16. Our Talk

"Evans, Daddy wants to ask, Evans likes or doesn't like playing with Aunt Rissa?" asked Johan with a very hard to predict facial expression.

Clarissa had a bad feeling when Johan asked her son that question. He glared slightly at the man.

Evans nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, I enjoyed playing with Aunt Rissa," Evans replied.

"Does that mean Evans wants to continue playing with Aunt Rissa?" asked John again. He deliberately provoked his son.

"Yes, I want to continue playing with Aunt Rissa," Evans replied.

"Well, then from that. You have to be my assistant so you can invite Evans to play," said Johan with a sly smile.

Clarissa was wide-eyed, Johan seemed to have deliberately cornered her like this.

"I'm here for an internship and my college major is Business Management, not a babysitter," Clarissa said with a fierce face.

"Evans. How about this, Aunt Rissa doesn't want to play with Evans anymore. She said Aunt Rissa came here to work, not to play with Evans," Johan deliberately complained about this to his son. Suddenly the boy burst into tears as he rushed into Clarissa's arms.

"Why don't you want to play with me anymore?" asked Evans with tears in his eyes.

"Evans. Do not Cry, honey. That's not true, I want to play with Evans, don't listen to your father's words, because your Daddy likes to lie," Clarissa replied, she hugged Evans warmly back.

For some reason, it felt like he already felt very close to the child even though this was only their second meeting.

"Aunt Rissa isn't lying, is she? Aunt Rissa promised to play with me again," Evans touched Clarissa's pinky as a form of agreement.

Clarissa took another deep breath, her chest tight if she had to keep pretending like this. But it can't be helped, Evans doesn't understand anything yet.

"Yes, Dear. Aunt Rissa promises," Clarissa said.

"It should have been like that from the start, don't make Evans cry," said Johan with a triumphant face.

"Yes, Evans. Daddy was just joking, Aunt Rissa would want to accompany you to play. So you don't cry anymore," continued Johan.

"Auntie, please sing me a song. I'm sleepy and want to sleep," Evans said after the crying had stopped. He seemed so comfortable being in Clarissa's arms like that that he fell asleep.

"What? Sing?" Clarissa is a little confused

"What? Sing?" Clarissa was a little confused because she hadn't played sound in a long time.

Singing only made him think back to the figure of the man. In the past, she used to sing with him very often. Because they both love music. And now he is asked to sing again by his ex's son, even the person is beside him.

"Come on, Riss. We sing, we haven't sang together in a long time," said Johan. It's not that he doesn't remember those times, he's the one who misses those good times the most. This is a good opportunity for him because he can sing again accompanied by the woman he has longed for.

"Little Star …

In the blue sky…

So many, decorating the sky…"

Johan started to speak hoping that Clarissa would also follow him after the start.

But Clarissa was still silent, she didn't want to sing the song with the boy at all.

"I want to fly and dance

Far high to where you are…"

Until the song was over, Clarissa was still silent and didn't want to open her voice.

"Rias, why are you just keeping quiet?" asked Johan in a slightly high-pitched voice.

"Hush, don't be loud. Evans is asleep," Clarissa replied in a half-whisper.

"Evans, you fell asleep so fast on your mother-to-be's lap. Surely you feel very comfortable sleeping there, just like Daddy who also felt that way before. Daddy feels very comfortable whenever he is near Aunt Rissa. But, that good time has passed. Now Daddy has to fight again to get Aunt Rissa so Daddy can get that comfort again, a comfort that Daddy could never get from your mother," Johan said quietly in his heart.

Without wasting any more time, Clarissa immediately put Evans to sleep on the sofa that was there. He wanted to immediately finish all his business with Johan. Even though he had promised Evans to keep playing with him. But, that doesn't mean Clarissa will just go along with being Johan's assistant.

"Our talk is not finished. I want to talk to you, follow me," Clarissa said as she left. Johan just agreed, after all, this could be an opportunity for him to be alone with Clarissa.

At that time Nindy was doing treatment at the salon, the woman did not want to take Evans with her. Therefore, Evans was entrusted with Johan today until he returned. Besides, Nindy still doesn't have any motherly nature at all, she often gets angry with Evans instead of asking him to play. That's why Evans seems to be looking for other comforts.

"You want to talk one-on-one, right? Just stay here," Johan pulled Clarissa's hand into a room where company files were stored. There is no CCTV so it's safe for them to talk about anything. Clarissa did not refuse because this time there was so much she wanted to say to this one creature.

"So what do you want to talk about?" asked John.

"Please, stop making small talk with me. I swear, I'm so fed up with all your behavior. Remember this, now we are only subordinates to superiors, nothing more than that. If it weren't for Evans, I would have killed you long ago," Clarissa said furiously.

Johan didn't answer he just smiled so sweetly.

"Don't smile," Clarissa snapped.

"Can't even smile?" asked John.

"No, because I haven't finished talking yet. I want you to ask me to change all your decisions because I don't want to be your assistant, let alone be a babysitter for your child. I love coming here for an internship and to study business," Clarissa said.

"Didn't you promise Evans earlier? That means you will remember your promise to him," Johan deliberately cornered Clarissa.