Servant's Battle (Part 2)

"Impossible, to be able to defeat one of those things so easily!" Tatsumi yelled in shock.

Rider also looked briefly stunned before smirking to himself, seemingly finding the answer to a question he asked himself and answered himself. He then smiled smugly and widely before turning his attention to me.

"I see, so you must be Caster then. I don't know what kind of Skill or Noble Phantasm you used to make yourself human again, but giving up your servant's body for that of a child was foolish!" He stated.

"I see, so he was actually a servant who became human again." Tatsumi murmured aloud.

I had a sweat-drop on my forehead, thinking that I somehow was misinterpreted as being a Servant rather than just a powerful magus. I opened my mouth to say something but I never got the opportunity to, as Brynhildr Alter lunged at Ozymandias while he had his guard down and was facing me.

Ozymandias smirked before quickly parrying her lance with his crook and casting a magecraft spell that showered her in, for lack of a better term, magic bullets, causing the lancer to be thrown straight out of the park in a glorious air combo that even I thought was quite impressive.

"Hmph. Your skill with a spear is exceptional, however, I cannot allow such innocence to go unpunished now can I?" He smugly declared as he turned away from where Brynhildr Alter was thrown.

"If you're quite done, I was about to kick your ass here," I said impatiently. Rider gave a seemingly tired sigh before disappearing from view. A second later, he reappeared in front of me, bringing his crook down fast in an attempt to split open my skull. It was clearly a good idea of him to attack me in melee if he believed I was Caster. Casters are known for their weak physical attack, and he just saw that I was able to defeat one of his Sphinxs with ease, so he probably determined that a battle at range would be troublesome, so he attempted to crush me using only physical power. His speed was surprising as well. Riders were always fast, however, their true speed isn't shown unless they are mounted, so I was briefly taken aback, however, it wasn't something I was unable to handle.

Temporal Magecraft allowed me to more or less control time localized around me. It was similar to Kiritsugu's magecraft as well, however, it specialized more on reversing time on an object rather than speeding up a person's body like Kiritsugu's does, however, I was still able to use it to speed up my thought processing speed while in combat, effectively feeling like the world slowed down. Using that, I was able to see Rider's movements clearly and without difficulties.

'I could jump back or to the sides, and that's probably what he is thinking I'll do, so I'll move forward." I thought as I lunged towards a now-shocked Ozymandias who hesitated for the briefest of instances in his strike, allowing me to drive a spear hand into his chest. I used an invisible bounded field that appeared just in front of my fingers, sharpened to less than a single atom's thickness using spatial magecraft, to ensure that no matter what type of passive defenses Rider had, he would be unable to withstand my strike. Ironically, if the arrogant Pharaoh hadn't hesitated, he probably would have been able to strike me before I hit him, but that brief, less-than-half-second hesitation cost him the entire exchange.

My hand buried its way into his chest, though I wasn't able to strike any of his vital organs due to how quickly I thrust and my own inexperience in hand-to-hand combat. Instead, I punctured his guts, stomach, and where his intestines were. While undoubtedly painful, such a wound would not kill a Servant, whose body only superficially resembled a normal body, and thus, I immediately withdrew my now bloodied arm and jumped back, gaining some distance to Rider who nearly doubled over.

I quickly swiped my hand to the side, allowing the bounded field to disperse and allowing all the blood on it to fall to the floor, leaving me perfectly clean.

"For a servant with divinity and one of the three knight classes, your painfully average in actual combat against an enemy who is immune to your summons hu?" I said, taunting him.

"You bastard!" Ozymandias grit his teeth and muttered before healing the wound in his stomach with some form of magecraft.

He jumped up into the air, summoning forth his 'mount' Mesektet. I looked up and marveled at the golden ship, thinking it was similar to Gilgamesh's Vimana, though redesigned with a more Egyptian theme and featuring a large Eye of Ra just above the Throne.

'I guess that's what the wiki meant when it said Gilgamesh possessed the 'original' and all others are descendent of his original myth hu?' I thought as I looked up at the Pharoah with disinterested eyes.

"What is with that look!?!" Rider yelled as hundreds of balls of light appeared around the ship.

"Nothing, I just realized that the world really is a small place," I said shaking my head.

Rider didn't say anything and just began to release hundreds of light-based spells towards me. Each beam was fired off at extreme speeds, however, it wasn't light-speed, as I could see the other Servants easily evading the beams that targeted them as well. It seems Rider hadn't forgotten about them just because he was pissed at me.

I jumped and dodged the many light beams as I slowly increased the distance between myself and Rider luring him away from the others as he followed after me slowly and making sure to stay at a conservative distance this time. Not making the mistake of getting too close again.

I continued to jump, dodge, weave, and occasionally parry as I ran around the park, which was slowly becoming more and more of a pile of rubble. To an outsider, it may have looked like I was in danger, however, that couldn't be further from the truth. I was trying to frustrate him enough into using his final Noble Phantasm as a way to 'punish' me. Doing so would give me the highest possible reward for this entire encounter.

'Come on dude. Say something along the lines of 'I'll kill you. This father is the son of the great god Ra and I will curse three generations of your family' or something like the typical arrogant prick you are... oh wait, I think I was thinking about cultivators.' I thought as I jumped over another beam of light and spun through the air.

When I landed, I reached out my hand towards Ozymandias and activated both a bounded field and gravity magecraft. Inside the bounded field, I increased the attractive force of gravity by several thousand times, causing Masektet to collapse in on itself. I didn't allow it to form a blackhole, as killing Ozymandiaswasn't my goal, so instead the wreckage of his Noble Phantasm became something of a guided coffin for him. I heard him scream something from inside the golden pile of scrap, but I couldn't make it out.

