Mission: Hunt the karmanic user

"brrr" "brrrr"

sound of a phone ringing on the desk

akito wakes up, sleepy and tired he picks up the phone


"akito, we have a mission for you this is urgent please arrive on time"

"iori? what mission?"

"the boss wanted to meet you personally so I can't give you enough info"

"very well I'll go"

"dok" "dok"

sound of a door-knocking in his room and it's Hana's voice

"akito..., breakfast is ready"


seconds later he went downstairs and have breakfast

"mmm, it tastes great!"

"it's Hana's cooking since she wanted to help me so I taught her how to cook weeks later he mastered it she's so smart"

akito smiles at Hana and compliments her

"you're really good at cooking Hana"

Hana blushes

"th-thanks if it wasn't for aunty aiko I wouldn't have cooked better"

"my my, it's not because of me it's because of your hard work alone"

akito feel boggled in his mind

"she's smart at cooking not to mention at math too, man...I feel pathetic"

"oh yeah where's Kei?" akito asked Aiko

"oh she went to buy groceries"

akito slams the table

"is she okay!?"

"my my there's no need to worry so much she's gone not so long"

akito felt insecure about Kei's safety he then search for her

"where are you going?"

"I'm going to search for her it just doesn't feel right"

"hana please stay and look after my mother for me I'll be going now, bye"

akito rushes to kei's location and search for her.

"if I'm not mistaken weeks ago a prisoner broke out of prison and went missing and wanted, i must find her quickly, the atmosphere doesn't feel right"

akito then found kei and she's still grocery shopping

"phew i suppose i only just keep an eye on her"

akito climbs to the rooftop so he can't be spotted spying on her as she goes..

minutes later she come across them again in the alley.

"we meet again pretty girl, I won't forget what you've done to us, now how should we end this"

he then grabs her hand and she bites him

"ouch, fiesty aren't ya"

the bastard slaps kei

scared and don't know what to do

"get off me you bastard"

akito charges and goes behind them

sound of a footstep landing is heard and alerts them


"huh?, who the hell are you?!, don't f*cken mess with us or we'll kill you"

"must be hard in the prison because of you failed to r*pe a person, now you're threatening to kill people?, what scumbag"

"don't tell me, it's you!, you're the one who messed up our plans"

"oh you remembered it months ago huh"

"I'll f*cking kill you and your whole family!!!, you'll pay, you'll PAY!"

"look at you, ugly and full of sh*t"

they then charges at akito with killing intent

akito swiftly dodges them and beats them one by one easily

akito slams the bastard's head who touches his sister on to the ground creating a noise,

he lift his head right to his face and threatens him.

"if you dare touch my sister again, i swear I'll kill you right here and now"

scared he then freaks out and tries to stab akito and stabs him directly in the chest

"die!, you brat!"

kei screams and saw akito getting stabbed in the chest.


akito laughs and grin


he then puts away the knife from his chest

"you think I'd die from this?"

akito uses rapid healing and then squeezes his head

"aw man this might be your chance to live but i suppose i don't care anymore i still won't forgive you for what you've done to my sister even months ago, kei please close your eyes and close your ears"

kei then does what akito said and closes her eyes and ears, akito squished his head bleeding and his eyeballs starts to popped out struggling and struggling punching akito hopelessly his head then explodes.

"what a pity"

the rest got scared and backs off their eyes are wide open like seeing a nightmare, akito then glares at the rest with a glowing green eyes and blood covering almost his body.

"who's next?"

they then runs and stays away from akito, akito then calls iori and reports that he'll be late

"iori i think I'll come late and please tell the boss i got one criminal who escaped from prison, hmm?, yes i killed him could you the body for me?, okay thanks"

akito then princess carry kei and leaves...

"akito.... you're whole body is bloody"

"haha let's just say the fight was brutal and it almost killed me"

kei pinches akito and pouts

"I was worried you know, you silly brother"

akito with a cheeky grin

"sorry for worrying you"

akito arrives home, aiko and hana is shocked

"akito what happened to you??"

