Pay back time

Monday 23rd September 2009

2 days ago after Akito came home a piece of breaking news was published, a horrific crime scene that appears to be a massacre.

Deaths: 22

Survivors: 0

There were no survivors in the scene it would appear to be an assault, however, the suspect's Identities are unknown, no surveillance cameras, no witnesses just the smell of blood.

The death was horrifying their bodies were decapitated, their body was destroyed and their chest was jabbed by something sharp that made a hole in their chest.

The rumors are, some say, some monsters are the ones that killed them or a highly professional trained assassin killed them but no one knows the truth, it remains a mystery up until now.

In the morning, Akito wakes up looking at himself in the mirror a stunning change had happened to Akito.

His body is a Little muscular, He has six-pack abs, his body height is taller and stronger now and a mysterious green tattoo on his right arm.

His face has changed too even his eyes pupils are dark green.

With a cheerful face and excitement, Akito wanted to test himself out, he still remembers the horrific nightmares he just did with more self-confidence he can't wait to see his friend's reactions and now he can defend himself properly without worrying to get hurt.

Akito goes to school and meets up with his friends at a cafe, Kurokawa is drinking a smoothie and Aizo is playing PSP, they took notice of a stranger and ignores him because they don't want to cause any trouble.

Akito approaches them and told them that he's Akito, Kurokawa spits his smoothie and a

Aizo dropped his PSP with their mouths opened and said

"WHAT???" With shocked expression

They were shocked by Akito they weren't expecting Akito's sudden changes and he has changed A lot after 5 days, Kurokawa guessed that Akito may have modified his own body and his face as well, so he appear different but stronger than before, Aizo believes it and tested him by punching Akito with his full strength into his guts.

"Hey, Akito!" Said Aizo lifting his fist.


"HIYAAA" Aizo hits Akito in the guts.

"Ack" Akito grunts in pain.

Akito's in pain falls shivering and shouted

"What the hell are you doing??!"

Aizo with a disappointed face

"I thought your body is made of steel so I decided to see for myself and punched you"

Akito replied with an irritated face

"You idiot who do you think I am, Superman?"

Aizo apologizes

"Well... sorry man, didn't know even your body has changed you're still weak, it's kinda disappointing."

", agh fine you did say sorry I'll forgive you."

"Hehe, sorry buddy"

Akito gets up feeling irritated and forgives his friends, later they walked to school arrive, and begin their classes.

Several hours later...

As they are walking home, they meet the delinquents yet again blocked their way back home, they try to change direction but they blocked it.

The delinquent cracking his knuckles and said "Let me send you to the hospital again, it was pretty fun but we aren't satisfied yet"

Kurokawa scared and petrified, Aizo trying to protect his friends.

Akito smiles with a confident face and challenged them.

"Let me handle this! hey, let's settle this you and me!"

The delinquent laughed

"Hahaha, who might you be? are you trying to get involved? sure I'll beat you to death as well"

Akito replied.

"Who me? ah, I'm that boy from before that you almost killed, beating me until nearing my death I won't forgive you all."

The delinquent remembers

"Oh, it's you! hahahahaha, you may look different but you're still weak and you want a rematch? how bold of you, fine, bring me the bat!" The delinquent orders his friend to bring him a weapon.

Kurokawa and Aizo are scared and can't do a thing to help Akito.

"Are you nuts?" Said them

Akito smiles

"Watch closely"

"I'm not the boy from before you'll know," Akito said to the delinquent.

The delinquent is annoyed and swings his bat at him Aizo and Kurokawa shouts


Akito stopped the bat with his hands the delinquent is unable to move his baseball bat from his grab.

"The strong prey on the weak, but this time is different even the weak can prey to the strong."

"It's time for payback."

The delinquent shudders in fear and Akito use his strength to lift him and throws him into the trash.

"Heh, and that's what you trash deserves"

The delinquents are alarmed attacking groups, and charges at akito.

they use their weapons and swings their baseball bat at Akito, Akito blocks it and smirks.

"Heh is this the best you got"

He immediately punches one of them out cold after that he faced them all, one by one, and beats all of them at once, kicking and punching until they bleed Akito mercilessly won't let them go as he beats one after another.

There are 4 left scared and pale they then retreat, however, Akito didn't let them go off easily, he slams their head to the ground hard making the ground quake.

Kurokawa and Aizo are amazed by Akito that he's on a whole nother level, they approach him and praises his strength as Akito is shy and smiled "hehe" akito spaced out for a bit because he felt proud of himself able to defend himself while protecting his friends.

They are curious about Akito and asks him how he's this strong, Akito tells them the truth about his story after the incident that he is in a hospital.

"Well uhhh, someone kidnapped me and I was in some sort of a ritual that has given me powers from the ritual"

The two were thinking.

"What the hell was that bullsh*t??"

the two got confused and find it hard to believe his story and thought it is nonsense.

After that, akito tells his real intention and his determination of this new ability because he thought he's strong and can protect people who are weak now, he said.

"I obtained this power and now I want to use it to protect people and save many lives and protect my loved ones and my friends, that is my promise to myself will you support me"

the two start to acknowledge his courage and admire him.

"Try your best then, don't worry we'll support you as well we'll help you if you're in trouble too"

Akito smiled and felt happy, they promised to help people and supporting each other to the very end, he then treats them ramen

"Hey let's eat ramen on the way back" Akito invites them for a ramen

"Ok," They said while their stomach is growling.

Seconds later they went to eat at the ramen restaurant and talks about akito

"Hey, where'd you get that powers from anyway *slurp*"

"hehe, haven't I told you that before, very well, let's just say I trained myself," He said that he knew they find it hard to believe

Aizo find it hard to believe again

"Really? I thought you were babbling nonsense about you were in something of a ritual you could've said something about training"

"Hehe" Akito giggled

"I knew it! they won't believe me" Akito said in his mind.

Akito now felt proud of himself because he finally succeeded in preventing them from hurting his friends.