14. About Mr. Johan

Clarissa and Billy walked into the lobby, they both rushed to work until they forgot to eat breakfast.

"Hi, welcome Clarissa and Billy," said a woman.

Billy narrowed his eyes slightly as if remembering something, "Virly?" said Billy, pointing at the woman.

"Billy, isn't it?" the woman asked again.

"Yeah, I'm Billy. Gosh, it turns out to work here too," replied Billy, they both looked very enthusiastic. While Clarissa just silently watched the two.

"Yes, I used to be Mr. Johan's secretary because my older brother was also Mr. Anggara's secretary, so I have been very trusted. Then when Mr. Johan was ordered to move here, I was the only employee from Indonesia who was invited here by Mr. Johan," explained the woman named Virly.

Clarissa smiled bitterly in her heart as she said, "Oh, apparently that guy is still a Playboy. He must have been very close to this woman to be invited to Singapore. Indeed, if you are already a playboy, in the beginning, you will always be a playboy," Clarissa said in her heart.

"I never thought before, we haven't seen each other in years, but it turns out that we are met here," said Billy.

"I'm also very happy that I got to meet you here. In the past, when you and your family moved to Singapore, to be honest, I was very sad, I was determined that one day I want to go here to follow you, it turns out that what I hope for can come true now, "said Virly.

Hearing their conversation, it was certain that Billy and Virly were very close or maybe friends since childhood, Clarissa thought.

"How sweet of you, Vir," Billy smiled sweetly.

"I'm serious, Billy. But I swear to anything, I miss you, Billy," said Virly. Without another word, Virly rushed into Billy's arms, he hugged the young man very tightly as if he wanted to finish all his longing.

"Ah, yes, Vir," Billy seemed to feel uncomfortable being hugged like that by Virly, especially when he glanced several times at the girl standing next to him. Billy felt bad for Clarissa, Billy was afraid that Clarissa would be mad at him for cuddling with Virly. Billy hastily released Virly's arms.

"Oh, sorry. This is because of my deep longing for you, so I reflexively," Virly looked awkward after hugging Billy. Virly could see that Billy seemed uncomfortable with the girl beside him. Virly thought that the girl must have a special relationship with Billy.

"Yeah, that's fine," Clarissa replied.

"Okay, you're an apprentice here, right? Mr. Johan said you were assigned to be my assistant," said Virly.

"Well, it's good like that. So I don't have to work much," Billy smiled again.

"Then where is my friend assigned to?" asked Billy.

"What's her name?" Virly asked Clarissa.

"Introducing, I'm Clarissa, Ma'am," Clarissa answered.

"Don't call me by that name. Just call Virly," said Virly.

"Ah, yes, Virly," Clarissa smiled back.

"Mr. Johan said that you were assigned to be Mr. Johan's assistant," explained Virly.

Clarissa almost jumped in surprise at that. How is this, why does that bastard seem to want to make him even more tormented being here?

Clarissa shook her head quickly, "No, I don't want to," Clarissa refused.

Virly frowned slightly, "Why don't you want to? You are lucky, if you become Mr. Johan's assistant, later you can be like me who immediately becomes his trust, the main thing is that if you have become Mr. Johan's trust, your life will be comfortable and prosperous, "explained Virly.

"Yeah, maybe that's what you think. But look at me I don't want to," Clarissa insisted on refusing.

"Is it possible if, for example, Clarissa and I swap positions? I am Mr. Johan's assistant and Clarissa is your assistant. How's it going, Vir?" asked Billy, he offered himself because he saw the expression on Clarissa's face which seemed like she didn't want to be Mr. Johan's assistant.

"Sorry, Billy. If the problem is beyond my control. Clarissa has been directly chosen by Mr. Johan himself, so no one can change that decision. Unless Clarissa wants to, she has to ask Mr. Johan to change his decision," explained Virly.

"How about it, Riss? If you don't like it, let me help you talk to Mr. Johan," Billy offered to help again.

Seeing Billy's behavior that was so attentive to Clarissa, Virly knew that Billy had feelings for the girl. But why did he feel like he was not willing? After years he had not met Billy – his first love. And now when all those hopes came true, it turned out that Billy already had another woman beside him. It made Virly feel hurt. After all, he was nothing Billy.

After thinking for a while, Clarissa finally decided to meet Johan herself. Clarissa will make Johan regret his decision, Clarissa will also immediately bump into that jerk.

"No need, Billy. Let me alone will meet Mr. Johan, "said Clarissa.

"Are you serious, Ris? Or do you want me to take it?" asked Billy again, he was worried about Clarissa, especially since he hadn't had time to ask about his relationship with Mr. Johan because he still didn't feel well.

"No need because I will do it myself. I can confirm that he will change his mind," Clarissa said with absolute certainty, her eyes full of anger that was about to explode.

Clarissa immediately went to Johan's room, it made Virly feel a little suspicious.

"Vir, you have been Mr. Johan's assistant for a long time since you came from Indonesia, right?" Billy asked after Clarissa had left.

"Yes, why?" Virly asked back.

"I want to ask. Does Mr. Johan already have a wife or girlfriend?" ask Billy

"I know that Mr. Johan already has a wife, his name is Mrs. Nindy and he even has a child too, his name is Evans, his son is very handsome like Mr. Johan, funny and adorable. His wife and children are also here," replied Virly.

"What? His son and wife are here too?" Billy confirmed.

Virly nodded, "Yes, Bill. His wife and children also live here. According to the information I know, Mr. Johan and his wife have been dating since high school seniors and they got married when they were in their first semester of college," explained Virly.

Billy nodded, "That means Mr. Johan and his wife have been dating for a long time and they love each other. Then what does that have to do with Clarissa?" Billy was still wondering.

"Why, Bill?" Virly asked.

"Ah, it's okay, I'm just curious about Mr. Johan's background, I think that Mr. Johan is still single," Billy replied lying.

"Yes, it is true. If people who see Mr. Johan for the first time will think like that because Mr. Johan is still young and handsome. Eh, but if I'm not mistaken, his age is still the same as us, "explained Virly.

"Is that true? Is it true that he is the same age as us?" Billy was a little surprised.

"Yes, that's right. But he has been very successful and it seems that Mr. Johan did choose to marry young, I also don't know the details because I worked with Mr. Johan when he was already leading a company in Indonesia with his father, "said Virly with a shrug. He didn't know how Johan's life was in his past. That was the only information he knew more or less about Johan.