92. Help My Mother

"At that time I met this uncle when I was out for a walk with Mammy, but Daddy didn't come with us, I was alone with Mammy," Evans replied with his very adorable voice.

"Oh, so you didn't go there with your father, so just your mother right?" Clarissa confirmed.

"Ah, yes, I just remembered now, I met this child when he was with a woman and it must be his mother. But at that time his father wasn't there. So his mother is your friend, Riss? But why don't I know him, he doesn't seem to know me either?" asked Gerry with great amazement.

Clarissa thought for a moment that it was true that Nindy had never once met Garry. Whereas in the past Gerry had often come to school to pick up Clarissa. But somehow Nindy and Gerry seemed never meant to meet. Until the incident happened, Nindy and Gerry did not have time to meet again.