Dropped (Summery)

Sorry guys, I can't seem to find the motivation to write this story anymore. Feel free to pick it up if you'd like, but my motivation has been in the toilet these last few weeks. I feel so overwhelmed lately. Like I have hundreds of ideas and know where the story is likely to go, about how the story should progress, but whenever I sit down in front of my computer screen to write them, I can't find the motivation or passion to write them down like I did when I started and I just keep writing and deleting and writing and deleting the same chapter over and over again, never satisfied with where I'm going.

I won't make excuses or give you a list of reasons why, the truth is that it's because I'm tired of forcing myself to write. This is what ruined the last iteration of this fanfic before the re-write as well as why I've dropped my other series on this site. Again, sorry to disappoint and I give full permission to steal this idea and run with it, however, I feel like it would be unfair of me to give you guys hope for more content when I can't be asked.

To 'try' to make up for it, I'll give you a basic run-down of how the rest of the story would have gone.


MC would make a deal with Marisbury Animusphere and use his Magic to grant his wish for Prosperity. He'd order Brynhildr Alter to betray Arthur, having her literally stab him in the back (actually stab him through the neck) when he was charging up a shot with Excalibur, killing him. He would then go to the location of the Holy Grail and use his eyes on them. He would gain access to the ability to summon Servants with this power as well as 'Beast factor' that would allow him to awaken Kiara Sessyoin into Beast III/R and use mind-control to keep her loyal to him only.

The reason why the father agreed to do the war was that the Clock Tower agreed to remove the Sealing Designation on his older brother if he did so. They only agreed to this after Zelreich gave them a warning that unless the father (and by extension the MC) went to Tokyo before the war started, then the world would end. The MC would later deduce that if Manaka never met the MC, she would still have access to the Ancient Magis from Arifureta due to them being Magecraft and Manaka's ability to use any magecraft due to her connection to the ROOT. She'd grant Saber's wish easily, causing the world to be pruned.


After everything in Tokyo was finished the MC would go on to participate in the 4th Holy Grail War, summoning Tamamo-no-Mae as a Caster in place of Gilles de Rais and after killing Ryuunosuke. This would lead to a competition between Tamamo and Manaka on who was the best wife, and it would be a recurring theme that the two would get into quarrels for his attention, especially when he got older.

Most of Fate/Zero is similar in the beginning, and up until the drinking scene when the hoard of Assassins attack. There would be a dialogue and battle between Hassan of the Hundred Faces and Hassan of Serenity where Serenity would best Hundred faces due to the Mystic Code given to her by the MC, which would become her Noble Phantasm after the battle in place of Delusional Poison Body, though I haven't come up with a name for it yet.

The MC would help Artoria by restoring her injury before the fight with Lancer. Kiritsugu would still pull his Geis trick on Lancer's master though. MC would rescue Maiya and brainwash her into working for him and protecting his little sister. Later on, it would be shown that she views the sister as the child she never had and would, ironically, kill Sigma, her biological son unknowingly, when he attempted to break into the Arcana estate and capture Illya later in the story.

MC would save Irisviel from Kirei by transferring Irisviel's consciousness into a Homunculus body he created, though he would purposefully let Kiritsugu think she died for a while. MC would then let Kiritsugu order Artoria to destroy the grail after finding out it was corrupt. In the aftermath, the MC would be very busy. He'd rescue Sakura from the Matous and on his way out of the mansion, find the summoning catalyst for Medusa that Zoken had hidden away for the next war. He'd reunite Irisviel, now just Iris, and Kiritsugu after he adopted Shiro. He'd then secretly shuttle messages between Kiritsugu and Illya, as Illya would officially be engaged with Anos. Anos would then take the seeds of the Holy Grail out of Illya which would form Chloe and the MC would use his ability to summon servants to make Chloe a Demi-Servant of EMIYA Archer rather than a Card install.

There would be an omake eventually where Chloe and Illya went to middle school together while the MC travels the world and they would meet Miyu, who would be completely mundane in this world with no special powers and the three would become friends with others. This was basically the cameo nod to the PRISMA ILLYA series and would serve next to no purpose for the rest of the story.

As mentioned before, the MC would travel the world for a few years and eventually find Grey in Whales and recruit her. He'd create an advanced homunculus/doll (I hadn't decided which) assistant for Waver, in compensation for taking the main heroine from him in Case Files. At some point, he'd also restore the El-Melloi family Crest using his eyes but narrowly avoid getting engaged to Reines due to Waver. Manaka would locate Semiramis' catalyst while on a trip into the Middle East but be forced to leave by Anos after the 9/11 attacks destabilized the region.

