4. I Will Never Forgive You

"I'm here for an internship, sir. So am I accepted for an internship here? I hope you don't accept me so I can look for another company," Clarissa still behaves like a subordinate to a superior.

"Ris, please..." Johan whispered. He was no longer able to hold back his longing for Clarissa, the man rushed into Clarissa's arms without a word.

He hugged the girl very tightly, he held her as if he didn't want to let her go, even though Clarissa was nobody anymore.

"Ris, I miss you," said Johan, the tears he had been holding in for a long time now dripped out. When a man has shed tears just because of a woman, it means that his feelings are no longer a joke.

But Clarissa didn't care, she didn't return Johan's hug at all, her hand was still outstretched while her gaze remained straight ahead.

"Let go," he said in a low but piercing tone. Clarissa had difficulty swallowing her saliva, her throat felt suffocated, her heart ached. He closed his eyes for a while to gather his strength back. He must not be fragile, let alone to meet.

"I said let go!" Clarissa snapped, her hands clenched into fists, she tried to escape from Johan's embrace.

But his weak hands were unable to push Johan's stout body. The man just hugged Clarissa even tighter in his arms.

"I will not let you go again, Ris," replied Johan.

"Are you a shameless person? I said let go!" Clarissa began to sob, her body shaking violently.

"Ris, I'm sorry," said Johan, he held Clarissa's shoulder while looking at her sadly. Johan knows, maybe he is indeed a shameless person, but what can he do, he has been tormented for the past three years because he Logged for Clarissa.

"I will never forgive you, and neither will I…"


Johan put his lips on Clarissa's lips, he made the girl unable to continue his words, Johan licked Clarissa's tiny lips. Johan missed the girl's juicy, strawberry-flavored lips.

Clarissa began to sob, clear tears had fallen on her cheeks. He hates people who are currently crushing his lips, he doesn't want to. But somehow his little heart could still feel the longing that had been deep in his grave starting to be healed. However, Clarissa's brain recalled the painful incident that Johan had done to her in the past.

"No, I can't be weak like this, he's just a heartless jerk. You have to remember what he did to you, Ris," Clarissa said to herself. He shook his head weakly, whatever happens, he must follow his heart, he can't be like this.

Clarissa returned to gather strength in the middle of the hot kiss that Johan did to her. He clenched his fists and pushed Johan's body with all his might until Johan had to take a few steps back. The hot kiss ended.

Inevitably, a hard slap landed on Johan's cheeks which were starting to turn red. Clarissa was already very angry at Johan's behavior, the man continued to act as if Clarissa also had the same feelings for him.

"You bastard boy! How many more times do I have to say that I came here for an internship. If only I had known from the start, Lo, who is the CEO of this company, would not want me to come here," Clarissa's anger had reached the top of her head, she was pointing at her front chest with her index finger.

"But, Ris. I …."

"One more thing, I don't want anyone here to know about me and Lo. Let's just say, we've never known before. And now the two of us are just subordinates and superiors, nothing more!" Clarissa emphasized her last sentence before leaving, she couldn't stand being in this room anymore.

"Ris, wait," said Johan, grabbing Clarissa's hand.

"I'm sorry, maybe you think I'm just a shameless jerk, but I'm serious, Ris. For the past three years, I can't forget you at all," said Johan, holding onto Clarissa's wrist.

"Free! Are you crazy? You have to be self-aware! Now, who do you have, why are you still interfering with my life," Clarissa snapped.

"Yes, I know. But how else, I can not lie to my feelings, Ris. I …."

"Stop, I don't want to hear anything from you anymore. Let go of my hand!" Clarissa pushed her hand away from Johan's grip.

"No, listen to me first. Ris ..." called Johan.

Clarissa completely ignored it, she continued walking outside without looking back. He also closed the door of the room very hard to vent all his anger.

"Clarissa, how are you done?" Billy asked, apparently he was still faithfully waiting for Clarissa outside.

"Yes," said Clarissa as she continued walking.

"Ris, what are you doing? Are you okay?" Billy asked again, he quickened his pace to keep up with Clarissa's pace. Billy could see Clarissa's eyes which were puffy as if she had been crying.

"Ris, are you okay?" Billy repeated his question. But Clarissa was still silent and refused to answer his question.

Without thinking, Billy pulled Clarissa into his arms while they were in the elevator.

"I don't know what's the problem. I also don't know what kind of relationship you had with Pak Johan before, and you don't need to tell me. I'm staying here for you, my shoulders are still strong if I'm just holding your tears, I'm here to make you calmer, so calm yourself first, I won't ask anything else," said Billy, he stroked Clarissa's hair gently.

Clarissa was silent, she closed her eyes and began to bury her face in Billy's chest. Clarissa was looking for a calm there, so she could neutralize her feelings a little.

"Don't hold back, Ris. You can cry as long as you want," said Billy.

Clarissa is still reluctant to speak, only the tears in her eyes can explain all her tightness. She cried until she was out of breath.

"Wipe her tears first, we'll be out of the elevator in a minute," Billy wiped the tears on Clarissa's cheeks with his big hand.

A few moments later the elevator door opened, Clarissa and Billy came out together. There were already several people in front of the elevator doors waiting for their turn.

"Thanks, Billy," Clarissa was about to speak when they were outside the office building.

"My pleasure, Ris," answered Billy with a smile, he would not ask Clarissa anymore, even though he was curious but he didn't want to spoil Clarissa's mood which was getting better with her question.

"Are you done? OK, I'm going home."

"Uh, Ris. What are you going home with? Let me take you home."

"It's okay, Billy. I can take the MRT. After all, my apartment is not far from here. Bye, Billy, see you next time," Clarissa waved her hand as she walked away. Even though Billy wanted to take him home, but Clarissa never wanted to accept his offer, the reason being that he didn't want to bother Billy.

Finally, Billy could only stare at Clarissa's back which was getting further and further away.