20. Why You Have An Affair?

"Riss, what are you doing?" Billy was still trying to get an answer from Clarissa. But it was useless because the girl remained silent, then suddenly she even shed tears without turning away from Johan and the woman.

Instead of Billy continuing to ask but not getting an answer, he'd better pay attention to the movements of Johan and his interlocutor while eavesdropping, just in case he can get additional information.

In their current position, they could see Johan and his woman talking, while from the standing position Johan couldn't see Clarissa and Billy at all because they were blocked by a wall.

At that time, Johan was talking to Nindy – his wife who had just returned from the salon. It seemed that Johan was very annoyed with Nindy at that time, it was seen from the expression on his face that was red with anger.

"Hey, John. Where's Evans?" Nindy asked pleasantly while playing with her hair that had just been smoothed. It means that Nindy wants to get praise from her husband. But instead of praising, Johan got angry with him.

"Where have you been? When you're in Indonesia or here, your job just goes unnoticed," Johan snapped.

"My wife just came back from the salon instead of being given a compliment or anything, she was scolded," snorted Nindy, she even grumbled because she didn't accept being scolded by Johan.

"Can it or not if you stay at home taking care of the children, don't always be busy taking care of yourself but the children are neglected. You know, when I'm working, I'm not playing or traveling like you. Then what is your duty as a wife? Try babysitting. I do the work, you look after Evans. It's only natural that Evans doesn't feel close to you," Johan snapped at length. He seemed to have been very annoyed with Nindy's unchanging behavior so far.

Even though they have been married for almost three years, during that time Nindy has not been able to become a good wife and mother to Johan and Evans.

How could he turn to Nindy when the woman's behavior alone made him sick and angry every day. For three years living together in a marriage bond, but not the slightest feeling of love grew in Johan's heart. There is Johan always feeling sorry for everything that has happened there is not a day that Johan goes without missing Clarissa. Maybe if it wasn't for Johan who loved Evans – his son, he would have divorced Nindy a long time ago.

"Ugh, why are you so fussy about being a husband. After all, you take care of Evans every day, I'm only asking you to take care of Evans this time. What's hard? Evans is also your son, so you also have a responsibility to take care of him. Indeed, you never loved me, so everything I do is always wrong in your eyes. Maybe if Clarissa became your wife, surely you wouldn't be this rude," said Nindy as he walked away with a slight nudge on Johan's shoulder.

The man grew angry when Nindy mentioned Clarissa's name, "Yeah sure, if it wasn't for you who became my wife, maybe I wouldn't have suffered this much, especially if Clarissa was my wife, maybe I would be the happiest man in the world, ' shouted John. Nindy could still hear everything Johan said, but she chose not to pay any attention to Johan, instead, Nindy quickened her pace.

"Ah, shit," Johan cursed while kicking the wall in front of him. He grabbed his hair then went to calm himself. Really if it wasn't for his mistake with that woman, maybe now he is living happily with the woman he loves. Not even trapped in an unwanted marriage like this.

Billy was so surprised when the woman named Nindy mentioned Clarissa's name, her eyes widened until they looked at Clarissa's face several times. This means that his suspicions have been true all along that Clarissa does have a past with Johan. And the woman named Nindy is Johan's wife, then who is Clarissa?

Especially when Billy heard that Johan seemed to still be hoping to get Clarissa back, his jealous fire was rekindled. That meant he had to be even more careful because he had a tough competitor now. After all, Johan is Clarissa's past regardless of the extent of their relationship.

"Come on, Billy. Let's go," Clarissa said, wiping her tears.

Seeing Johan and Nindy earlier, Clarissa's heartfelt so sore again. Especially when listening to the fights between Johan and Nindy, which are supposed to be husband and wife, discussing children, discussing work and, naturally, this happens between a husband and wife.

There wasn't the slightest bit of joy or even hope for her, but instead, Clarissa felt more pain because she seemed to be a barrier between Johan and Nindy's relationship.

Clarissa believes that Johan and Nidny's relationship may not be as smooth as other couples because there is a shadow of him between them. Surely in every problem, Clarissa's name will always be involved, especially by Nindy.

Although basically, he is not at fault, now Johan's status has become Nindy's husband, which means that Johan belongs to Nindy completely. Now people will think of her as a destroyer of people's households. That's what made Clarissa feel even more hurt.

"Why, John. Why did you even have an affair with Nindy when you love me. If until now you can't forget me, then why did you not think about my feelings at that time. Now it's too late. No matter how you feel about me now, I don't care anymore because it's all useless. Three years have passed. If you think about my feelings before making that mistake, Maybe now I'm still beside you," Clarissa said in her heart.

Her heart was broken at that time, all the regret, the annoyance, the pain, it all came back again. It was as if the memory was repeating itself. Clarissa's tears flowed freely even though she had wiped them many times. Clarissa kept crying all the way.

While Billy remained silent, he didn't even dare to utter a word. Billy knew this wasn't the right time for him to ask Clarissa. After all, he was still busy with his raging thoughts.