MC would then travel back to Japan and go to school and live with the Tohno family for a time where he'd get close to Akiha, Kohaku, and Hisui. He'd stop Kohaku from being assaulted by killing Akiha's father, though SHIKI Tohno would escape. He'd accidentally rescue Satsuki Yumizuka and her Sports Club in place of Shiki at some point before going to Fuyuki and hunting down SHIKI. He'd meet Arcueid and use Spirit Magecraft to kill Roa's Soul while using Restoration Magecraft to revert Arcueid to her prime strength with the side-effect of not making her crave blood. Ironically, he would never meet Ciel, and though he would be slightly annoyed, he'd already be drowning in women so he'd let her go.

In the lead-up to the Fifth and Final Holy Grail War, there would be a time skip. We'd find out that the MC restored the brain damage done to Aoi, earning Rin's tsundere-ish affection and exposed Kirei to the Church for him to be hunted down, though his daughter Caren, after being trained by Aresh and Anos' servants would be the one to ultimately kill him. We'd also find out that the MC bought the Ryuudou Temple and remade it into a HUGE Japanese-Style mansion for him and his future wives.

The Fifth Holy Grail War would only be like four chapters. MC would remove Avalon from Shirou and use it to summon Artoria. In exchange, he'd teach Shirou magecraft and put him down the road to becoming a Muramasa/EMIYA hybrid. He'd rescue Medea as well and have Sakura summon Medusa. Manaka would then summon Semiramis as Assassin to start the war. He'd get closer to Artoria and reveal to her the Quantum Time-Lock Phenomenon and how her wish would cause the world simply to become a Lostbelt and would eventually be pruned.

After an argument, Artoria would leave to figure some things out but would encounter Gilgamesh fighting Hercules and Illya. They would team up against Gilgamesh who would kill Hercules and wound Artoria but who would instantly be erased in an extremely painful manner by Anos' Magic that would proc automatically when any of his waifus took too much damage.

Gilgamesh's defeat would free up enough mana to fill the Holy Grail and Anos would use it to give Illya Heaven's Feel (3rd Magic). Illya would then use it on all of the Servants, giving them flesh and blood bodies. EMIYA Archer would then return to his duty as a counter guardian but with a slightly brighter mood after Anos gave him a Mystic Code similar to Rule Breaker that would allow him to sever his contract with Alaya whenever he wished so that he could find peace. Lancer would get together with Taiga while Bazett, who would still be alive since she wasn't killed by Kirei in this timeline due to him being ratted out before the war, would be ordered by the Clock Tower to 'monitor' Anos and his 'faction'.

There would be a mini-arc where Rin, Manaka, and Illya go to the Clock Tower with the MC and the MC meets Luvia, starting the rivalry between her and Rin. Illya would be constantly hounded by magi due to her being the Third Magician and somehow the secret to Anos' eyes would be leaked causing another uproar.

Eventually, it would be discovered the leak was by Marisbury as revenge for both humiliating him during their encounter in the last chapter as well as for a plot to get Anos and his crew into Chaldea. While they are there, he would try to use the many Servants under MCs control for the Demi-Servant Project but would be pretty easily thwarted. He would be forced to resign and only not killed when Olga begs Anos not to.

While Anos and his harem are enjoying their stay in Chaldea for a few days before heading back, the events of Grand Order occur, which shocks the MC who thought he'd have a lot more time. Basically, Marisbury takes Olga's place when Lev betrays everyone during the Human Incineration Order and is pulled in CHALDEAS. Olga inherits the directorship and is helped by her assistant Trisha, who somehow survived the events of Lord El-Melloi II Case Files.

After going through the different singularities, Anos would defeat all of the Demon Gods and Goetia using his ultimate move 'I don't really like the idea of Demons in this universe, therefore, the Concept of Demons no longer exists', effectively erasing them all about two seconds after they get to the final Singularity.

I was going to name the last chapter 'The (Anti)Climax' or something along those lines.


That was my rough outline of the story but I just couldn't be bothered to write all the chapters out individually. Just the first arc in the Tokyo Holy Grail is a pain to write. Maybe in the future, I'll come back to this project and tweak a few things, but for now, its dropped/on hiatus.