"What's the matter? I thought Pharaohs liked being buried with their treasures?" I said cockily.

The garage of light beams ceased for a while before silence descended upon the park. Arthur, Bynhildr, and Arash all ran up near me after the garage ended, seemingly wanting to see how things ended up. Berserker had left during the chaos, probably slipping away to heal Tatsumi, who had still lost his eye and was bleeding fiercely.

"Did you get him?" Arash asked, a bit skeptical.

"Doubt it. This guy is actually really powerful, but I've basically got the loadout to hard-counter him," I replied.

As if to answer my assertion, the surroundings suddenly began to change. The ground split an cracked as the sky itself changed. The five of us were suddenly in a large desert area surrounded by oceans of sand in all directions. The sun overhead baked us all and I estimated that the heat was well above 38 Degrees Celcius. The Sand dunes in front of us began to shift and a large pyramid emerged from the ground as a temple complex surrounded us.

We all stood in shock as we looked around the Reality Marble completely stunned. Even I was fascinated. Seeing a reality marble in real life was something completely different from on-screen and the anime didn't do the sensation justice. It was a complete recreation of an ancient Egyptian temple complex down to the extremely high concentrations of Ether in the air.

"Oh? So he used his Reality Marble Noble Phantasm huh?" I said with faked wonderment

Ozymandias stood before us, at the top of some stairs in front of what appeared to be the grand temple complex. Surprisingly, he wasn't gloating or taunting us at all and had a serious expression on his face. He looked over us and snapped his fingers, summoning hundreds of Sphinxs, all fully powered up due to his Reality Marble being active.

Finally, he looked me dead in the eye and spoke. "I don't know who you are, Caster, and I don't care. I swear upon my father Ra that you shall die by my hands this day." Rider couldn't afford to hesitate any longer. He had already felt his master's death a while ago and even felt the lives of the entire Isemi Clan coming to an end all at once just now. He would have to win the entire war right now before his magical energy ran out and he disappeared. He didn't have a battle continuation skill after all.

"Neat. Also thanks for dancing the way you did, Ozymandias. You really saved me big time." I said as I activated my Mystic Eyes. I scanned around the place, dispersing everything.

Divine Phantasmal Beasts at full power? Analyzed and assessed.

Top of the Line Reality Marble ranked EX? Analyzed and assessed.

The Ether in the air that only occurred during the Age of Gods? Analyzed and assessed.

I was actually getting a bit of a headache from all the information I was gaining and was a bit woozy from all the ether in the air. Modern Magus have exceptionally low tolerances for the stuff and even though I was a Magician, my body's constitution wasn't all that much different from a magus', meaning it still affected me.

While I was casually thinking about my body's weak ether tolerance, I was looking around, destroying anything directly in my line of sight and even causing the reality marble to fracture and start falling apart. The other Servants were looking around completely stunned. Aresh had heard from his new girlfriend that I was exceptionally strong, however, it didn't register to him just how powerful his lover's master truely was until he watched the child toy around with one of the most powerful individuals he has ever heard of.

Arthur was shaken up a bit but was glad we had an alliance. If that was the case, he wouldn't have to fight me when the end came and only had to worry about Assassin, Lancer, Archer, and Berzerker. He was sure that without Avalon, h wouldn't be able to defeat me in a straight fight, and secretly, he wished Merlin (proto) was there to explain how I was doing this. I also wished she was here, but only to add her to the collec- I mean harem.

Lancer was probably the only servant shaking with glee when she saw me. Her sadistic side was tingling as she literally watched me tear down the arrogant prick's entire world in front of him. She also noticed once she got back from being embarrassedly thrown away during her earlier attack, that I toyed with and continued to humiliate the Pharaoh, countering everything he threw at me with remarkable ease, as though humoring a child. She had done similar things to many of the 'heroes' Odin wanted her to defeat when she was still an ego-less slave to the long-dead pantheon.

Ozymandias, however, was hit the worst of all the servants. He shook a bit as he saw everything he had, being so casually destroyed by the child in front of him. His Reality Marble was the manifestation of how the glorious Pharaoh contained within his body, the various Egyptian gods, but all that divine power was swept aside before he even got the chance to command the sphinxes to attack. He had, in the back of his mind, known that he wouldn't be able to defeat the boy before him ever since their first exchange, but to be so pathetically crushed and humiliated wasn't something he could allow, and his pride prevented him from taking the only correct course of action, which was to flee.

Not that he'd get very far.

It sent shivers down his spine and he began to recall a similar feeling of powerlessness when several plagues ravaged Egypt when he was still alive. He remembered Mosses' prophecies and was reminded of his powerlessness when he saw his firstborn son's lifeless body the morning after Azrael passed through, and for the first time in his life, Ozymandias took a step back in fear.

"Thanks. To be honest, I'm making out like a bandit, and the only real cost to myself is getting grounded by my dad when he learns I fought a Servant personally." I said as I looked towards him, my Mystic Eyes still active.

Ozymandias immediately felt a pang within his body as he slowly began to dissipate. It was different from the dissipation that comes when a Servant dies, and it felt different from when he died himself during his first life. It felt cold, like everything he was and will be was disappearing. He felt his divinity leave him before looking down at his body, so see it literally fading away into nothingness, not even particles of light, just void. The last thing he witnessed was the evil smirk of the six-year-old boy in front of him.

'Mosses... I don't think I'll ever know what your god was like... but now I know what your devil is' He thought before disappearing into nothingness.


A/N: I really wasn't happy with this chapter, I feel like its missing that special 'something' that my other chapters do, so I might rewrite it later on.

This week's recommendation is "In HOTD with Satou System" by ManOfCultureLeon