"I got in a fight"

"kei are you hurt?"

"I'm okay mom"

"your right cheek is red"

hana then puts a band aid on her right cheek

reminds kei about when she put on a band-aid for her

"thanks hana"

akito then went to the bathroom and washes himself

"I can't believe that I get my hands dirty again, now I don't really mind killing bad guys after I'm getting used to this mission, hey medusa don't you think I've gone a little too far"

"depends, what you did is right, but killing innocent is wrong it's based on what path you chose boy, in my time my 3rd or my 4th I've killed many over the past few years"

"karmanic binds are meant for killing huh"

"well yes but not really, it only gives you strength to fights or kill as many as you like based on personality or ambition, like me i only chose a girl with the same personality as me"

"haha, I suppose rakusha must be the same as me"

"that i do not know but in terms of how strong is the spirit he's the strongest"

"of them all?"

"based on his host, he sometimes been underestimated because of his flaws were to great for a human to handle, yourself is different boy"

"they were talking about flaws of karmanic binds what actually the flaw i forgot"

"shortening life span and body pain is the most flaw of karmanic binds some of them even have more than two flaws"

"for example garoth whenever the host uses his ability the damage in his body would also doubles"

"i see"

akito then gets off the shower and went brushing his teeth

"so can you tell me about spirits?"

"spirits are mostly like ghost they went possessing people and gives them powers they too have backstories about themselves"

"what's your story medusa?"

"my story is when i was a young beautiful girl but got killed by a scum I took revenge so i become a spirit and possessing people to gain a powerful ability and killing those bastards"

"haha, revenge huh does that mean you got a blessing from rakusha?"

"not exactly, it depends what you want when you die become a spirit to see the world or go to the afterlife i became a spirit based on how i am and it's beauty"

"well when i first saw you, you look like a mom and that jiggly boobs"

"tch, how perverted of you well i don't mind anyways men are always like this so i don't mind"

"I'm sorry..."

"it's fine boy at least you're not gay"


akito went out to the bathroom and changed his clothes

"I'm going to work, bye mom,kei and hana"

"bye, take care"

"he certainly works hard huh mom"

"fufu~ that's how he is I'm very proud of him, hana could you do the dishes"


akito arrives in the office and met iori

"what's taking you so long"

"sorry, family matters"

"go to the office boss is waiting"


akito then goes to the boss office as he want to give an information

"I've been waiting for you akito"

"sorry sir I'm late"

"no neee to be sorry, i want to give you a mission after all"

"what is it sir"

"hunt the karmanic user"

akito gasp


"yes the karmanic user, I knew them since then you could say that i can spot them even in you"


"don't need to worry akito I'm not going to tell anyone about it, just one task that i want you to complete, he's been around kyoto and eating many civilians, witnesses say some sort of a devil like human it has wings and everything like an animal"

"could you kill him for me?, the money is good"

"yes i will!"

"good, once you kill him report it to me"


akito leaves the building and starts his mission by finding the mysterious karmanic user.

he went back home and saw a luggage that is in his room

"mom!, where's this suitcase from?"

"oh, a guest that knows you gave it to you they say they're the agencies from you worked in"

akito later opens the bag and it's actually a new suit for him to patrol a sleeveless shirt with vest and a scabbard for his katana.

"wait...agh they forgot the mask!"

"wait a minute what if I create my own mask"

akito then uses an energy creation and creates a mask he then slowly covers his face as his hand slides to akito's face.

"wow, cool now i don't need to buy another one, but how about i slice it"

akito uses his weapon creation


And he slices his mask to see the result

"it's like a solid green energy mask pretty cool but when i slice it, it fades away"

akito then slides his hand onto his face and covers his face with green glowing mask resembles of a demon and later he erases his mask and use it for later

"it looks cool when I do that, but i suppose I'll use my energy for later I'm going to sleep"

akito then went to sleep for tomorrow mission.