18. First Kiss

"Wait for me in the cafeteria, I promise when my work is done, I will immediately follow you," said Billy, looking into Clarissa's eyes with affection.

Virly didn't like to see him anymore, he had just met Billy again after many years. But, once he and Billy loved each other, their relationship was very close. It's like, he still hasn't finished expressing all his longing, but instead, all he gets is jealousy and hurt.

"Billy, come on," said Virly, grabbing Billy's empty hand.

"Yes, Bill. Go, you have to work," Clarissa said as she let go of Billy's hand. He also had time to see Virly holding Billy's hand. Clarissa thought maybe Virly and Billy used to be close, so she knew where he was. After all, so far Clarissa only thought of Billy as her best friend, nothing more.

Clarissa walked quickly away from Billy and Virly without looking back.

Billy was finally forced to follow Virly into his room. They both had time to pass by Johan who was still standing in front of the room earlier.

"Mr. Johan," said Virly while nodding respectfully as he passed Johan.

"Hi, Vir," replied Johan. His gaze focused on Virly who was still holding Billy's hand.

Virly hastily let go of his hand because he felt bad for his boss. Likewise, Billy, the man had wanted to let go of Virly's hand, which was so lightly holding his hand.

"He's the apprentice, right?" asked John with a friendly smile. Yet in his heart, he was still irritated at the man now standing in front of him for daring to get close to Clarissa.

"Yes, Mr. John," replied Virly.

Billy looked at Johan with a questioning look, he felt that something was wrong with his boss. Billy just remembered that last time Clarissa said she wanted to see Johan ask him to change his decision so that Clarissa wouldn't be made Johan's assistant. Then after that, Clarissa suddenly came out in tears like before.

"What's your name? Sorry, I forgot," Johan asked pleasantly.

"I'm sure, Clarissa must be crying because of this guy. I have to find out what the real relationship is between Clarissa and him. You see, even though we're my boss, but if you dare to make Clarissa cry, I'll be the one to repay you. I, who have been close to Clarissa for years, have never made her cry, while you who have just appeared in Clarissa's life have made her cry twice," Billy grumbled in his heart. He continued to look at Johan's face with a cynical look.

"Hello, why am I being ignored?" said John.

"Billy," Virly touched Billy's hand to pay off his reverie.

"Uh, yeah," Billy replied, a little nervously.

"That's what you were asked by Mr. John," replied Virly.

"Uh, sorry, what are you asking?" Billy smirked slightly, scratching his head. He didn't hear what John was asking.

"Vir, tell him to drink lots of mineral water so he can focus and not daydream too much," said Johan with a cynical smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Serena passed.

But a few steps later, Johan stopped and looked back. "What was his name?" he asked.

"Billy, sir," Virly replied.

"Oh, yes. Billy, you have to remember, don't daydream too much, you'll think you're crazy," Johan cocked an eyebrow. Then he resumed his walk without the slightest sense of guilt.

Meanwhile, Billy added that he did not like Johan's attitude. However, he was a little offended by Johan's words just now. He just found out that his boss was arrogant, did not know manners, and liked to talk nonsense.

"Billy, are you all right?" Virly asked, he could see the significant change in Billy's face.

"He's that kind of person, likes to joke," continued Virly.

"No problem, I'm fine. Let's go to work," said Billy.

They both immediately continued their steps towards Virly's room.


While Clarissa sat alone in the canteen in the office building. She took several deep breaths, feeling very tired from all this. Clarissa couldn't understand why Johan had not changed, even though he was already a leader of a large company but his attitude was still childish.

Clarissa touched her lips several times, she could still feel the traces of Johan's kiss earlier. Clarissa had indeed forgotten how Johan's kiss felt because she had not felt it for so long. But Johan had stolen his kiss twice since he met the man again. And the kiss was so imprinted on Clarissa's lips. Resurrecting all the memories she had buried deep about Johan's kiss.

Clarissa remembered her first kiss with Johan, it happened even before they were dating or in the sense that they were still in the PDKT period.

At that time Clarissa was in the UKS because she had not been feeling well since leaving school. Then Johan deliberately skipped class just because he wanted to accompany him to the UKS.

Coincidentally, there were only the two of them because on that day none of the students were sick apart from Clarissa.

"Johan, why are you here?" Clarissa asked as soon as she saw Johan enter the infirmary and lock the door from the inside.

"I want to accompany you," said Johan casually.

"But you'll be punished later, Johan," Clarissa prevented.

"Let it go, the punishment has become daily food for me. So it's normal," said Johan, he always makes things easy. Johan was already known as a naughty student at the school even though they were still in the tenth grade.

"As you wish," Clarissa said nonchalantly.

Then Johan sat right beside Clarissa's bed, even though the bed was small but Johan still insisted on sitting there.

"Slide, Ris," said Johan.

"Gosh, this is a narrow bed you know, Johan!" in annoyance Clarissa was forced to shift a little.

"Slide again, my ass doesn't fit," said Johan, he forcibly shifted Clarissa's body who was lying on the bed.

That's when Johan looked closely at Clarissa's face, he just realized that it turns out that Clarissa is indeed very beautiful if you look closely.

Johan couldn't hold himself back anymore, he slowly brought his face closer to Clarissa's. While Clarissa could only be here with a myriad of nervousness that overcame her.

Then Johan put his lips on Clarissa's lips, he pressed Clarissa's lips, at first Johan played gently but over time he became more and more aroused. Johan climbed onto Clarissa's body so he could kiss her freely.

Johan's kiss was getting fiercer, his hands were already groping at the breasts that were sticking out under Clarissa's uniform. Johan squeezed it slowly without breaking the kiss from Clarissa's lips.