15. My Exlove's son

The girl in red walked over with emotion, her hands were clenched into perfect fists. His breath heaved up and down holding back all the feelings churning in his heart. He will ask for justice as a subordinate to his superiors for decisions that harm him.

With courage, Clarissa walked to Johan's room. He wanted to immediately meet the man to ask him to change his decision. Clarissa didn't think much of it then, she didn't care about what would happen next, all she was thinking about at that moment was how to let out all the anger that was burning in her veins.

Without further ado Clarissa entered Johan's room, she opened the door to Johan's room very rudely. To the extent that Johan was shocked because he did not expect the arrival of a special guest today.

"Clarissa," Johan mumbled. He, who was sitting at the time, stood up as soon as he saw Clarissa enter.

The girl stared blankly at Johan as if she wanted to swallow the boy whole.

"Johan Anggara!" Clarissa shouted, banging on the desk in front of Johan.

"You don't…" Clarissa had opened her mouth wide by raising her index finger before a small child suddenly called out to her from behind the sofa.

"Auntie," called the child.

Clarissa and Johan immediately turned their heads at the same time. Clarissa didn't know that Evans was in the room. Clarissa didn't even notice that the television in the room was on because someone was watching it.

"Evans knows this Aunt?" asked Johan, he was quite surprised because his son seemed to have known Clarissa before.

Evans nodded, "Yes, Daddy. I know that Aunt," Evans replied in a childlike tone that was very adorable.

"Where do you know this Aunt?" asked John again.

"Yesterday, I met that aunt at the mall. When I went shopping with Mammy," Evans explained.

Johan nodded as he looked back at the girl in front of him. "It turns out that Clarissa has met Nindy too," said Johan in his heart.

While Clarissa was trying hard to hold back her emotions, she took several deep breaths and then slowly exhaled to calm her down. Clarissa could have continued her actions to get angry and cursed at Johan. But she could still think straight, in that room was Evans. The child must not listen to a quarrel that he should not hear. Evans was a kid, listening to fights would only frighten the boy and his mental health could be compromised. Clarissa couldn't allow an innocent child to suffer the consequences of her father's mistakes, so Clarissa preferred to delay her anger.

"Hey, Evan," said Clarissa, forcing herself to smile at the boy.

"Hi, Auntie," Evans greeted her as he ran over to Clarissa.

"Evans, what are you doing here?" Clarissa asked pleasantly, stroking Evans' hair gently.

"Yeah, I was told to come here by My Mom," Evans replied.

"I see," Clarissa was still smiling for Evans.

"Yes, Auntie. Why can Auntie also be here?" he asked back.

"Yes, because I work here," Clarissa replied.

"Auntie plays with me, come on, Auntie doesn't need to work. Come on, come with me to play here," said Evans, his little hand pulling Clarissa to come with him.

Seeing this, Johan smiled with satisfaction, "You see that, even a small child already knows who his future mother is," Johan whispered. Of course, he was very happy to see Evans immediately close to Clarissa. Usually, Evans is quite difficult to adapt to new people. But this time it was different.

Johan was already like a mountain of gold because Evans seemed to like Clarissa, especially thanks to Evans, Clarissa didn't get angry with him.

"Our business isn't done yet," Clarissa threatened, she raised her clenched fist towards Johan as a sign that she was still holding on to her anger.

"Here, Auntie. Play with me," said Evans.

Clarissa couldn't refuse even though she wanted so badly because she couldn't bear to see Evans's adorable face. He finally complied and sat down with Evans who was already holding some toys.

"I have a car called Bubu's car," Evans said, lifting his cars.

"This is Auntie's, her name is Baba," Clarissa replied. Evans suddenly burst out laughing when he heard Baba's name.

"The names are Baba and Bubu, Auntie?" Evans asked with a chuckle.

"What? Baba and Bubu? How do you know that name?" Clarissa also laughed at what Evans said.

Likewise, Johan was also very happy to see Evans and Clarissa laughing together like that.

"Daddy, come play with us, there's a car called Bubu and a car called Baba," Evans shouted, laughing again.

"Okay, darling. Daddy will be there," said Johan.

When she saw Evans laugh like that Clarissa fell in love with the boy even more. His face is cute, especially when he laughs with a few missing middle teeth. Clarissa even remembered someone.

"Why do I feel that this Evans looks a lot like someone especially when he laughs like that. But who?" Clarissa wondered. He kept thinking while remembering one by one the person he meant. But he couldn't find any that matched.

Not even Johan, even though the man was his father. But Clarissa felt that Evans didn't look like Johan at all.

"Where's the toy for Daddy?" Johan asked as he sat down beside Clarissa and Evans.

"Here, this Daddy," Evans handed his dad another toy.

"Okay, honey."

"I'm not wrong, Evans is not like Johan. Instead, I feel that Evans is similar to other people. But who?" Clarissa asked herself as she continued to look at Evans and Johan alternately.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked John. He had been watching Clarissa's every move.

"Don't be too confident," Clarissa replied curtly without even looking at Johan.

Instead of being angry, Johann smiled, this was like a new challenge for him to conquer Clarissa's heart again.

"You already know, if you are assigned to be my assistant?" asked Johan changing the subject.

"That's precisely why I came here. I don't want to be your assistant," Clarissa answered firmly but quietly for fear that Evans would overhear their conversation.

"What did Auntie say earlier?" asked Evans.

"Oh, no, Evans. I didn't say anything. Let's play a song again, your toy fell," Clarissa stuttered slightly in response to Evans' question, but luckily she was able to distract the boy again. So he wants to come back to play.