93. Evans So Smart

"Evans, you see this, first we shake hands like this and then we have a high five like this, the last time we pinch each other's nose like this," Gerry also gave an example of every movement to Evans, not forgetting that Gerry also gave an example of pinching the nose. He pinched Evans' tiny nose playfully but it managed to make the little boy burst out laughing in amusement.

"Uncle pardon, uncle. Don't pinch my nose or my nose won't be sharp anymore," Evans grumbled.

"That's a payback because you can't pronounce uncle's name properly," said Gerry, laughing.

"Earlier he said he had forgiven me, why are you punishing me now? I can't accept it, I have to take revenge on this uncle," Evan was getting ready to attack himself he would pinch his left nose more than what he did earlier. But unfortunately, because of his small body, he did not reach Gerry's nose.