5. Best Brother

Clarissa decided to go home by using the MRT. there are other, more practical means of transportation, namely taxis, or you can choose the cheapest one, namely buses. But because Clarissa wanted to while looking for entertainment before going home, so she chose MRT.

Mass Rapid Transit is like a subway that stops at every station. Although not the first, the MRT in Singapore is one of the most advanced Rapid Transit Systems in Southeast Asia.

Clarissa uses the East-West Line or commonly called the Green Line because she will stop first at Orchard Road, which is one of the famous shopping centers along Orchard Street. From there Clarissa only took a few minutes to get to her apartment, which too can be reached on foot.

Clarissa walked alone around Orchard road, she just passed her favorite cafe, she also didn't even look at the cosmetic shop she visited almost every Sunday. Clarissa was just walking around while looking at the busy people passing by there. Orchard road is always busy especially at dusk like this. The twinkling street lamps could not heal the wound in his heart, he was indeed in the crowd but his heart felt very lonely and empty.

The girl just wanted to be quiet now, she was tired of cursing fate. No matter how cruel his words were, fate would be even crueler. No matter how hard he refused, fate would still happen. His heart was already so tired of fighting with circumstances, even now he had no chance to hide let alone run. Everything had happened in front of him. I don't know how he will live the next life. Clarissa doesn't know.

After struggling with his thoughts for a long time, Clarissa finally decided to go home and rest in his apartment. The distance from Orchard road to the apartment is not too far, can be reached on foot.

Clarissa lives in an apartment called The Scotts Tower, which is a luxury apartment located right in the middle of the Nain district, the location is very strategic and close to shopping centers, tourist attractions, and other public facilities.

Clarissa went straight to the 11th floor where her apartment was. Scotts Tower is an apartment with a myriad of luxurious facilities in it, such as a reflective pool, BBQ pod, palm garden, kid's play, and many more. Naturally, if the price of this apartment reaches billions of rupiah.

Clarissa enters a password as an access code to enter her apartment, after which the door will open automatically and will be locked again after Clarissa enters.

"Grandma, I'm home," Clarissa shouted as she opened her high heels.

Clarissa's eyes lit up with joy when she saw a pair of black sports shoes sitting on the shoe rack. Clarissa knows who owns the shoes. The girl immediately ran inside until she forgot to say hello.

"Gerry!" call him. Sure enough, in the living room, there was already a man with dimples with slightly crested hair sitting while eating a snack.

"Hey," the man said with a smile that spread from ear to ear.

"Gerry, my brother ..." said Clarissa spoiled. He immediately rushed into his brother's arms, hugging him very tightly. Clarissa has not seen Gerry for a long time because her brother lives in Indonesia. It's like a great surprise for Clarissa, at least something good happened today.

"Hey, you smell like sweat," joked Gerry, pretending to cover his nose.

"I do not care." Clarissa doesn't care. He still wrapped his arms around Gerry's waist while clinging spoiled. He missed his dear brother so much.

"What's the matter? You miss me," Gerry teased.

"Yeah, I miss you. Don't you miss me, bro?" Clarissa asked again.

They are two brothers who are only two years apart in age, that's why they are like friends. Even so, Clarissa still knows her limits, so she still respects Gerry as her only brother. Likewise, Gerry, who always tries to be the best sister for Clarissa, her only younger sister.

"No, I don't miss you." Gerry looked away, it made Clarissa immediately let go of his arms, he folded his arms in front of his chest and turned around. Her tiny lips were pursed.

"Just don't frown, you sulky bitch." Gerry ruffled Clarissa's hair.

"Whatever! Be careful not to come near, he said he didn't miss him." is still sullen.

"Lies dear, where is I don't miss you." Gerry immediately hugged his beloved sister from behind, kissing the top of her head.

"The house is quiet since Lo isn't around. There are no obnoxious people who often make my blood boil," whispered Gerry.

Clarissa hissed while elbowing Gerry's stomach playfully.

"I'm a serious, little boy," said Gerry.

"Oh, you have a body like an electric pole. Too high," replied Clarissa.

"You dare to be with your brother." Gerry started tickling Clarissa's stomach.

"Amused, amused, sorry ...," shouted Clarissa, laughing out loud. He really couldn't stand it when he was made like that.

"Hey, no kidding. You are like a child," said a woman who was already quite old because of the wrinkles that adorned her face. Even so, the woman still looked very beautiful and beautiful. The woman had just come from the kitchen with a glass of orange juice.

"Grandma, Gerry is ignorant." Clarissa immediately ran behind her grandmother to ask for protection.

"Stop it, Gerry. Don't tease your sister anymore," said Carolin–Clarissa's grandmother and also Gerry. Clarissa stuck her tongue out at Gerry as a sign of victory.

"Grandma, Clarissa made fun of me." Gerry didn't want to lose.

"Please, stop dear! You too Clarissa, don't be like your brother, he just came from the airport," said Carolin. "Come here and sit next to Grandma," she said again. Clarissa obeyed, she immediately seated herself right in the middle between her grandmother and brother.

"Gerry, what are you doing here all of a sudden? Did something happen in Indonesia? Is your mommy okay?" asked Grandma as the mother of Momy Gerry and Clarissa.

Gerry shook his head, "No, Grandma. Gerry just miss Clarissa. Let Gerry come here," he answered.

"I see," said Carolin without the slightest suspicion. Unlike Clarissa, the girl knew that her sister was currently lying. You can see from the look in his sad eyes that he is not okay, and that's not the real reason Gerry came here.

"Gerry must be here for a long time right?" Seeing from the backpack that Gerry was carrying was quite large, Clarissa was sure that her guess would be right.

"If there is urgent business, then come back immediately."

"Aren't you going to college, Gerry? It's not like you're in the final grade. What about your script?" Carolin picked up a few questions.

"Grandma, calm down. God willing, I will graduate this year. My thesis is almost finished. After that, take a semester and pass," replied Gerry, holding his grandmother's hand.

"Good then. Grandma wants to cook first. You must be hungry right?" Carolin let go of Gerry's hand and walked away.

"Grandma, I'll follow you to the kitchen," shouted Clarissa.

It has become her daily routine to help her grandmother with various household chores including cooking. Considering there were only two of them in the apartment. before Clarissa moved here, her grandmother lived alone in this luxurious apartment. there is already a cleaning service that will clean the apartment, but Carolin has never used his services because she thinks she is still strong enough to just clean the apartment.

Carolin only has two children. His first child had died when he was seven years old due to dengue fever. Meanwhile, her second child lives with her husband in Jakarta, namely the mother of Clarissa and Gerry.

Carolin is a native of Indonesia and then she married her husband who is from Singapore, so she also lives in this lion country, but her husband has been snatched to death since a few years ago. Carolin was offered by her son to return to Indonesia and live there. However, Carolin didn't want to leave this apartment and country full of memories, so she insisted on staying in Singapore.

Since childhood, Clarissa has lived here with her grandmother, but when she was in high school, Clarissa had moved to Indonesia under pressure from her father. But Clarissa only lasted 3 years there and she decided to return to Singapore and continue her education in that country.

"Bro, be honest with me. Isn't that the only reason you came from Indonesia here, right?" asked Clarissa with a serious expression.

"You know a lot." Gerry avoided his sister's sharp gaze.

"Honest with me. You came here because of Daddy right?" Clarissa said again.

Gerry was silent, it was useless for him to lie to Clarissa, his sister is now an adult even though her stature is still short. He could already tell what was real and what was fake.

Finally, Gerry nodded, "I came here because I couldn't stand being at home. In fact, Mamy doesn't even know that I'm here," he answered.