"Say Ahhh!!!" Manaka said as she held a fork with a cake piece in front of my mouth.
"Ahhh!" I obliged and opened my mouth. In another moment, my tongue was overflowing with a rich creamy vanilla flavor of the cake.
"Ooohh! This is pretty good!" I said
"Master, mistress... I hate to be the one to break up your moment together, but it seems we have company." Aisha said, stepping in front of the two of us.
Manaka frowned and looked at Aisha with a murderous gaze for a split second before quickly looking away. She was already pissed to be interrupted, she didn't want to cause trouble with her husband over something as trivial as Caster approaching us at high speeds with his master.
"I was really surprised who the master of caster turned out to be, though. No one would expect someone of that caliber to be here." I sighed to myself, shaking my head.
"Says the Sixth Magician master of Assassin," Manaka said with a light tease.
"Fair enough," I replied as I looked out the window of the mansion, reminiscing about everything that happened these last few days.
When I returned home from my battle with Rider, or more like, Rider's massacre, I was indeed in trouble with my father. He made sure to lecture me well into the early morning hours about how dangerous it was for me to be fighting opponents like that and made sure to emphasize that I was still six and that I hadn't reached the peak physical condition yet. If I ever ran into a magus or Servant who had more stamina than me and that I couldn't defeat, then I would lose.
I couldn't blame him really. I was his only son, so far, and I hadn't told him I was a Magician. From his perspective, his wreckless six-year-old son is running around and letting his power go to his head. I was sure he was going to ground me for the rest of the war, which is why I was so surprised when he hugged me with tears in his eyes and told me he was proud of me.
I rarely get emotional, but I did feel my eyes getting wet when I heard that. I knew how hard and unreasonable I was being, but even so, he said he was proud of me and would believe in me. He gave me his blessing to continue fighting in the war so long as I promised to win, which I did. I also made sure to stealthily eliminate the Concept of 'Death' and 'Failure' from him, at least temporarily, to get around the obvious death flag he raised.
Currently, he is out slaughtering Sancraid Phahn and his sect which caused the whole war in the first place. Mother took a trip into town with Elza, Archer, and Assassin, so she should be fine. Currently, its Manaka, Saber, Lancer, Aisha, and I in the mansion. Manaka informed me that Caster and his master would be showing up soon, however when she told me who they were I was shocked.
Fighting Caster might actually prove to be a problem, however, defeating Caster and his master would also pose a Major problem for one simple reason. Without him, I can't get more Waifus.
Why is that? Well its because the Master is Marisbury Animusphere and the Caster is Solomon.
Thats right. ROB was being really lazy on me, but I didn't care all too much. I was going to try to find Marisbury Animusphere at some point anyways, since he is critical to Chaldea being founded and from what I know of Olga Animusphere from fanfics and her brief appearance in the Lord El-Melloi II Case Files anime, she's at least got the potential to be waifu material. Even without that, Chaldea is a nice place to go to collect waifus from.
I also noticed I was starting to think of my potential romantic partners wierdly, but I ignored it.
Lancer and Saber both materialized near us while Aisha put the cake set and silverware into her storage space while Manaka and I continued sitting in our seats. There really isn't anything more intimidating than the opponents your supposed to be sneak attacking being completely unphased by your appearance.
Well there's that, plus I wanted to look badass in front of one of the Lords of the Clock Tower.
Just as I as thinking this a large explosion engulfed the mansion, completely eating through Manaka's and my Bounded Field we first set up when buying the house. Everything other than the room we were in, that I used a tiny bit of Magic to ensure was protected against 'Magic' or 'Magecraft', was blown away and a large pile of rubble was all that remained.
Dust was kicked up into the air and covered the entire grounds of the mansion, though that was fine by me. I was planning to move to Misaki Town for a year or so after the war anyways to get some of the prepatory stuff from Tsukuhime out of the way before I did anything else, so the fact that the mansion was toast didn't bother me too much.
"Well well, it seems the masters of this war are all children. I don't particularly like killing young people, so I'll ask that you give up your command seals now please. Trust me, I'll put your Servants to good use." Marisbury said as he walked through the dust and in front of us. Trailing behind him slightly was Solomon in all of his Caster glory.
"Sorry. I like my cute Servants very much, one of them belongs to husband after all." Manaka said with a smug look on her face and a dark smile.
"Indeed. I have a 'thing' for girls with purple hair too, so I won't be giving up Assassin so easily." I replied.
"Huh? Husband, is that true?" Manaka asked, genuinely surprised.
"Yeah, I have a thing for purple, pink, and white hair." I replied.
"Heh? Should I change my hair color then? I think pink would look good on me." Manaka asked shyly.
