'. I also didn't realize the suffering of not having modern anime streaming services to browse the web with until very recently.
If you wanted to watch an anime in the early 90s, you had to import a tape directly from Japan. Toonami wouldn't be a thing until 1997 and the internet was just now getting started, not that dial-up speeds were good enough to stream with anyway.
"Oh! Do you think your father would like it if I wore this?" My mother asked, breaking me out of my stupor and showing me a french maid uniform.
I looked it over for a second before smirking to myself. "I don't know, why don't you go try it on?" I responded, pushing her slightly into the changing area.
While she was doing that, I began to walk around the area observing the various different costumes, wigs, and other materials useful in cosplaying. This place was definitely a useful treasure trove. A person could make themselves a near-perfect disguise here and to top it off, the prices weren't bad. After a minute of exploring, I came back to the changing area where I saw my father sitting on a seat to the side, conversing with the clerk.
It seems he was asking about the maid outfits, but I didn't catch too much of the conversation before my mother opened the curtains and showed off her new outfit. I thought she looked good but it seems my father had a different reaction.
"WHHOOOOOHHH! That's what I'm talking about baby! That's what it's all about! Maids are the best!" He yelled. He then quickly went up to my mother and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the exit with a deep blush on his face and a nosebleed.
I made sure to pay the clerk for the outfit and collect my mother's clothes before following them out. I had to rush a bit with Aisha to keep up with them as my father made a be-line to the nearest love-hotel while showering my mother in compliments. I managed to catch up to them in time to give my mother back her clothes before my father pulled her into a room he quickly rented for the day. Dad also made sure to give me his wallet and told me to go have fun with Aisha for a while while he and my mother 'discussed some things'.
I know I'm only six right now, but even I am not that dense. At least he had the sense to give me his wallet (money) to entertain myself with and not have me awkwardly wait around for him to finish whatever weird play he wanted to do with my mother. *shivers*
With nothing better to do, Aisha and I went on a stroll through the city. We did a bit of window shopping before going to a nearby public park and plopping down there. Aisha had stepped out for a moment to buy us some crepes at a nearby stall while I stayed sitting on a bench.
it had been a long day for me and I was happy to just take a moment to relax for a bit before I had to go back and bail out my dad when he realized he had no way to pay for the room he rented without his wallet.
I laid my head back and looked up into the sky for a moment while closing my eyes. The afternoon sun bathed me in its warm glow as the wind blew across my face gently.
'Truly a moment of bliss' I thought as I began to nod off.
"I love you, please marry me!" I heard a sound coming from directly in front of me.
'Damn it! It was just getting good too!' I thought as I opened my eyes a bit annoyed.
Standing in front of me was a young girl, probably no older than 11 or 12. She had short light blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I could have sworn I'd seen her somewhere before, but I couldn't place my finger on it and pushed it to the back of my mind. I had seen and met a number of people who looked like other anime characters from different anime before, only to be fooled.
There is any number of people in this world with short straight black hair and red eyes, but not all of them are Kaguya-sama if you catch my drift.
"I humbly decline," I replied without skipping a beat.
"Ehhh!?! Why not?" She asked a bit shocked.
"A few reasons. First, I know nothing about you, Second, I'm six. There are others too, but those are the big ones." I replied.
"Oh! Well, that's fine. You'll grow up in time, so for now, we can simply date with the intention of marriage. Ah! Also, my name is Manaka Sajyou. Nice to meet you." She said as she smiled at me.
I made sure to remain calm as I looked at her small frame. I definitely looked calm on the outside, however, on the inside I was having a minor panic attack.
'Manaka Sajyou! The 'Omnipotence that became a girl' herself!?! That crazy yandere!?! What are the odds!?! I always knew she was going to be here, however, I didn't think in a million years she'd ask me to marry me!' I yelled in my mind.
"Master Anos, I've returned with your crepe. Oh? Who is this?" Aisha asked as she came to my rescue and was a bit surprised by the young girl in front of her. She didn't show it on her face, but she was slightly on guard against her. Despite being probably no older than 13, the girl screamed danger to Aisha in a similar way to Anos' father.
It was understandable for her master's father to give off such an aura. Despite his goofy personality, he was someone who could fight Dead Apostle Ancestors and come out on top if it came to it with the use of this Magecraft. The reason he, in particular, was chosen to represent the Department of Policies investigation into this stolen Holy Grail War was that the Mage's Association knew he was one of the few people alive who could reliably take down a servant if push came to shove. However, the girl in front of her was something else entirely. Aisha was someone who was genuinely fearless, as she was confident in her near-invincibility, however even she shivered at the look that the girl in front of her was giving off.
"Who are you? Who gave you permission to talk to my Anos-sama?" Manaka asked with a scary voice.
I quickly looked at the scene a bit surprised. 'When did I become 'your Anos-sama'? We've literally never spoken before a minute ago!' I thought as I raised my hand in front of me.
*Chop* "Ow!"
I had given Manaka a chop to the head. Noone intimidates my waif- I mean servants in front of me!
"Don't go around bullying my servants," I said, looking at the young blond holding her head with both hands, looking at me with teary eyes and pouting.
'Holy crap. How can you go from bloodthirsty maniac to totally adorable in only a second? Is this the joys of yandere?' I thought to myself.
"Aww, Anos-sama is being mean. I didn't know you were an S." She pouted to herself loud enough for us both to hear.