21. He Is My Exlove

Clarissa and Billy had arrived at a cafe not far from his office. The two of them chose a seat a little bit in the corner so Clarissa could feel a little calm.

"Ris, first drink the ice americano, so you can get your mood back again," Billy just came with two drinks. It's usually in this cafe customers take their orders.

"Thank you, Billy," Clarissa said as she drank the drink Billy gave her.

Billy looked closely at Clarissa's face, the face that was usually always bright now looked so cloudy like it was covered in thick black clouds. His heart was so touched, he tried to understand Clarissa's feelings, although he didn't know exactly how the real problem was, he knew that Clarissa's heart was not feeling well at that time.

Then the man grabbed Clarissa's hand which was on the table, he stroked it gently while looking at Clarissa's eyes which looked puffy from crying.

"Riss, if you want to tell me anything, anything else. I will always be by your side to be your loyal listener. No matter what, but I will always be there for you," Billy said very gently.

Clarissa stared back at Billy's beady eyes, she could feel the affection from those gazes. Clarissa is happy because she has a friend like Billy who is always there for her. But she still wasn't sure that she could tell her all about her past that Clarissa had always kept hidden from everyone.

"I know, it must be hard for you to tell about the past that you have buried deep. But, in my opinion, instead of tormenting yourself like this, you should share the burden with me. I will definitely try to help you as best I can and I will also protect you from anyone who wants to hurt you, Ris," said Billy, his words were so sincere from the bottom of his heart.

After seeing the seriousness and sincerity of Billy's face, Clarissa thought about making it a story place. However Clarissa needs a shoulder to lean on, she also needs someone to share her story with, she won't be able to bear all this burden alone. Moreover, in Singapore, Clarissa's closest friend is Billy.

Before starting the story Clarissa took a deep breath to convince herself that Billy would be the first to know about her past.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything, Billy. I believe that you are the right person to be the only person who knows about my past, so I beg you not to disappoint me, Billy," Clarissa pleaded.

Billy was very happy to hear Clarissa's story, he nodded enthusiastically, "Sure, Ris. I promise, I won't let you down, I can keep all your secrets," Billy replied.

"Okay, I'll take your word for it, Billy."

"So, what is the relationship between you and Mr. John first?" asked Billy straight to the heart of the question he desperately wanted to know the answer to.

"Johan is my ex," Clarissa answered quietly.

Billy wasn't too surprised because he had already guessed that Clarissa and Johan must have had something in the past.

"Why is your expression so normal? Did you already know about that?" Clarissa asked, apparently she could see the expression on Billy's face which remained relaxed.

"I don't know, it's just that I already thought that you and Mr. Johan must have had past experiences, even though I don't know exactly what your relationship with Mr. Johan in the past is," explained Billy.

"But why do you have such thoughts?" asked Clariss again.

"Hey, Riss. Don't you realize that your attitude towards Mr. Johan is very different from the first time you meet Mr. Johan? The first day you cried, this morning you cried again, and just now you cried again after you saw Mr. Johan chats with other women. That alone is enough to make me think like that," Billy explained with a slight tug on his veins.

"Just say it," snapped Clarissa.

"Yeah… Sorry, your question doesn't make any sense. If Mr. Marco 'your question is not need to answer." Billy chuckled at his voice as he imitated the voice of one of the lecturers on campus.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Clarissa's lips, "You think we're in class," he said.

"This is a special class where to vent. Okay, go on. So you and Mr. Has John ever been in a relationship? When? And how long?" asked Billy, picking up several questions at once.

Clarissa nodded slowly, her face saddened again, "Yes, I've been in a relationship with him since I was in college when I was in Indonesia, maybe I've been dating him for about 3 years," Clarissa explained.

Only this time, Billy was a little surprised that his eyes widened, he didn't think at all that Clarissa was dating Johan for that long.

"What?! Are you serious, Clarissa? You and he make a relationship as long as that?" asked Billy, he still couldn't believe the answer the girl in front of him said.

Clarissa nodded weakly. She and Johan have been in a relationship for that long. Precisely from the second grade of high school until the third semester of college. Just a few months after breaking up Clarissa decided to move back to Singapore.

"I do not believe it. I swear, I didn't expect a woman like Clarissa that I've known all this time, a woman who doesn't want to have a relationship with a man, a woman who always shuts herself up even though many like her, many chase her, many want to be her lover, even if it's a man. -a handsome native man, but she still refuses. It turned out that the woman had dated a man like Mr. Johan," said Billy while shaking his head, his tone seemed to be condescending to Johan when he said his name.

"Hey, what do you mean by your last sentence? It's as if you're saying that my taste is low," Clarissa said.

"It is not like that." Billy dodged.

"So what?" Clarissa asked.

"Forget it, we better move on, then why did you break up with him?" Billy asked back.