"Manaka, you would look good in anything, but keep your hair the way it is. Your cute enough as it is." I replied, reaching over and giving her a headpat.
"Hehehe" Manaka blushed heavily and giggled while I gave her headpats.
"...Is he ignoring me?" Marisbury asked aloud.
"Please don't mind it too much, Master of Caster. They get like this sometimes." Aisha said.
"Heh? Gotta love seeing a young couple in love." Solomon quipped before getting into a boxing stance.
Arthur summoned Excalibur sheethed in Invisible Air while Brynhildr Alter summoned her spear, a corrupted version of Brynhildr Romantia renamed to Brynhildr Vindicta. Both servants wasted no time and charged at the King of Magecraft, starting a flurry of strikes between the three, with Solomon being pushed back, if only slightly.
While that fight was going on, Marisbury began shooting Grandr bullets towards Manaka and I, who were in our own little world flirting. Aisha immediately appeared in front of the path of the shots and began to swat them away with her bare hands. After the barage of magic shots was over, Aisha dashed towards Marisbury at frightening speeds. She quickly threw a round-house kick to his face, sending him into a pile of debris nearby before holding her hand forward and casting a magecraft spell I had created for her to be her primary means of attack.
"Ethereal Blades" She stated as beams of energy surrounded her hands and extended out one meter from her fingertips. She then began sending off sword beams using her Ethereal Blades as a basis, forcing the Lord of the Clocktower to constantly dodge.
The Animusphere family focus' on Astromancy. This is both a good and bad thing. First of all, Astromancy is an incredibly broken magecraft tree, allowing for some of the most powerful magecraft spells in modern times, such as summoning meteors or predicting the future to a certain extent, however, he can't make the most use of his high-tier moveset while he is on the defensive. This was probably why he started our battle using an extremely high-end spell that was able to eat through our bounded field like it was paper and was only stopped by a bounded field imbued with True Magic.
He also can't really call down a meteor on us while we are in the middle of the most heavily populated city on the planet. And so, he was being pushed around by Aisha for a while.
On the flip side, Saber and Lancer were having their hands full with Caster. They were almost defeated twice by his magecraft and now have a strategy of having Arthur keep Solomon's hands busy while Brynhidr sneakily attacks him and inturupts all of his chants by using Runecraft to seal the King of Magecraft's mouth shut.
Turns out Solomon didn't plan on ever not being able to chant spells while in combat, so this method of fighting him was effective for the moment. If he got fed up with them and used his Reality Marble they'd be screwed. I do wonder if him going there would make him encounter Goetia though. Supposedly, Goetia was residing in the temple outside of time since Solomon's human death, so if the Servant version of him goes there using the Reality Marble would they encounter each other? Does the Servant's reality Marble differ from the real place?
Questions for later. Aisha is legitably about to kill Marisbury.
"Oy! Aisha, that's enough. I want to have a chat with that guy real quick." I yell to her as she pulls one of her Ethereal Blades out of his stomach. She grabs Marisbury by his long, girlish hair and unceremoniously drags him in front of us before throwing him down. Aisha then strolls casually to her place, slightly behind me, as she watches the interaction between the three of us.
"You've seen better days , Lord Animusphere." I said seriously. There was no more time for jokes or flirting, it was now time for business... ok, maybe the fact I was still paying Manaka's head meant I could multitask flirting.
I waved my hand and instantly restored him to his normal self, without the injury, however, I also made sure to use a particular spell I came up with on a whim to lock shut his magic circuits. The white haired man gave me a glare for a moment before exhaling and standing up, making sure to drop his prejudices and grudge for humiliating him for the moment. It was clear that the only reason why he was still alive was that I wanted to make a deal of some sort with him and he would be happy to oblidge.
"So then, young man. What do you want to talk about?" He said.
"I've heard you've been up to some interesting things back at the Clock Tower..."
A/N: Thanksgiving is awesome, lots of food, fun, and getting to see the family. Unfortunately, when the family stays four days over, it doesn't give a lot of time for writing. I though having four days off from work would be a blessing, but I'd prefer working over being forced to interact with my extended family (great aunt and uncle) for four days. At least I'm paid at work.
Anyways, I've actually got a few different fanfics I've read or at least started on that I wanted to share. Most of these were dropped early on and I wish would get adopted. *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*
'dimensional roulette' by corvinus is pretty good and I didn't realized how much Bakemonogatari stole from Tsukuhime
'Unlimited Gacha Spins' by Copier is neat but probably abandoned since there was no new stuff for a month.
'Strongest Incubus' by DownfallstrikerX7 for those horn-dogs out there.
and finally, 'Fate/Rebirth' by Zaelum. This one is complete, but only 'technically' since it hurriedly ends the fic in one chapter due to other author essentially dropping it before the end.