19. My Ex And His Wife

"Clarissa!" call someone from behind. The call managed to break all of Clarissa's daydreams who were traveling to the past.

Even though Clarissa was a little shocked when she heard her name being called, but she was grateful that it could make her not remember that jerk for long.

Clarissa turned her head, she smiled sweetly when she knew who was calling her. "Hi, Billy," Clarissa replied, waving her hand.

Billy immediately ran to the girl who was sitting alone in the cafeteria, he felt a little relieved because Clarissa was no longer crying like before.

"Rissa, are you okay?" Billy asked as he sat down across from Clarissa.

"The habit of you calling my name will never be complete," Clarissa said with a bit of a groan.

Billy burst out laughing, so happy to see Clarissa was able to get angry again. That means he is already much better than before.

"Why are you even laughing?" Clarissa asked, glaring in disgust.

"If you can be angry like this, it means you're not sad anymore," Billy replied, then he ruffled Clarissa's blonde hair.

"Ugh, Billy," Clarissa clapped her best friend's hand a little. Instead of feeling guilty, Billy was even more eager to tease Clarissa so that she could laugh again.

"Eh, why are you working so fast?" Clarissa asked.

"Yeah, I'm using superpowers," Billy joked.

"I seriously know. You're not being taken seriously."

"Oh, so you want a serious answer from me. Okay, I'll answer it. I want to quickly finish all my work because I've been thinking about you ever since, I'm worried about you, Ris," Billy replied with a very serious face while gently caressing Clarissa's cheek.

Billy's eyes stared deep into Clarissa's clear and beautiful eyes. The two of them stared at each other for a moment, before Clarissa finally let go of Billy's hand from her cheek and looked away. It made Billy feel a little sad, even though he was serious about what he just said.

"Don't seduce me," Clarissa said with a laugh to just melt the atmosphere that suddenly felt frozen. Because Clarissa was feeling so nervous she hastily drank the drink in front of her to calm her feelings.

It wasn't really that Clarissa didn't feel the vibrations of Billy's feelings.

From every act of Billy so far, Clarissa could already feel that Billy had feelings for her. But again, Clarissa still has deep trauma, not to mention Clarissa's feelings that still feel weak, it feels like she hasn't been able to open her heart to anyone, the person from her past that she wants to forget has come back again. Makes her heart feel more complicated and heavy to open her heart to other men.

"Yeah, I'm a womanizer," said Billy a little curtly. In his heart he was so excited for Clarissa, why didn't the girl also give him the green light. Even though he had given Clarissa the code many times so he could see the girl's response.

"Ris, why don't you ever seem to give me a little code so I can know how you feel. At least give me a hint," Billy grumbled in his heart.

The guy didn't dare to say his feelings that he had been hiding for Clarissa for so long, but he just still felt nervous and wasn't sure if Clarissa had the same feelings for him. You could say, the handsome guy was not ready to accept rejection. So he prefers to take more intense approaches first, then at the right time Billy will immediately confess his feelings.

"Aren't you going to order a drink?" Clarissa asked changing the subject. "The drinks here are delicious," he continued.

"No, I don't want to drink here. How about we go to Josh Brother's café?" asked Billy.

Clarissa frowned slightly, "Where is it? After all, have you finished all your work?" Clarissa asked again.

"Don't worry, I've already done everything. The cafe is close to here, about 10 minutes also get there. Come on, I want to get some conscious air at the same time I want to interrogate you," Billy replied as he pulled Clarissa's hand so that she could get up.

Inevitably, the girl finally followed Billy's invitation because the boy had pulled her hand first.

"Later, if Virly looks for you, how?" asked Clarissa who was already walking behind Billy.

"So what if Virly is looking for me? Are you jealous?" Unfortunately, Billy deliberately teased her to make Clarissa uncomfortable.

"Ugh, who's jealous too? No, I mean, I'm afraid Virly is looking for you to work," Clarissa explained while pinching Billy's stomach playfully.

"Ow, it hurts Rissa," Billy moaned.

"Ow, it hurts Rissa," Billy moaned. "Don't worry, Virly is nice to me. He must have obeyed everything I said," he continued. A sly smile tugged at Billy's lips

"Well, it turns out that all men are the same, Playboy," said Clarissa as she pushed Billy's hand away. He then walked quickly ahead of the man.

"Hey, Clarissa. Why are you getting angry, you just have to say that you are jealous of me, right?" shouted Billy who immediately chased the girl in front of him with a little running.

Even though it's in a foreign country and there must be a lot of foreigners passing by. But Billy still enjoys shouting like that, moreover, he feels very confident in using Indonesian because no one will understand what he is saying other than Clarissa.

When she reached the lobby, Clarissa's steps stopped. His gaze straight ahead noticed a man and a woman who were talking in front of the lobby. Clarissa didn't budge, she watched it almost unblinkingly.

"Rissa, why did you stop?" asked Billy who had just caught up with Clarissa.

But the girl didn't budge at all, let alone answer Billy's question, and didn't even lookup. His gaze remained straight ahead, at first Billy was confused to see Clarissa. He looked closely at Clarissa's face, but Clarissa still didn't respond. What Billy saw was that Clarissa's hands were clenched into perfect fists like someone who was holding back anger, her gaze was blank and full of hatred.

Finally, Billy followed Clarissa's gaze, he looked for the focal point of the gaze. But all he saw was Johan chatting with a woman. The rest were just strangers passing by, there was no way Clarissa would look at the people with this look if there wasn't something.

Billy was sure that the focal point of Clarissa's gaze was Johan and also a woman he had never seen before. It also made Billy even more convinced that something had happened between Johan and Clarissa in the past.

Billy's curiosity was getting hotter as soon as he saw Clarissa's expression and the meaning behind her gaze to Johan, he wanted to immediately know the truth behind all of this.