One last favor

minutes later....

akito and fujiro leaves the building, akito slowly recovers.

minutes later.

akito is slightly recovered and can now walk

"thanks fujiro, now let's go to the next place"

"yes be carefu-"


the sound of a bullet fired at fujiro, akito looks behind him and fujiro falls down bleeding.


akito's heartbeat rumbles and his head is screaming very loudly.


the second bullet fires at akito, akito's head move slightly and dodges the bullet and looks at the sniper with a terrifying gaze.

akito's tattoo covered his arms his aura gets darker and darker, he is blinded with rage and jumps very fast to the sniper's location.

the sniper freaks out and runs away but he's already behind him.

akito then strangles him and creates a dagger chops his head off.

screaming in agony as akito's head aches very bad as the scream won't stop, then hears fujiro coughs in blood.

akito jumps and go back to fujiro.

fujiro opens his eyes

"huff...huff akito... is that you....?"

fujiro is breathing heavily and his voice starts to get weaker.

"yes, don't die on me I'll take you to the hospital!"

"ha-ha... I guess that won't be necessary my chest bleeds very bad, ack and it hurts..."

akito then cries and starts to carry fujiro to the hospital.

"huff...huff....may i ask you a favor"

"*sobs* stop talking dammit!"

"please akito drop me down for a minute it won't take long"

akito then slowly drops fujiro, fujiro then holds akito hand.

"one last time could you give me a favor"

"what is it"

fujiro then pulls out a letter from his pockets

"huff... my wife's gonna kill me twice if i don't come back without saying a word, akito please don't die....i have faith in you, promise me you won't die"

"*sobs* yes....."

"good..., if you managed to get out alive, please send this to my wife and to my baby girl, the location is in the letter and- *cough* leave them in the front door"

"yes....i promise....."

"thanks partner....."

akito cries and shivering.

"haha... don't cry like a baby, aren't you 16? you're an adult now, hahaha... *cough* my vision is getting blurry, akito... i leave the rest to you...."

fujiro's heart stopped.

"fujiro... no..."

as akito cries for his dying partner, he then heads off to the hospital.

akito arrives at the hospital and carries fujiro to the surgeon room.

several hours later.

as akito sitting and waiting for the news of his friend the surgeon then comes out and tells akito about fujiro, akito doesn't understand what he is saying cause of not speaking japanese but akito understood what it meant by.

later akito goes to the room and sits besides fujiro and mourning his death, he cries and scared.

akito then saw the news appears to be an incident that has happened.

akito is looking at fujiro's corpse as he saw he was smiling.

"I leave the rest to you"

"promise me you won't die"

"My wife's gonna kill me twice if i didn't come back without saying a word"

"thanks partner...."

akito remembering fujiro's words and starts wiping his tears, akito then stoods up holding his tears and puts on his mask.

his katana is damaged then he uses his new ability "weapon creation" and creates a weird looking katana he then sheathes his new katana and jumps out to the window.


"i promise I'll end this, now rest easy fujiro and I'll be back partner...."

Moments later akito tracks his location, and rushes to the boss den, almost there to the boss's place, he arrives then kicks his door and ready to finish this.

"haha, welcome.... i heard your friend died,let me guess the sniper that i sent to kill you and your friend is dead as well"

akito rages then charges to him and swings his katana.

then the person blocks his katana with an unknown form in his arm.

"hahaha, quite fiesty aren't ya"

he then punches akito and sends him flying with a immense blow

"allow me to introduce myself..., my name is zen I am a karmanic user just like you but mine is at a higher level, my spirit name is garoth"

akito didn't understand what is he saying

medusa freaks out and tells akito to retreat

"boy!, retreat now you'll die by his hands, his spirit name is garoth you are no match for him"

"shut up medusa, huff.... that strike... ack it broke my arms"

" run now boy don't be so stubborn he's not like you face before"

akito isn't listening to what medusa said and proceeds to fight him again.

"garoth eh, i don't care what your spirit's name is or stronger than others, all people could fall even the stronger ones"

"hahahaha you amused me, let's see how long will you last with that blabbering mouth of yours"

akito then uses his karmanic binds that now is enhanced immensely and attacks him with his fist

his fist lands on zen's face and injures him

"hahaha thanks for the pain kid"

zen holds tight to akito's hands and his arm then glows and attacks akito in the face with his fist.

akito can't evade his attack and receives it akito is launched very far and almost faints and smashes through another building.

the crowd then runs away from the destroyed building.

akito can barely stand his strength can't increase further as he is badly wounded.

"it's best that we retreat now boy, you'll die if you continue"

"screw to hell, retreat? after that bastard killed my friend, i already promised to him that i will end this"

"don't be foolish boy, the promise can wait for now we must recover until we get the upper han-"

"medusa..., shut up will you"

"this is my fight not yours to lecturing me around"

"hehe, this fight is just getting started"

zen lands in front of akito and saw him fearlessly face him

"hahahaha, i like your spirits kid, how about this, you work with me and I'll let you live, together we'll conquer the world with our strength"

"me join you? heh you wish, even if you conquer the world I'll be the one who will take it back"

"well well well, it seems you have a deathwish, fine then I'll accept your request, you'll meet your weak friend in the afterlife."

"who'd you calling weak?! even if he isn't strong he has a strong desire to protect not like jerks like you"

"ohh, you talk big even when you know you're about to die"

"die you say?, keep dreaming you're the one who is going to die"

the two then starts Fighting for a second Time.