Hiding my identities

Meanwhile, morning in Tokyo

"Hmm I'm glad that I save that lady, but what if they know my face...."

Akito thinking hard about the outcomes of his Identity revelation.

"Maybe I should buy a mask, thanks to rin now I can pay my school fees and my hospital fees, although it cost a lot and I'm afraid that I can't repeat my mistakes again and now 70.000 yen is left... buying a mask shouldn't be a bigger problem right?"

Suddenly someone just screamed for help while Akito was thinking of buying a mask he ignores it and rushes to the call unmasked.

4 armed men with yakuza masks and 2 hostages and Akito finally arrived on time.

"Huh, what a coincidence their masks are kind of cool I want one of them!"

He punches the first yakuza and knocked him out destroying his face with a single blow and unintentionally broke the mask although he doesn't want to.

"Ah crap I overdid it, gotta be careful on my new strength huh"

The 3 dashes holding their katana trying to slash him.

Akito dodges and kicks the 2nd yakuza in the guts and grabs the third yakuza's hands and throws him and crashes the wall.

The 4th yakuza swings his katana at Akito's head but the second at the edge of the yakuza's katana, Akito crouches and avoids his slash.

Akito uppercuts him with a powerful strike blowing his teeth out and make him fly.

"Leave now or you two will get into trouble again"

Akito warned the 2 people to get out of here the 2 nodded and runs and also called the police.

"H-help call the police!"

"Hey! I'm not one of them you idiots! not even a thank you too? Gah, gotta hurry before the cops show up",

Akito quickly looted the yakuza, their masks, and their katana (cause it looks cool) and swiftly leaves in a hurry.

Several hours later.

Akito comes home and goes to his room by stealth.

Akito has an idea that he will try the masks when patrolling so he won't be worrying about his identities and by using gloves and wields the katana when needed.

"Hmm what should I name myself..." Akito thinking about what hero name he should get called.

He also has an idea of a title name he wants.

"Ah that's it masked man.....no.... hmmm, the dark hero?...no.... what about devil mask....ah maybe it's a good name...hmm medusa what's your suggestions?" Akito said and wants Medusa's suggestions for his name

"I agree with your foolish names I don't think that you need me as your name recommender," Medusa said agreeing on every name he likes.

"Then it settles it "Devil mask" Alright then although it sounds pretty lame..." Akito sighed

"It sure is," Medusa said.


He calls himself "Devil mask" which sounds lame but Akito had no more ideas of his title name.

days later

Saturday 5th October night has risen.

Akito is ready to fight without worrying about his Identities.

Waiting for calls as he jumps from rooftops to rooftops patrolling the nights.

He saw an act of crimes in progress seeing them trying to break into the store.

8 thugs are on sight 5 armed with guns 3 unarmed.

As he waits for the moment to strike while waiting for their guards down.

One of the thugs lets his guard down tells his friend he needs to pee and goes far away from his friends Akito silently follows him and takes him down by strangling his neck.

The thug asks his two friends to look for him.

minutes later.

the two were taken down silently smacks them to the floor.

As the 5 are confused about the whereabouts of their friends, Akito goes down and strikes the two, slams them to the ground.

The thugs panicked and shoot him but his movements are too fast they couldn't aim properly, Akito punches the thug launching him far, and hops towards the other thugs and knocked one down.

As the last thug seeing his green glowing eyes and with a scary mask he is paralyzed with fear and questions him

"W-wh-who the hell are you????" His voice shaking with fear

He answered

"I am the devil mask remember that name."

The thug's petrified.

Akito then hits him onto the wall and cracks it.

he takes off and goes to another place that crime has taken place then clears them out as he goes.

2 hours later...

He then went home exhausted and sleeps, his doings then have taken the attention of the public...

The day after.

06:45 A.M

He wakes up after patrolling the nights hungry and tired, he comes down for breakfast after the family finishes their breakfast breaking news starts to pop up it's the reports of yesterday night incidents.


*7 crimes activities have occurred and had been stopped by an unknown person. It would have appeared that it was the same person who did all this.

*44 suspects are arrested.

* Minimum damage to the neighborhoods.

*No hostages were hurt or killed.

"Who is this mysterious man, some of the suspects describes him as a devil with glowing green eyes, a monster, or a ghost,

many people claim that he is a hero or an anti-hero, people believe that he is a real devil that hunts bad people but one suspect says his name was the 'Devil mask'"

though people hardly believe the name devil mask because of a lame title, soon they made up rumors about the mysterious person

as many rumors were spread, now many people starts to become aware of his presence.

"You hear that. imagine that you had trouble like that and you got involved with them. you would have been hurt" Said Aiko warning her son while washing the dishes.

"Hehe, I'm going head to my room now," Akito said

As Akito heads to his room he felt proud and knows that his father would be proud too as well and remembers his words to him when he was a child.

"if you failed to save a person, don't be afraid to save more! even if you failed more than once, one day you will finally save someone's life just like I did, a fireman is a tough job but I'm sure you'll be better than that, haha" Words of a brave fireman who saves many lives by jumping into the fire.

Akito giggled and waits until it gets dark, and wears his mask continuing his duties.